966 research outputs found
Numerical Renormalization Group for Impurity Quantum Phase Transitions: Structure of Critical Fixed Points
The numerical renormalization group method is used to investigate zero
temperature phase transitions in quantum impurity systems, in particular in the
particle-hole symmetric soft-gap Anderson model. The model displays two stable
phases whose fixed points can be built up of non-interacting single-particle
states. In contrast, the quantum phase transitions turn out to be described by
interacting fixed points, and their excitations cannot be described in terms of
free particles. We show that the structure of the many-body spectrum of these
critical fixed points can be understood using renormalized perturbation theory
close to certain values of the bath exponents which play the role of critical
dimensions. Contact is made with perturbative renormalization group
calculations for the soft-gap Anderson and Kondo models. A complete description
of the quantum critical many-particle spectra is achieved using suitable
marginal operators; technically this can be understood as epsilon-expansion for
full many-body spectra.Comment: 14 pages, 12 figure
Spectral scaling and quantum critical behaviour in the pseudogap Anderson model
The pseudogap Anderson impurity model provides a classic example of an
essentially local quantum phase transition. Here we study its single-particle
dynamics in the vicinity of the symmetric quantum critical point (QCP)
separating generalized Fermi liquid and local moment phases, via the local
moment approach. Both phases are shown to be characterized by a low-energy
scale that vanishes at the QCP; and the universal scaling spectra, on all
energy scales, are obtained analytically. The spectrum precisely at the QCP is
also obtained; its form showing clearly the non-Fermi liquid, interacting
nature of the fixed point.Comment: 7 pages, 2 figure
Multiple-charge transfer and trapping in DNA dimers
We investigate the charge transfer characteristics of one and two excess
charges in a DNA base-pair dimer using a model Hamiltonian approach. The
electron part comprises diagonal and off-diagonal Coulomb matrix elements such
a correlated hopping and the bond-bond interaction, which were recently
calculated by Starikov [E. B. Starikov, Phil. Mag. Lett. {\bf 83}, 699 (2003)]
for different DNA dimers. The electronic degrees of freedom are coupled to an
ohmic or a super-ohmic bath serving as dissipative environment. We employ the
numerical renormalization group method in the nuclear tunneling regime and
compare the results to Marcus theory for the thermal activation regime. For
realistic parameters, the rate that at least one charge is transferred from the
donor to the acceptor in the subspace of two excess electrons significantly
exceeds the rate in the single charge sector. Moreover, the dynamics is
strongly influenced by the Coulomb matrix elements. We find sequential and pair
transfer as well as a regime where both charges remain self-trapped. The
transfer rate reaches its maximum when the difference of the on-site and
inter-site Coulomb matrix element is equal to the reorganization energy which
is the case in a GC-GC dimer. Charge transfer is completely suppressed for two
excess electrons in AT-AT in an ohmic bath and replaced by damped coherent
electron-pair oscillations in a super-ohmic bath. A finite bond-bond
interaction alters the transfer rate: it increases as function of when
the effective Coulomb repulsion exceeds the reorganization energy (inverted
regime) and decreases for smaller Coulomb repulsion
Single-particle dynamics of the Anderson model: a two-self-energy description within the numerical renormalization group approach
Single-particle dynamics of the Anderson impurity model are studied using
both the numerical renormalization group (NRG) method and the local moment
approach (LMA). It is shown that a 'two-self-energy' description of dynamics
inherent to the LMA, as well as a conventional 'single-self-energy'
description, arise within NRG; each yielding correctly the same local
single-particle spectrum. Explicit NRG results are obtained for the broken
symmetry spectral constituents arising in a two-self-energy description, and
the total spectrum. These are also compared to analytical results obtained from
the LMA as implemented in practice. Very good agreement between the two is
found, essentially on all relevant energy scales from the high-energy Hubbard
satellites to the low-energy Kondo resonance.Comment: 12 pages, 6 figure
A spin-dependent local moment approach to the Anderson impurity model
We present an extension of the local moment approach to the Anderson impurity
model with spin-dependent hybridization. By employing the two-self-energy
description, as originally proposed by Logan and co-workers, we applied the
symmetry restoration condition for the case with spin-dependent hybridization.
Self-consistent ground states were determined through variational minimization
of the ground state energy. The results obtained with our spin-dependent local
moment approach applied to a quantum dot system coupled to ferromagnetic leads
are in good agreement with those obtained from previous work using numerical
renormalization group calculations
Generalized Wilson Chain for solving multichannel quantum impurity problems
The Numerical Renormalization Group is used to solve quantum impurity
problems, which describe magnetic impurities in metals, nanodevices, and
correlated materials within DMFT. Here we present a simple generalization of
the Wilson Chain, which improves the scaling of computational cost with the
number of channels/bands, bringing new problems within reach. The method is
applied to calculate the t-matrix of the three-channel Kondo model at T=0,
which shows universal crossovers near non-Fermi liquid critical points. A
non-integrable three-impurity problem with three bands is also studied,
revealing a rich phase diagram and novel screening/overscreening mechanisms.Comment: 5 pages + 5 pages supplementary materia
NRG for the bosonic single-impurity Anderson model: Dynamics
The bosonic single-impurity Anderson model (B-SIAM) is studied to understand
the local dynamics of an atomic quantum dot (AQD) coupled to a Bose-Einstein
condensation (BEC) state, which can be implemented to probe the entanglement
and the decoherence of a macroscopic condensate. Our recent approach of the
numerical renormalization group (NRG) calculation for the B-SIAM revealed a
zero-temperature phase diagram, where a Mott phase with local depletion of
normal particles is separated from a BEC phase with enhanced density of the
condensate. As an extension of the previous work, we present the calculations
of the local dynamical quantities of the B-SIAM which reinforce our
understanding of the physics in the Mott and the BEC phases.Comment: 12 pages, 13 figure
A Local Moment Approach to magnetic impurities in gapless Fermi systems
A local moment approach is developed for the single-particle excitations of a
symmetric Anderson impurity model (AIM), with a soft-gap hybridization
vanishing at the Fermi level with a power law r > 0. Local moments are
introduced explicitly from the outset, and a two-self-energy description is
employed in which the single-particle excitations are coupled dynamically to
low-energy transverse spin fluctuations. The resultant theory is applicable on
all energy scales, and captures both the spin-fluctuation regime of strong
coupling (large-U), as well as the weak coupling regime. While the primary
emphasis is on single particle dynamics, the quantum phase transition between
strong coupling (SC) and (LM) phases can also be addressed directly; for the
spin-fluctuation regime in particular a number of asymptotically exact results
are thereby obtained. Results for both single-particle spectra and SC/LM phase
boundaries are found to agree well with recent numerical renormalization group
(NRG) studies. A number of further testable predictions are made; in
particular, for r < 1/2, spectra characteristic of the SC state are predicted
to exhibit an r-dependent universal scaling form as the SC/LM phase boundary is
approached and the Kondo scale vanishes. Results for the `normal' r = 0 AIM are
moreover recovered smoothly from the limit r -> 0, where the resultant
description of single-particle dynamics includes recovery of Doniach-Sunjic
tails in the Kondo resonance, as well as characteristic low-energy Fermi liquid
behaviour.Comment: 52 pages, 19 figures, submitted to Journal of Physics: Condensed
Magnetic properties of the Anderson model: a local moment approach
We develop a local moment approach to static properties of the symmetric
Anderson model in the presence of a magnetic field, focussing in particular on
the strong coupling Kondo regime. The approach is innately simple and
physically transparent; but is found to give good agreement, for essentially
all field strengths, with exact results for the Wilson ratio, impurity
magnetization, spin susceptibility and related properties.Comment: 7 pages, 3 postscript figues. Latex 2e using the epl.cls Europhysics
Letters macro packag
Anderson impurities in gapless hosts: comparison of renormalization group and local moment approaches
The symmetric Anderson impurity model, with a soft-gap hybridization
vanishing at the Fermi level with power law r > 0, is studied via the numerical
renormalization group (NRG). Detailed comparison is made with predictions
arising from the local moment approach (LMA), a recently developed many-body
theory which is found to provide a remarkably successful description of the
problem. Results for the `normal' (r = 0) impurity model are obtained as a
specific case. Particular emphasis is given both to single-particle excitation
dynamics, and to the transition between the strong coupling (SC) and local
moment (LM) phases of the model. Scaling characteristics and asymptotic
behaviour of the SC/LM phase boundaries are considered. Single-particle spectra
are investigated in some detail, for the SC phase in particular. Here, the
modified spectral functions are found to contain a generalized Kondo resonance
that is ubiquitously pinned at the Fermi level; and which exhibits a
characteristic low-energy Kondo scale that narrows progressively upon approach
to the SC->LM transition, where it vanishes. Universal scaling of the spectra
as the transition is approached thus results. The scaling spectrum
characteristic of the normal Anderson model is recovered as a particular case,
and is captured quantitatively by the LMA. In all cases the r-dependent scaling
spectra are found to possess characteristic low-energy asymptotics, but to be
dominated by generalized Doniach-Sunjic tails, in agreement with LMA
predictions.Comment: 26 pages, 14 figures, submitted for publicatio
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