4 research outputs found

    Peculiarities of Management of Sanitary and Anti-Epidemic (Preventive) Measures during Preparation and Holding the 28th Winter Student Games, 2017 in Almaty

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    Objective was to ensure health and sanitary-epidemiological welfare of the population during XXXVIII World Winter Universiade in the territory of Almaty, within the period of January 30 – February 8, 2017. Materials and methods. Analyzed have been the results of measures, conducted by the specialists of M. Aikimbaev Kazakh Scientific Center of Quarantine and Zoonotic Infections (KSCQZI), in particular the rapid response team, during winter Universiade, 2017. Results and discussion. Due to preventive actions on the provision of sanitary-epidemiological welfare during the preparation and holding of the World Universiade, all the set tasks were accomplished, normative-methodological framework of KSCQZI – amended. Staffing of the rapid response team by the trained specialists and procuring with laboratory equipment facilitated avoidance of emergence and spread of infectious diseases among the guests and residents of Almaty city

    Biological Properties and Molecular Genetic Characteristics of Bacillus Anthracis Strains Isolated During Anthrax Outbreaks in Kazakhstan in 2016

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    Today, anthrax is recorded in many countries around the world, in Kazakhstan – in the form of sporadic cases or small outbreaks. Despite the endemicity of anthrax in Kazakhstan, the genetic diversity strains is not well described. At the moment, MLVA-25, which is sufficient for molecular and epidemiological monitoring, is recognized as one of the most discriminatory methods of genotyping.Objective: to determine the cultural and morphological properties, the genomic characteristics of the strains of the anthrax pathogen, their geographical distribution in the territory of Kazakhstan during the outbreaks in 2016, a comparative analysis with collection strains isolated since 1962.Methods: microbiological, genetic research methods were used in the work.Results. We investigated 11 strains of B. anthracis, which were isolated in 2016 in Kazakhstan. For comparison of genotypes, 26 strains were used from the collection of pathogenic microorganisms of the A.M. Aykimbaev’s Kazakh Scientific Center for Quarantine and Zoonotic Diseases. Phylogenetic analysis clustered 37 strains of B. anthracis into three clusters and 23 genotypes.The results of studying the phenotypic properties of anthrax strains by the main identification tests showed that all the strains studied in the experiment and isolated from 1961 to 2016 had biological properties characteristic of typical of B. anthracis strains.The anthrax strains isolated in 2016 are characterized as significant variability, as well as the circulation of the same genotypes and clusters in different areas of Kazakhstan. MLVA-profiles of analyzed Kazakhstan strains are unique and do not fully coincide with any studied strain from MLVAbank. On the MST-tree, Kazakhstan’s strains are located in three clusters, as on the phylogenetic tree.Conclusion: Molecular genetic analysis of B. anthracis strains enhances the ability of epidemiologists to track the sources and pathways of infection.It is necessary to improve the tracking system for strains of especially dangerous infections in  Kazakhstan using modern molecular genetic methods

    Anthrax in the East Kazakhstan Region

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    Almost every year in Kazakhstan, cases of diseases of animals and people with anthrax are recorded. The incidence rate of people with anthrax in the period from 2000 to 2018 ranged from 0.01 to 0.24 per 100 thousand people. In the territory of the East Kazakhstan region, the incidence rate is higher than in the republic.Objective: a retrospective analysis of anthrax outbreaks in the East Kazakhstan region from 2000 to 2018.Methods: a retrospective analysis using statistical, cadastral data, archival funds, the results of participation in the investigation of outbreaks of infection.Results. Since 1938, cases of animal and human disease of anthrax have been recorded in East Kazakhstan. Infection of humans occurs during the slaughter of animals. In Zharma, Urjar, and Ayagozskiy areas most of all are anthrax foci of soil. In 67 % of cases, outbreaks of anthrax were recorded in these areas.Conclusion. The relative incidence rate of anthrax in people in East Kazakhstan is from 0.07 to 0.27, since 2001 it is higher than the republican indicator.In the East Kazakhstan region from 1997 to 2018, 37 people fell ill with anthrax. The form of the disease is skin, in 8.1 % secondary sepsis. In the remaining patients, the diseases were mild (70.3 %), ended in recovery. The source of human infection is mainly cattle. The isolated strains of B. anthracis have typical properties, they are included in cluster A1a, A3b (MLVA-8). The strains isolated in 2016 are similar to the strains isolated in the Almaty region (MLVA-25). Grouped with a number of European, Asian and African strains from France, Germany, Italy, Tajikistan, Pakistan, Korea and Namibia. The presence of a significant number of soil foci of anthrax in the territory of the East Kazakhstan region, not fully the implementation of veterinary and sanitary preventive measures leads to an exacerbation of the situation for anthrax

    Biology of the Polecat Mustela putorius: a literature review

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