125 research outputs found
The effects of adrenalectomy and corticsteroid injection on the fibrinolytic activity of complex heparin compounds in the blood during immobilization
Total non-enzymatic fibrinolytic activity in the blood of rats increased three times in response to stress caused by 30 minute immobilization, and the activity of epinephrine-heparin complex increased nine times. In adrenalectomized animals, which showed a weak response to the same stress, intraperitoneal injection of hydrocortisone 30 minutes prior to immobilization normalized the response. Obtained results indicate that adrenalectomy leads to sharp reduction of heparin complexing with thromogenic proteins and epinephrine, while substitution therapy with hydrocortisone restores anticoagulation system function
Effectiveness of management of innovative activities in regional socio-economic systems
Development of innovative activities in Russia’s economy is determined by its character in regional socio-economic systems, as a basis of national economy. Increased attention to regional management is caused by the fact that various problems and tasks of a certain area cannot be solved at another level. Basic problems of modern management include the development of innovative activities which ought to form favorable conditions for positive dynamics of innovational sphere that influences the competitiveness of the area and, consequently, of economic development. Orienting at the specifics of business activities, regional authorities, while taking into account the level of innovational activity of their area, should form effective tools for managing innovational processes. At present, management of innovational development of regional socio-economic systems requires paying attention to peculiarities and factors of external and internal environment, according to economic, social, and political aspects of development of a territory and country on the whole. The authors offer the indicator “effectiveness of management of innovative activities in regional socio-economic systems” and substantiate its content as a meaningful feature for managing innovative activities of an area, which is formed under the influence of endogenous and exogenous factors. Effectiveness of management of innovative activities in regional socioeconomic systems is determined by tandem usage of two values of “controllability of innovational process in region” and coefficient of effectiveness of management of innovative activities in regional socio-economic systems.peer-reviewe
The role of ACTH and glucocorticoids in nonenzymatic fibrinolysis during immobilization stress in animals
The role of the altered hormonal status of an organism in the activation of the anticoagulative system during stress is investigated. The 30 minute immobilization stress was shown to raise significantly the nonenzymatic fibrinolytic activity of blood in rats. Combined with adrenocorticotropin (ACTH) the effect is still greater. Intravenous administration of 0.2 m1 0.01 percent solution of protamine sulphate prevented the nonenzymatic fibrinolysis induced by the stress. Administration of ACTH after protomine sulphate again raised the fibrinolysis. This suggests that ACTH stimulates the release of heparin
Determinants of prognosis and management of patients with pulmonary hypertension due to left heart disease: a systematic review
Patients with pulmonary hypertension (PH) associated with left heart disease usually have a complex comorbidity status and a postcapillary component of PH. The presence and identification of a combined post-/precapillary PH in a cohort of patients with left heart disease is reflected in the more pronounced structural and functional right ventricular changes due to higher pulmonary vascular resistance. Patients with combined post-/ precapillary PH have reduced exercise tolerance and PH phenotype similar to pulmonary arterial hypertension. Detection of combined PH is critical as it may influence the prognosis and management of patients. This review presents modern prognosis markers for patients with PH due to left heart disease, which can be used in clinical practice. The results of randomized clinical trials and pilot studies on the expansion of treatment options in group 2 patients, including the use of PAH-specific agents, were analyzed. The prospects for the treatment of this cohort of patients are discussed
Ecological and geochemical features of mercury load on the territory of south of Western Siberia
Relevance. The need to study contribution of biogenic factors to migration of elements and response of ecological and geochemical system to natural and technogenic situation, which makes it possible to identify the presence of biogeochemical anomalies. Aim. To determine ecological and geochemical features of mercury load in the south of Western Siberia (Tomsk region, Kemerovo region, Altai Territory) according to research (leaves of aspen (Populus tremula L., family Salicaceae)). Objects. Aspen leaves, widely used to analyze the biogeochemical cycle of chemical elements and their migration in the "soil–plant" system, reflect the elemental composition of growing environment and can act as a biogeoindicator for biogeochemical studies. Methods. Sampling of aspen leaves, drying at room temperature, grinding, atomic absorption analysis of mercury on an RA-915M analyzer with the PIRO-915+ attachment (pyrolysis method). The application program STATISTICA 12 was used to process the data analysis and calculate eco-geochemical indicators: concentration factor, enrichment factor, bioaccumulation factor, concentration clarke. Results. The article presents original data on Hg gross concentration in aspen leaves in Tomsk, Kemerovo regions and Altai Territory. The authors have revealed the features of pollutant accumulation depending on the area of growth, geography and orography of the territory, geochemical features of the study areas, and the influence of anthropogenic factors. Calculations of the main geo-environmental indicators of the mercury load were made. The calculation results indicate that the concentrations are higher than the background, the Clarke of the noosphere, and the average for the dry matter of terrestrial plants. The presence of the element in the form available to plants was revealed in the substrate, as evidenced by the results of calculating the bioaccumulation coefficient. Geographically, Hg accumulation in aspen leaves in the south of Western Siberia is associated with the prevailing wind direction and the impact of anthropogenic sources
Blood fluidity during physical exertion of various types
This paper presents data from the literature and own results on the study of blood fluidity (or rheological properties) when performing physical exercises. It is shown that the rheology of blood depends on the functional state of the haemostasis system. It has been established that in the physiological state of the organism, physical exertion of any strength can lead to changes in the reactions of primary and plasma haemostasis and, accordingly, the rheological properties of blood. The review describes the study of factors related to blood flow in humans and animals before and after physical exercise (running, swimming, etc.) in the normal physiological state of the organism, with overstrain and with certain types of pathology (cardiovascular and metabolic diseases). Data on blood flow in conditions of physical activity restriction are presented. Special attention is paid to the corrective role of physical exercises on the rheology (fluidity) of blood in violation of homeostasis of the organism. Possible mechanisms of action of physical exertion on blood flow are considered
The article presents the possibility of an electromagnetic navigation system during endoscopic endonasal removal of the frontal sinus osteomas, the possibility of intraoperative monitoring of doing surgery, and postoperative analysis.В статье представлены возможности электромагнитной навигационной системы при эндоскопическом эндоназальном удалении остеомы лобной пазухи, возможности интраоперационного контроля ведения оперативного вмешательства, а также анализ послеоперационных данных
Фенотип пациентов с легочной гипертензией вследствие патологии левых отделов сердца: особенности патофизиологии и дифференциальной диагностики
The cohort of patients with postcapillary pulmonary hypertension (PH), associated with the left heart diseases, is the most numerous, but is still not fully understood. This review presents the pathophysiological aspects of the PH group 2 development as well as the influence of comorbid pathology on the course of the PH. The features of the differential diagnosis of post-capillary PH and combined post-/ precapillary PH, as well as methods of the differential diagnosis of these forms of PH with pulmonary arterial hypertension using modern non-invasive and invasive approaches are discussed.Наиболее многочисленной, при этом не до конца изученной остается когорта пациентов с посткапиллярной легочной гипертензией (ЛГ), ассоциированной с заболеваниями левых отделов сердца. В данном обзоре детально представлены патофизиологические аспекты развития ЛГ на фоне патологии левых отделов сердца на примере сердечной недостаточности с низкой/сохранной фракцией выброса, а также описано влияние коморбидной патологии на характер течения ЛГ. Обсуждены особенности дифференциального диагноза посткапиллярной и комбинированной (пост- и прекапиллярной) форм ЛГ, а также подходы к дифференциальному диагнозу данных форм ЛГ с легочной артериальной гипертензией с использованием современных неинвазивных и инвазивных подходов.
Динамика приверженности лечению и качества жизни больных с протезами клапанов сердца при участии в образовательных программах (10 лет наблюдения)
Highlights. Patient education program developed for patients with prosthetic heart valves, which includes information on the anticoagulant therapy, prevention of prosthetic valve endocarditis, and physical and psychological rehabilitation, helps to improve adherence to treatment and quality of life immediately upon completion of training (6 months). The quality of life and adherence to treatment were higher at 10-year follow-up in patients undergoing full course of training, in inpatient and outpatient settings, compared with patients undergoing training in inpatient setting only.Aim. To evaluate the efficacy of the training program for patients with prosthetic heart valves in improving treatment adherence and quality of life at 10-year follow-up.Methods. Patient education program entitled “School for patients with prosthetic heart valves” was developed and implemented at the Research Institute for Complex Issues of Cardiovascular Diseases (Kemerovo) in 2010. The program provides knowledge and training regarding anticoagulant therapy, prevention of prosthetic valve endocarditis, physical and psychological rehabilitation. The training group consisted of 92 patients who completed a full course of training (6 months). The control group included 56 patients who completed training in inpatient setting only. Long-term efficacy of the developed education program was assessed at 10-year follow-up via evaluation of the indicators of adherence to treatment (questionnaire for determining the integral indicator of adherence to treatment (IIAT)) and the quality of life (using Short-Form 36-item questionnaire (SF-36)).Results. Initially, data analysis showed no statistically significant differences between the groups in the quality of life and adherence to treatment. Six months later the IIAT score in the training group (full course of training) was 9.15±1.16, in controls the score was 6.20±1.05 (р = 0.0001). Highest IIAT scores in the training group remained similar (8.10±1.20 points) at 10-year follow-up, in the control group it was lower - 5.19±1.09 (р = 0.0001). After 6 months, physical component summary score increased by 24% over baseline in controls (р = 0.0001) and by 25% in the training group (р = 0.0001). After 6-month follow-up, there was an improvement in the psychological component summary score by 14.5% (р = 0.0001) in the control group and by 42.8% in the training group (р = 0.0001). 10 years after completion of training, physical component and mental component summary scores were higher in patients undergoing full training course - 8.3% (р = 0.0001) and 14.3% (р = 0.0001), respectively.Conclusion. Patient education program “School for patients with prosthetic heart valves” via full course of training increases levels of adherence to treatment and quality of life mainly due to improvement of psychological component summary score in the early period (6 months) and at 10-year follow-up.Основные положения. Обучающая программа для пациентов с протезами клапанов сердца, посвященная основным аспектам режима и контроля антикоагулянтной терапии, профилактики протезного эндокардита, физической и психологической реабилитации, способствует повышению приверженности лечению и качества жизни непосредственно после ее завершения (6 мес.). При полном курсе обучения, включающем стационарный и амбулаторный этапы, через 10 лет наблюдения зарегистрированы более высокие показатели качества жизни и соблюдения рекомендаций лечащего врача, чем при обучении больных только в условиях стационара.Цель. Оценить эффективность обучающей программы для пациентов с протезами клапанов сердца в повышении приверженности лечению и качества жизни через 10 лет наблюдения.Материалы и методы. С 2010 г. в НИИ КПССЗ (Кемерово, Россия) разработана и внедрена обучающая программа «Школа для больных с протезированными клапанами сердца». В программу обучения входят особенности антикоагулянтной терапии, профилактики протезного эндокардита, физической и психологической реабилитации. Основную группу составили 92 пациента, завершивших полный курс обучения, включавший стационарный и амбулаторный этапы. В контрольную группу вошли 56 больных, прошедших обучение только в условиях стационара. Отдаленную эффективность разработанной программы анализировали через 10 лет при сравнении показателей соблюдения врачебных рекомендаций (опросник для определения интегрального показателя приверженности лечению (ИППкЛ)) и качества жизни (опросник SF-36).Результаты. Исходно статистически значимые различия в группах сравнения отсутствовали. Через 6 мес. у пациентов с полным курсом обучения ИППкЛ составил 9,15±1,16 балла, при неполном - 6,20±1,05 балла (р = 0,0001). В основной группе больных через 10 лет наблюдения сохранялось высокое значение ИППкЛ (8,10±1,20 балла), в контрольной группе этот показатель был ниже - 5,19±1,09 (р = 0,0001). Через 6 мес. физический компонент здоровья увеличился на 24% от исходного значения (р = 0,0001) в контрольной группе и на 25% (р = 0,0001) в основной. Через 6 мес. наблюдения выявлено улучшение психологического компонента здоровья на 14,5% (р = 0,0001) в контрольной и на 42,8% в основной (р = 0,0001) группах. Через 10 лет после завершения обучения показатели физического и психологического компонентов здоровья оказались на 8,3% (р = 0,0001) и 14,3% (р = 0,0001) выше при полном курсе обучения.Заключение. Полный курс обучения больных с протезированными клапанами сердца обеспечивает высокий уровень приверженности лечению и качества жизни преимущественно за счет психологического компонента здоровья в ранние сроки (6 мес.) и через 10 лет наблюдения
Hsp90–Sgt1 and Skp1 target human Mis12 complexes to ensure efficient formation of kinetochore–microtubule binding sites
The Hsp90–Sgt1 chaperone and the ubiquitin ligase subunit Skp1 regulate the assembly and turnover of the kinetochore complex Mis12
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