22 research outputs found

    Influence of Vegetation Management on Yield and Quality Surface Runoff

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    Water requirements for the United States will triple by the year 2000 (Water Resources Council, 19689. In Texas and many western states about 75% of the total water used is from ground water and this source in many areas is rapidly being depleted. To meet future demands water will have to come from other sources (Runkles, 1972). A possible source is increased water yield from watersheds. The quantity and quality of this surface runoff is influenced by many factors which include precipitation pattern, vegetation-type, soil-type and land use. If surface runoff from watersheds is to be a potential water source, the impact of these factors on water quality and yield must be evaluated. Forests, grasslands and shrublands cover vast watersheds in Texas and North America. Many watershed studies have been conducted in forested regions, but rangeland areas have received only limited attention, particularly in Texas. The significance of these latter types cannot be overlooked since 40% of the land surface in the United States and 60% of Texas support this type of vegetation. The major use of rangeland is domestic livestock and wildlife production. The impact of this use on water yield and nutrient and sediment loss from watersheds requires investigation. The influence of various grazing systems and intensities must be determined in order to coordinate ranching practices with increased high quality runoff. The effect of brush control on runoff yield and quality has not been thoroughly investigated. The purpose of this study was to determine the influence of vegetation characteristics, grazing systems and precipitation on surface runoff from rangeland on the Edwards Plateau region of Texas. Water yield, organic-N, N03-N, NH4-N, N02-N, total and ortho-P, Ca, Mg, K, pH, conductivity, total and calcium hardness, turbidity and suspended sediment load were quantitively evaluated. Field sampling was conducted on small-gauged watersheds on the Texas A&M Agricultural Research Station at Sonora, Texas. These gauged watersheds, which have been established over the past 13 years by the Agricultural Research Service (ARS), represent a variety of grazing systems ranging from continuous heavy grazing with poor vegetation cover to fourpasture and seven-pasture deferred rotation systems with good cover. In addition several different techniques have been used for woody plant control on the watersheds. The Sonora Research Station, with over 25 years of grazing management research, provides a unique area for study of the effects of grazing management and brush control on surface runoff, nutrient load and sediment yield

    Influence of Vegetation Management on Yield and Quality Surface Runoff

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    Water requirements for the United States will triple by the year 2000 (Water Resources Council, 19689. In Texas and many western states about 75% of the total water used is from ground water and this source in many areas is rapidly being depleted. To meet future demands water will have to come from other sources (Runkles, 1972). A possible source is increased water yield from watersheds. The quantity and quality of this surface runoff is influenced by many factors which include precipitation pattern, vegetation-type, soil-type and land use. If surface runoff from watersheds is to be a potential water source, the impact of these factors on water quality and yield must be evaluated. Forests, grasslands and shrublands cover vast watersheds in Texas and North America. Many watershed studies have been conducted in forested regions, but rangeland areas have received only limited attention, particularly in Texas. The significance of these latter types cannot be overlooked since 40% of the land surface in the United States and 60% of Texas support this type of vegetation. The major use of rangeland is domestic livestock and wildlife production. The impact of this use on water yield and nutrient and sediment loss from watersheds requires investigation. The influence of various grazing systems and intensities must be determined in order to coordinate ranching practices with increased high quality runoff. The effect of brush control on runoff yield and quality has not been thoroughly investigated. The purpose of this study was to determine the influence of vegetation characteristics, grazing systems and precipitation on surface runoff from rangeland on the Edwards Plateau region of Texas. Water yield, organic-N, N03-N, NH4-N, N02-N, total and ortho-P, Ca, Mg, K, pH, conductivity, total and calcium hardness, turbidity and suspended sediment load were quantitively evaluated. Field sampling was conducted on small-gauged watersheds on the Texas A&M Agricultural Research Station at Sonora, Texas. These gauged watersheds, which have been established over the past 13 years by the Agricultural Research Service (ARS), represent a variety of grazing systems ranging from continuous heavy grazing with poor vegetation cover to fourpasture and seven-pasture deferred rotation systems with good cover. In addition several different techniques have been used for woody plant control on the watersheds. The Sonora Research Station, with over 25 years of grazing management research, provides a unique area for study of the effects of grazing management and brush control on surface runoff, nutrient load and sediment yield

    Spatial Patterns of Grass Seedling Recruitment Imply Predation and Facilitation by Harvester Ants

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    Extended drought on the Edwards Plateau, TX, causes high mortality in grass species\u27 populations and their replacement by recruitment from the seeds of survivors. Harvester ant nests may act as refugia for perennial plants during drought, as evidenced by a high survivorship of plants directly adjacent to nests. Because grasses tend to disperse seeds short distances and drought eliminated seed banks, we hypothesized that the spatial pattern of grass seedlings and adults would be clumped at small scales around these refugia. In contrast, nests would be regular at small to moderate scales. We studied the spatial patterns of seedlings, adults, and ant nest locations using a modified Ripley\u27s K-function technique for transect data. Point data were collected along a 1-km transect. Spatially regular patterns were found for nests from 1.0- to 22.0-m scales. We found that two species\u27 seedlings and adults were significantly clumped with ant nests, and two species had significantly regular spatial patterns with nests. Surprisingly, patterns of clumped seedlings occurred up to 30-m scales with nests. Nests appear to affect seedling establishment at multiple scales. These results suggest that nests may facilitate colonization for some grass populations, but regular spatial patterns in other species imply that forager seed harvest may inhibit establishment

    A Unified Framework for Assessment and Application of Ecological Thresholds

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    The goal of this synthesis is to initiate development of a unified framework for threshold assessment that is able to link ecological theory and processes with management knowledge and application. Specific objectives include the investigation of threshold mechanisms, elaboration of threshold components, introduction of threshold categories and trajectories, and presentation of an operational definition of ecological thresholds. A greater understanding of ecological thresholds is essential because they have become a focal point within the state-and-transition framework and their occurrence has critical consequences for land management. Threshold occurrence may be best interpreted as a switch from the dominance of negative feedbacks that maintain ecosystem resilience to the dominance of positive feedbacks that degrade resilience and promote the development of post-threshold states on individual ecological sites. Threshold categories have been identified to serve as ecological benchmarks to describe the extent of threshold progression and increase insight into feedback mechanisms that determine threshold reversibility. Threshold trajectories describe the developmental pathway that post-threshold states may follow once a threshold has been exceeded. These trajectories may produce a continuum of potential post-threshold states, but the majority of them may be organized into four broad states. This framework lends itself to management application by providing an operational definition of thresholds that is based on a probabilistic interpretation. Probabilities associated with 1) the occurrence of triggers that initiate threshold progression, 2) the trajectory of post-threshold states, and 3) threshold reversibility will provide an operational procedure for threshold assessment and application. If thresholds are to play a central role in rangeland ecology and management, then the rangeland profession must accept responsibility for their conceptual development, ecological validity, and managerial effectiveness. The Rangeland Ecology & Management archives are made available by the Society for Range Management and the University of Arizona Libraries. Contact [email protected] for further information.Migrated from OJS platform August 2020Legacy DOIs that must be preserved: 10.2458/azu_jrm_v59i3_brisk