807 research outputs found

    Symmetry breaking in the self-consistent Kohn-Sham equations

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    The Kohn-Sham (KS) equations determine, in a self-consistent way, the particle density of an interacting fermion system at thermal equilibrium. We consider a situation when the KS equations are known to have a unique solution at high temperatures and this solution is a uniform particle density. We show that, at zero temperature, there are stable solutions that are not uniform. We provide the general principles behind this phenomenon, namely the conditions when it can be observed and how to construct these non-uniform solutions. Two concrete examples are provided, including fermions on the sphere which are shown to crystallize in a structure that resembles the C60_{60} molecule.Comment: a few typos eliminate

    An edge index for the Quantum Spin-Hall effect

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    Quantum Spin-Hall systems are topological insulators displaying dissipationless spin currents flowing at the edges of the samples. In contradistinction to the Quantum Hall systems where the charge conductance of the edge modes is quantized, the spin conductance is not and it remained an open problem to find the observable whose edge current is quantized. In this paper, we define a particular observable and the edge current corresponding to this observable. We show that this current is quantized and that the quantization is given by the index of a certain Fredholm operator. This provides a new topological invariant that is shown to take same values as the Spin-Chern number previously introduced in the literature. The result gives an effective tool for the investigation of the edge channels' structure in Quantum Spin-Hall systems. Based on a reasonable assumption, we also show that the edge conducting channels are not destroyed by a random edge.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Unique Solutions to Hartree-Fock Equations for Closed Shell Atoms

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    In this paper we study the problem of uniqueness of solutions to the Hartree and Hartree-Fock equations of atoms. We show, for example, that the Hartree-Fock ground state of a closed shell atom is unique provided the atomic number ZZ is sufficiently large compared to the number NN of electrons. More specifically, a two-electron atom with atomic number Z≥35Z\geq 35 has a unique Hartree-Fock ground state given by two orbitals with opposite spins and identical spatial wave functions. This statement is wrong for some Z>1Z>1, which exhibits a phase segregation.Comment: 18 page

    Dielectric Behavior of Nonspherical Cell Suspensions

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    Recent experiments revealed that the dielectric dispersion spectrum of fission yeast cells in a suspension was mainly composed of two sub-dispersions. The low-frequency sub-dispersion depended on the cell length, whereas the high-frequency one was independent of it. The cell shape effect was qualitatively simulated by an ellipsoidal cell model. However, the comparison between theory and experiment was far from being satisfactory. In an attempt to close up the gap between theory and experiment, we considered the more realistic cells of spherocylinders, i.e., circular cylinders with two hemispherical caps at both ends. We have formulated a Green function formalism for calculating the spectral representation of cells of finite length. The Green function can be reduced because of the azimuthal symmetry of the cell. This simplification enables us to calculate the dispersion spectrum and hence access the effect of cell structure on the dielectric behavior of cell suspensions.Comment: Preliminary results have been reported in the 2001 March Meeting of the American Physical Society. Accepted for publications in J. Phys.: Condens. Matte

    Disorder-Induced Multiple Transition involving Z2 Topological Insulator

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    Effects of disorder on two-dimensional Z2 topological insulator are studied numerically by the transfer matrix method. Based on the scaling analysis, the phase diagram is derived for a model of HgTe quantum well as a function of disorder strength and magnitude of the energy gap. In the presence of sz non-conserving spin-orbit coupling, a finite metallic region is found that partitions the two topologically distinct insulating phases. As disorder increases, a narrow-gap topologically trivial insulator undergoes a series of transitions; first to metal, second to topological insulator, third to metal, and finally back to trivial insulator. We show that this multiple transition is a consequence of two disorder effects; renormalization of the band gap, and Anderson localization. The metallic region found in the scaling analysis corresponds roughly to the region of finite density of states at the Fermi level evaluated in the self-consistent Born approximation.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figure

    Coherently Controlled Nanoscale Molecular Deposition

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    Quantum interference effects are shown to provide a means of controlling and enhancing the focusing a collimated neutral molecular beam onto a surface. The nature of the aperiodic pattern formed can be altered by varying laser field characteristics and the system geometry.Comment: 13 pages (inculding 4 figures), LaTeX (Phys. Rev. Lett., 2000, in Press

    Concave Plasmonic Particles: Broad-Band Geometrical Tunability in the Near Infra-Red

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    Optical resonances spanning the Near and Short Infra-Red spectral regime were exhibited experimentally by arrays of plasmonic nano-particles with concave cross-section. The concavity of the particle was shown to be the key ingredient for enabling the broad band tunability of the resonance frequency, even for particles with dimensional aspect ratios of order unity. The atypical flexibility of setting the resonance wavelength is shown to stem from a unique interplay of local geometry with surface charge distributions
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