5 research outputs found

    Integrazione di database spaziali multiscala in ambito urbano

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    An information data infrastructure is one of the key to assure efficiency and sustainability for urban processes management. In this field spatial data management plays a central role with a focus on thematic and geometric integration, multi-scale modelling and flexibility to specific needs. These goals can be achieved through the provision of specific standards and tools for data modelling and information retrieving. The widening of the application fields of GIS to the architectural representations of the cultural heritage documentation and consequently the 3D data management support are two of the major issues for filling the gap between the CAD and GIS and their cultural and productive background. Her will be presented some preliminary issues of a test on spatal data integration in a XML based data structure following the OGC's CityGML specifications. The model implementation will focus on the multiscale and multiview modelling tools of standard as a first stepo for the management of a 3D spatial database through XML based application tool

    Integrazione di database spaziali multiscala in ambito urbano

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    An information data infrastructure is one of the key to assure efficiency and sustainability for urban processes management. In this field spatial data management plays a central role with a focus on thematic and geometric integration, multi-scale modelling and flexibility to specific needs. These goals can be achieved through the provision of specific standards and tools for data modelling and information retrieving. The widening of the application fields of GIS to the architectural representations of the cultural heritage documentation and consequently the 3D data management support are two of the major issues for filling the gap between the CAD and GIS and their cultural and productive background. Her will be presented some preliminary issues of a test on spatal data integration in a XML based data structure following the OGC's CityGML specifications. The model implementation will focus on the multiscale and multiview modelling tools of standard as a first stepo for the management of a 3D spatial database through XML based application tools

    La correlazione di immagini per la generazione di modelli 3D per il patrimonio costruito - Passive optical sensors and related image-matching methods for 3D modelling

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    I modelli dettagliati 3D derivati dalle tecniche di rilievo metrico digitale vengono impiegati con crescente sviluppo in moltissimi campi applicativi, dal rilievo del territorio e delle aree urbane, per i quali sono stati testati e messi a punto processi di elaborazione di dati satellitari o aerei, ai beni paesaggistici strettamente correlati al territorio fino alla sfera dei Beni Cultrali. L’elevato dettaglio ottenibile delle superfici e la loro accuratezza li rende particolarmente stimati per un largo insieme di finalizzazioni. Questo contributo esamina in particolare i cosiddetti sensori passivi e i relativi sistemi di correlazione d’immagine, poiché l’efficacia dei modelli ottenibili, il basso costo e la ricchezza d’informazione offerta, rende questi modelli di importanza strategica nei settori caratterizzati da scarse risorse come quello dei Beni Culturali. Dopo una breve rassegna dei metodi disponibili, è riportato un esame dell’applicazione degli algoritmi di base implementati in due diffusi software; a corredo alcune valutazioni circa le strategie di matching in riferimento alle geometrie di acquisizione, alle tipologie di materiali e finiture superficiali degli oggetti rilevati. Una sezione sperimentale finale descrive alcuni test ed una loro lettura critica per la comparazione di differenti soluzioni da riferire a diversi casi studio. 3D detailed models derived from digital survey techniques has increasingly developed and focused in many field of application, starting from the land and urban areas survey, with remote sensed data, to landscape assets and finally to Cultural Heritage items. The high detailed content and accuracy of such models makes them so attractive and usable for large sets of purposes. The present paper focus on passive sensors techniques and related image matching systems since the profitable results, the low cost nature and the rich content of derivable information are extremely strategic in poor available resources sectors. After a brief review of approachable methods, some comments about the need of accurate cameras calibration and about the best choices of matching strategies related to the configuration of shooting geometry and to the features of shape and materials of surveyed objects are referred. An experimental section provide some critic descriptions of applied tests, purposed to compare different solutions in diverse featured study cases