3 research outputs found

    Carcass characteristics of male Desert goats in Elobeid area in North Kordofan State, Sudan

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    Body components and carcass characteristics of the Desert goat, which is an important meat breed in the Sudan, were studied in Elobeid area in North Kordofan State in November 2005. Six males at < 1 and 1 year old (3 in each group) were bought from Elobeid livestock market and slaughtered according to Islamic rituals. There were significant differe-nces (P<0.05) in weights of blood, leg, heart, mesenteric fat and testicles and no significant differences in the percentages of body components on empty body weight basis between the two age groups. Slaughter weight, empty body weight and hot carcass weights were increased significantly (P<0.05) with increasing slaughter age and were heavier at 1 year old. Dressing percentages on live body weight and empty body weight basis were higher at 1 year old with no significant differences between the two age groups and the empty body weights were higher compared to the live body weight. The percentages of total carcass muscles and fat were increased and that of bones were decreased with increasing age. There were no significant differences between the two age groups in ratio of muscle to bone, muscle to fat and whole sale cuts. There were significant (P<0.05) differences between the two age groups in carcass moisture, protein, fat and ash. Longissmus dorsi area was highly significantly (P<0.01) increased with increasing slaughter age. &nbsp

    Garag sheep phenotype and husbandry in Um Hani area in the White Nile State, Sudan

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    Garag sheep phenotype and husbandry were studied in a survey of 295 animals at <1 - >4 years old in Um Hani area in the White Nile State, Sudan. Body weight (BW) and measurements generally increased with age from <1 to 4 years old. The tail was below the hock joint in most animals. The hair was short and rough and the coat colour varied and was mainly white (73.89% in females and 64.44% in males),  black and white (9.49% in females and 17.78% in males) and white and red (5.08% in females and 6.67% in males). The face profile was convex and the animals were polled. There were strong correlations between BW and measurements and different linear regression equations were used to predict BW from heart girth (HG), height at withers (HW) and body length (BL) with no significant differences between measured and predicted BW. Flock size was 80.78 and females formed most of the flocks (88.37%). Lambs were weaned at 4.24 months old. Age at puberty was 6.82 months in males and 7.2 months in females. Age at first service was 8.12 months in males and 7.96 months in females. Gestation period was 154.2 days. Lambing interval was 356.4 days and lambing was from August to September. Lactation period was 124.8 days and average milk yield was 0.37 kg/day. Longevity was higher in females (6.48 years) than males (3.8 years)

    Proximate analysis of fibres of grain sorghum, pearl millet and sesame residues and their fractions in Gadarif State, Sudan

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        Proximate analysis and fibres were determined in different fractions of sorghum stover [Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench.] (Arfaa gadamac variety), sesame straw (Sesamum indicum L.) and millet straw [Pennisetum typhoides (Burm.)] with roots or without roots in Gadarif State, Sudan, in 2007. The plants were divided into upper, middle and lower parts and leaves. There were great variations in the composition of the straws and their fractions and they had low crude protein (CP) and high fibre content. Sorghum stover had the highest CP, ash and nitrogen free extract (NFE) and the lowest crude fibres (CF) and modified acid detergent fibres (MADF) among the crop residues. Millet straw had the lowest ether extract (EE) and NFE and the highest neutral detergent fibres (NDF) and MADF. Crude fibre was not significantly (P>0.05) different in millet and sesame straws. Leaves had the highest CP and lowest fibre content. Crop residues nutritive value declined from the top to the bottom of the  plants.      تم تحديد التحليل التقريبي والألياف المختلفة في الأجزاء المختلفة من تبن الذرة الرفيعة           ( صنف أرفع قدمك) وتبن السمسم وتبن الدخن بجذور او بدون جذور ، ولاية القضارف ، السودان. قسمت النباتات الى أجزاء عليا ، وـوسطى وسفلي وأوراق كاملة. وجدت اختلافات كبيرة في تركيب الأتبان واجزائها وكانت منخفضة البروتين الخام ومرتفعة الألياف. كان لتبن الذرة أعلى البروتين الخام والرماد والجزء الخالي من النتروجين وأقل الألياف الخام والألياف الذائبة في الحامض المعدلة بين أتبان المحاصيل. وكان لتبن الدخن أقل الدهون والجزء الخالي من النتروجين وأعلى الألياف الذائبة في المنظف والألياف الذائبة في الحامض المعدلة. تقاربت الألياف الخام  لتبني الدخن والسمسم ولم تختلف معنويا. الأوراق بها أعلى البروتين الخام وأقل الألياف. انخفضت القيمة الغذائية للأتبان من أعلى إلى أسفل.          &nbsp