988 research outputs found

    Archetypal analysis of galaxy spectra

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    Archetypal analysis represents each individual member of a set of data vectors as a mixture (a constrained linear combination) of the pure types or archetypes of the data set. The archetypes are themselves required to be mixtures of the data vectors. Archetypal analysis may be particularly useful in analysing data sets comprising galaxy spectra, since each spectrum is, presumably, a superposition of the emission from the various stellar populations, nebular emissions and nuclear activity making up that galaxy, and each of these emission sources corresponds to a potential archetype of the entire data set. We demonstrate archetypal analysis using sets of composite synthetic galaxy spectra, showing that the method promises to be an effective and efficient way to classify spectra. We show that archetypal analysis is robust in the presence of various types of noise.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figures, 1 style-file. Accepted for publication by MNRA

    The Phoenix Deep Survey: X-ray properties of faint radio sources

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    In this paper we use a 50ks XMM-Newton pointing overlapping with the Phoenix Deep Survey, a homogeneous radio survey reaching muJy sensitivities, to explore the X-ray properties and the evolution of star-forming galaxies. UV, optical and NIR photometry is available and is used to estimate photometric redshifts and spectral types for radio sources brighter than R=21.5mag (total of 82). Sources with R<21.5mag and spiral galaxy SEDs (34) are grouped into two redshift bins with a median of z=0.240 and 0.455 respectively. Stacking analysis for both the 0.5-2 and 2-8keV bands is performed on these subsamples. A high confidence level signal (>3.5sigma) is detected in the 0.5-2keV band corresponding to a mean flux of ~3e-16cgs for both subsamples. This flux translates to mean luminosities of ~5e40 and 1.5e41cgs for the z=0.240 and 0.455 subsamples respectively. Only a marginally significant signal (2.6sigma) is detected in the 2-8keV band for the z=0.455 subsample. We argue that the stacked signal above is dominated by star-formation. The mean L_X/L_B ratio and the mean L_X of the two subsamples are found to be higher than optically selected spirals and similar to starbursts. We also find that the mean L_X and L_1.4 of the faint radio sources studied here are consistent with the L_X-L_1.4 correlation of local star-forming galaxies. Moreover, the X-ray emissivity of sub-mJy sources to z~0.3 is found to be elevated compared to local HII galaxies. The observed increase is consistent with L_X evolution of the form (1+z)^3. Assuming that our sample is indeed dominated by starbursts this is direct evidence for evolution of such systems at X-ray wavelengths. Using an empirical L_X to SFR conversion we estimate a global SFR density at z~0.3 of \~0.029M_o/yr/Mpc in agreement with previous studies.Comment: 12 pages, 6 figures, accepted for publication in MNRA

    The Phoenix Deep Survey: spectroscopic catalog

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    The Phoenix Deep Survey is a multi-wavelength survey based on deep 1.4 GHz radio imaging, reaching well into the sub-100 microJy level. One of the aims of this survey is to characterize the sub-mJy radio population, exploring its nature and evolution. In this paper we present the catalog and results of the spectroscopic observations aimed at characterizing the optically ``bright'' (R<~ 21.5 mag) counterparts of faint radio sources. Out of 371 sources with redshift determination, 21% have absorption lines only, 11% show AGN signatures, 32% are star-forming galaxies, 34% show narrow emission lines that do not allow detailed spectral classification (due to poor signal-to-noise ratio and/or lack of diagnostic emission lines) and the remaining 2% are identified with stars. For the star-forming galaxies with a Balmer decrement measurement we find a median extinction of A(Ha)=1.9 mag, higher than that of optically selected samples. This is a result of the radio selection, which is not biased against dusty systems. Using the available spectroscopic information, we estimate the radio luminosity function of star-forming galaxies in two independent redshift bins at z~0.1 and 0.3 respectively. We find direct evidence for strong luminosity evolution of these systems consistent with L(1.4 GHz) ~ (1+z)^(2.7).Comment: 39 pages, 12 figures. References added, and minor changes to reflect published versio

    The Phoenix Deep Survey: The 1.4 GHz microJansky catalogue

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    The initial Phoenix Deep Survey (PDS) observations with the Australia Telescope Compact Array have been supplemented by additional 1.4 GHz observations over the past few years. Here we present details of the construction of a new mosaic image covering an area of 4.56 square degrees, an investigation of the reliability of the source measurements, and the 1.4 GHz source counts for the compiled radio catalogue. The mosaic achieves a 1-sigma rms noise of 12 microJy at its most sensitive, and a homogeneous radio-selected catalogue of over 2000 sources reaching flux densities as faint as 60 microJy has been compiled. The source parameter measurements are found to be consistent with the expected uncertainties from the image noise levels and the Gaussian source fitting procedure. A radio-selected sample avoids the complications of obscuration associated with optically-selected samples, and by utilising complementary PDS observations including multicolour optical, near-infrared and spectroscopic data, this radio catalogue will be used in a detailed investigation of the evolution in star-formation spanning the redshift range 0 < z < 1. The homogeneity of the catalogue ensures a consistent picture of galaxy evolution can be developed over the full cosmologically significant redshift range of interest. The 1.4 GHz mosaic image and the source catalogue are available on the web at http://www.atnf.csiro.au/~ahopkins/phoenix/ or from the authors by request.Comment: 16 pages, 11 figures, 4 tables. Accepted for publication by A

    The Phoenix Deep Survey: The star-formation rates and the stellar masses of EROs

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    We estimate the star-formation rates and the stellar masses of the Extremely Red objects (EROs) detected in a 180arcmin2 Ks-band survey (Ks~20mag). This sample is complemented by sensitive 1.4GHz radio observations (12micro-Jy; 1sigma rms) and multiwaveband photometric data (UBVRIJ) as part of the Phoenix Deep Survey. For bright K4mag; total of 177) we use photometric methods to discriminate dust-enshrouded active systems from early-type galaxies and to constrain their redshifts. Radio stacking is then employed to estimate mean radio flux densities of 8.6 (3sigma) and 6.4micro-Jy (2.4sigma) for the dusty and early-type subsamples respectively. Assuming that dust enshrouded active EROs are powered by star-formation the above radio flux density at the median redshift of z=1 translates to a radio luminosity of 4.5e22W/Hz and a star-formation rate of SFR=25Mo/yr. Combining this result with photometric redshift estimates we find a lower limit to the star-formation rate density of ~0.02Mo/yr/Mpc^3 for the K<19.5mag dusty EROs in the range z=0.85-1.35. Comparison with the SFR density estimated from previous ERO samples (with similar selection criteria) using optical emission lines, suffering dust attenuation, suggests a mean dust reddening of at least E(B-V)~0.5 for this population. We further use the Ks-band luminosity as proxy to stellar mass and argue that the dust enshrouded EROs in our sample are massive systems, M>5e10Mo. We also find that EROs represent a sizable fraction (~50%) of the number density of galaxies more massive than M=5e10Mo at z~1, with almost equal contributions from dusty and early types. Similarly, we find that EROs contribute about half of the mass density of the Universe at z~1 after taking into account incompleteness because of the limit K=19.5mag.Comment: Accepted by MNRAS. Data available at http://www.atnf.csiro.au/people/ahopkins/phoenix

    Microjansky radio sources in DC0107-46 (Abell 2877)

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    The cluster DC0107-46 (Abell 2877) lies within the Phoenix Deep Survey, made at 1.4 GHz with the Australia Telescope Compact Array. Of 89 known optical cluster members, 70 lie within the radio survey area. Of these 70 galaxies, 15 (21%) are detected, with luminosities as faint as 10^20 W/Hz. Spectroscopic observations are available for 14/15 of the radio-detected cluster galaxies. Six galaxies show only absorption features and are typical low-luminosity AGN radio sources. One galaxy hosts a Seyfert 2 nucleus, two are star-forming galaxies, and the remaining five may be star-forming galaxies, AGNs, or both.Comment: 14 pages, 3 figures, Accepted by ApJS (v128n2p JUN 2000 issue

    The Molonglo Galactic Plane Survey: I. Overview and Images

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    The first epoch Molonglo Galactic Plane Survey (MGPS1) is a radio continuum survey made using the Molonglo Observatory Synthesis Telescope (MOST) at 843 MHz with a resolution of 43" X 43" cosec |delta|. The region surveyed is 245 deg < l < 355 deg, |b| < 1.5 deg. The thirteen 9 deg X 3 deg mosaic images presented here are the superposition of over 450 complete synthesis observations, each taking 12 h and covering 70' X 70' cosec |delta|. The root-mean-square sensitivity over much of the mosaiced survey is 1-2 mJy/beam (1 sigma), and the positional accuracy is approximately 1" X 1" cosec |delta| for sources brighter than 20 mJy. The dynamic range is no better than 250:1, and this also constrains the sensitivity in some parts of the images. The survey area of 330 sq deg contains well over 12,000 unresolved or barely resolved objects, almost all of which are extra-galactic sources lying in the Zone of Avoidance. In addition a significant fraction of this area is covered by extended, diffuse emission associated with thermal complexes, discrete H II regions, supernova remnants, and other structures in the Galactic interstellar medium.Comment: Paper with 3 figures and 1 table + Table 2 + 7 jpg grayscales for Fig 4. Astrophysical Journal Supplement (in press) see also http://www.astrop.physics.usyd.edu.au/MGP
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