41 research outputs found

    Formation and Organization of Activities of Fire Brigades in Cities of Yenisei Province in Second Half of 19<sup>th</sup> — Early 20<sup>th</sup> Centuries

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    The process of formation and organization of the activities of fire brigades in the cities of the Yenisei province in the second half of the 19th — early 20th centuries is studied. The time frame for their creation, funding, as well as the level of training of firefighters, living conditions and service have been specified. It is shown that Krasnoyarsk organized fire fighting, focusing on Moscow and St. Petersburg, and county towns, in turn, followed the example and under the supervision of the provincial city. It is shown that due to the fact that cities arose here as administrative centers, and not as commercial and industrial centers, they were distinguished by such features as low population, the peasant way of life of the bulk of the townspeople, budget deficits, and underdevelopment of the urban economy. It is noted that city governments managed to create permanent fire brigades only by the end of the 19th century. It is alleged that the lack of funding determined their poor technical equipment, low pay and unfavorable working conditions for firefighters. It is emphasized that there was no professional training system in the region, specialists from European Russia traveled to Siberia extremely reluctantly. It is concluded that the First World War significantly exacerbated all existing problems


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    The use of thermodynamic relations and equation of state of Redlich-Kwong, obtaining the approximation of the molar volume dependence on temperature and pressure, ideal gas heat capacity on temperature for the modeling of vapor compression rectified alcohol. Energy analysis scheme alcohol column with a heat pump and its comparison with the standard rectification plant

    The influence of raw materials quality on consumer properties of beer

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    Development of food industry provides for the satisfaction of the Russian population with high-quality food products with high consumer properties. Beer is popular in many countries of the world due to its taste and aroma. Considering beer as a food product, it is advisable to speak not only about its nutritional value, but also about its impact on human health. Beer combines a large number of flavoring and aromatic components that are present in concentrations below or close to the taste threshold. When the concentrations exceed the threshold, the taste and color will differ from the standard; and the standard of beer is the balance between bitterness, acidity, sweetness, alcohol content, concentration of esters and pleasant hop aroma. Therefore, one of the research tasks is intensification of modern production processes associated with the influence of the quality of raw ingredients on consumer properties of beer. The article studies and assesses the quality of drinking water and yeast races used in technological production processes, and one of the research tasks is to determine the content of diacetyl, superior alcohols and esters in the finished beer, affecting the organoleptic and consumer indicators of beer. Physical and chemical and organoleptic indicators of beer were determined by the methods of the current GOST and GOST R. The conducted research confirmed again the dependence of the influence of the quality of raw materials and yeast races on the organoleptic and consumer indicators of high-quality beer


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    The history of the origin and formation of professional commercial education in Siberia isconsidered while taking into account the impact of the capitalist development needs at the beginning of the XXth century. A number of quantitative and qualitative characteristics of professional commercial education in the Siberian region are suggested, with the focus on the regional specificity of its content. Introduction into the scientific use of published and unpublished (archival) sources could verify the existing positions (provisions) in the research literature on the progressiveness of the special commercial education

    Historical experience in dealing with epidemics in the yenisei province in the late XIX - Early XX centuries

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    The article on the materials of the Yenisei province analyzes the model of interaction between the executive authorities, city government and public organizations in the fight against epidemics in the late XIX – early XX centuries. The main directions of anti-epidemic activities in the Yenisei Siberia are characterized, the legal and financial conditions for their implementation are identified, and their effectiveness is assessed. The conclusion is formulated that the state policy in the field of health care, not taking into account the regional peculiarities of Siberia, has created a number of problems in the process of implementing sanitary epidemiological measures. In the conditions of the formation of the state concept of combating epidemics in the second half of the XIX century, the initiative activity of public organizations in the region, supported by city self-government bodies, became the basis for the formation of an anti-epidemic system in the province