134 research outputs found

    How galaxies lose their angular momentum

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    The processes are investigated by which gas loses its angular momentum during the protogalactic collapse phase, leading to disk galaxies that are too compact with respect to the observations. High-resolution N-body/SPH simulations in a cosmological context are presented including cold gas and dark matter. A halo with quiet merging activity since z~3.8 and with a high spin parameter is analysed that should be an ideal candidate for the formation of an extended galactic disk. We show that the gas and the dark matter have similar specific angular momenta until a merger event occurs at z~2 with a mass ratio of 5:1. All the gas involved in the merger loses a substantial fraction of its specific angular momentum due to tidal torques and falls quickly into the center. Dynamical friction plays a minor role,in contrast to previous claims. In fact, after this event a new extended disk begins to form from gas that was not involved in the 5:1 merger event and that falls in subsequently. We argue that the angular momentum problem of disk galaxy formation is a merger problem: in cold dark matter cosmology substantial mergers with mass ratios of 1:1 to 6:1 are expected to occur in almost all galaxies. We suggest that energetic feedback processes could in principle solve this problem, however only if the heating occurs at the time or shortly before the last substantial merger event. Good candidates for such a coordinated feedback would be a merger-triggered star burst or central black hole heating. If a large fraction of the low angular momentum gas would be ejected as a result of these processes, late-type galaxies could form with a dominant extended disk component, resulting from late infall, a small bulge-to-disk ratio and a low baryon fraction, in agreement with observations.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figures, submitted to MNRAS. Request for high resolution figures to the author

    Tidally Induced Offset Disks in Magellanic Spiral Galaxies

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    Magellanic spiral galaxies are a class of one-armed systems that often exhibit an offset stellar bar, and are rarely found around massive spiral galaxies. Using a set of N-body and hydrodynamic simulations we consider a dwarf-dwarf galaxy interaction as the driving mechanism for the formation of this peculiar class of systems. We investigate here the relation between the dynamical, stellar and gaseous disk center and the bar. In all our simulations the bar center always coincides with the dynamical center, while the stellar disk becomes highly asymmetric during the encounter causing the photometric center of the Magellanic galaxy disk to become mismatched with both the bar and the dynamical center. The disk asymmetries persist for almost 2 Gyrs, the time that it takes for the disk to be re-centered with the bar, and well after the companion has passed. This explains the nature of the offset bar found in many Magellanic-type galaxies, including the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC) and NGC 3906. In particular, these results, once applied to the LMC, suggest that the dynamical center should reside in the bar center instead of the HI center as previously assumed, pointing to a variation in the current estimate of the north component of the LMC proper motion.Comment: 12 pages, 8 figures, corrected for referee comment

    Constraints on dark matter physics from dwarf galaxies through galaxy cluster haloes

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    One of the predictions of the standard CDM is that dark haloes have centrally divergent density profiles. An extensive body of rotation curve observations of dwarf and low surface brightness galaxies shows the dark haloes of those systems to be characterized by soft constant density central cores. Several physical processes have been proposed to produce soft cores in dark haloes, each one with different scaling properties. With the aim of discriminating among them we have examined the rotation curves of dark matter dominated dwarf and low surface brightness galaxies and the inner mass profiles of two clusters of galaxies lacking a central cD galaxy and with evidence of soft cores in the centre. The core radii and central densities of these haloes scale in a well defined manner with the depth of their potential wells, as measured through the maximum circular velocity. As a result of our analysis we identify self-interacting CDM as a viable solution to the core problem, where a non-singular isothermal core is formed in the halo center surrounded by a Navarro, Frenk, & White profile in the outer parts. We show that this particular physical situation predicts core radii in agreement with observations. Furthermore, using the observed scalings, we derive an expression for the minimum cross section (\sigma) which has an explicit dependence with the halo dispersion velocity (v). If m_x is the mass of the dark matter particle: \sigma/m_x ~4 10^-25 (v/100 km s^-1)^-1 cm^2/Gev.Comment: Minor corrections after referee revision, references updated. 11 pages, includes encapsulated figures. Submitted to MNRAS (March 22

    The Fossil Phase in the Life of a Galaxy Group

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    We investigate the origin and evolution of fossil groups in a concordance LCDM cosmological simulation. We consider haloes with masses between (1-5)\times10^{13} \hMsun and study the physical mechanisms that lead to the formation of the large gap in magnitude between the brightest and the second most bright group member, which is typical for these fossil systems. Fossil groups are found to have high dark matter concentrations, which we can relate to their early formation time. The large magnitude-gaps arise after the groups have build up half of their final mass, due to merging of massive group members. We show that the existence of fossil systems is primarily driven by the relatively early infall of massive satellites, and that we do not find a strong environmental dependence for these systems. In addition, we find tentative evidence for fossil group satellites falling in on orbits with typically lower angular momentum, which might lead to a more efficient merger onto the host. We find a population of groups at higher redshifts that go through a ``fossil phase'': a stage where they show a large magnitude-gap, which is terminated by renewed infall from their environment.Comment: 9 pages and 8 figures, submitted to MNRA

    Fossil group origins: VIII RXJ075243.6+455653 a transitionary fossil group

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    It is thought that fossil systems are relics of structure formation in the primitive Universe. They are galaxy aggregations that have assembled their mass at high redshift with few or no subsequent accretion. Observationally these systems are selected by large magnitude gaps between their 1st and 2nd ranked galaxies. Nevertheless, there is still debate over whether or not this observational criterium selects dynamically evolved ancient systems. We have studied the properties of the nearby fossil group RXJ075243.6+455653 in order to understand the mass assembly of this system. Deep spectroscopic observations allow us to construct the galaxy luminosity function (LF) of RXJ075243.6+455653 down to M*+ 6. The analysis of the faint-end of the LF in groups and clusters provides valuable information about the mass assembly of the system. In addition, we have analyzed the nearby large-scale structure around this group. We identified 26 group members within r200=0.9 Mpc. The LF of the group shows a flat faint-end slope ( -1.08 +/- 0.33). This low density of dwarf galaxies is confirmed by the low value of the dwarf-to-giant ratio (DGR = 0.99 +/- 0.49) for this system. Both the lack of dwarf galaxies and the low luminosity of the BGG suggests that RXJ075243.6+455653 still has to accrete mass from its nearby environment. This mass accretion will be achieved because it is the dominant structure of a rich environment formed by several groups of galaxies (15) within 7 Mpc from the group center and with +/- 1000$ km/s. RXJ075243.6+455653 is a group of galaxies that has not yet completed the process of its mass assembly. This new mass accretion will change the fossil state of the group. This group is an example of a galaxy aggregation selected by a large magnitude gap but still in the process of the accretion of its mass (Abridged).Comment: 9 pages, 9 figures, accepted in A&