47 research outputs found

    Assessment of Potential Cytotoxicity During Vital Observation at the BioStation CT

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    In recent decades, the methods based on the cell technologies have become more relevant for medical and pharmaceutical research. In this paper, weconsidered the BioStation CT using for continuous in vivo observation of Ehrlich ascitic carcinoma cell culture under the influence of two active substances in different concentrations (from 1.25 to 20 mg/l). As a result of the carcinoma cells condition monitoring for 4.5 days it was shown that substance No 2 does not affect the cell viability while substance No 1 causes the carcinoma cell death, and this active substance effect is dose-dependent. Photodocumentation at two-hour intervals allowed us to research differences in the rate of cell destruction (intensive disintegration in the first day with further stabilization of the living cells number or gradual cell death throughout the experiment), as well as differences in the time of 50 % mortality reaching. Thus in the study it was demonstrated that due to the fact that the BioStation CT combines the properties of a CO2 -incubator and a microscope this device is promising for toxicological studies and significantly expands the detection possibilities of processes occurring with living cells for a sufficiently long time period making possible further analysis of the cell behavior characteristics throughout the experiment, and that is fundamentally different from the systems allowing only the final result fixation of long-term active substance exposure

    Nanоbiocomposite based on dihydroquercetin and arabinogalactan in the form of a gel for external use as a means for the treatment of chronic venous insufficiency in an experiment

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    Background. Due to the high prevalence of chronic venous insufficiency among the population, with a decrease in the quality of life of patients and their early disability, there is a need to develop modern effective and safe means for the prevention and treatment of this pathology. We have developed the optimal composition and technology of a gel for external use based on a nanobiocomposite of dihydroquercetin and arabinogalactan, which has a venoprotective effect. The article presents data on the results of a preclinical study of the safety and specific activity of the gel.The aim. To study the specific activity (decongestant, antitranssudative action) and safety of a gel for external use based on nanobiocomposite of dihydroquercetin and arabinogalactan used for the treatment of chronic venous insufficiency in the framework of preclinical studies.Materials and methods. The object of the study was a gel for external use based on dihydroquercetin and arabinogalactan nanobiocomposite. The study was conducted on 32 white male rats of the same age, for 15 days. The study of the pharmacological activity of a gel based on a nanobiocomposite of dihydroquercetin and arabinogalactan, was carried out on a model of acute venous stagnation in the tail of a rat (edema of non-inflammatory genesis), the dynamics of tail volume growth in the experimental and control group of animals was evaluated. The irritant effect of the gel on the skin of animals was also determined, the permeability of the capillaries of the skin was determined.Results. When studying the pharmacological activity of the gel on a model of acute venous stagnation in the tail, it was shown that a soft dosage form for external use developed on the basis of nanobiocomposite of dihydroquercetin and arabinogalactan has decongestant and antitranssudative activity. The presence of a locally irritating effect in the gel under study has not been established in the framework of the experiment.Conclusion. In the course of preclinical study of the gel of the nanobiocomposite dihydroquercetin and arabinogalactan on laboratory animals, its antitranssudative activity and safety have been proven

    The Use of Drainage Structures in Abdominal Surgery in the Postoperative Period (Experimental Study)

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    Preventive drainage of the abdominal cavity after gastrointestinal surgery is widely used. However, debates about the need for abdominal drainage have not subsided so far.The aim of the study: to establish the effect of the duration of the use of drains on the development of postoperative complications in the experiment.Materials and methods. For the experiments, male Wistar rats weighing 220-250 g at the age of 9 months were used. A mid laparotomy was performed, then the serous-muscular layer of the cecum was opened, 1 cm long, followed by suturing the wound with a self-twisting suture, and the parietal peritoneum of the right lateral canal was sized 1.5х1.5 cm. A silicone catheter was installed. The study was conducted in two groups. In the first group, the drainage was removed after 24 hours, in the second - after three days. The study was conducted on the 3rd, 7th, 14th and 30th day, 6 animals in each group/at each term. The severity of the adhesive process in the abdominal cavity, the presence of an inflammatory process in the peritoneum, and hematological parameters were evaluated.Results. It was established that the severity of the adhesion process in groups in all periods of observation was comparable. The severity of purulent-inflammatory processes in the abdominal cavity on the 14th and 30th day was significantly lower when installing drainage for 1 day than 3 days.Conclusion. A study with the installation of drainage in the absence of infection of the peritoneum showed that the duration of the installation of the drain adversely affects the incidence of purulent-inflammatory changes in the abdominal cavity, which must be taken into account when planning the use of drainages in abdominal surgery

    Переносимость детьми химиотерапии туберкулеза

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    The article presents the review of 61 publications. The topic is highly relevant due to the fact that clinical trials of drugs and chemotherapy regimens usually enroll adults, while children participate only in a small number of them. Often in clinical practice, anti-tuberculosis drugs are prescribed to children off-label. The frequency of adverse reactions in children varies widely depending on approaches to their reporting. The most severe and frequent adverse events are associated with liver injury. In recent years, clinical trials of fluoroquinolones, bedaquiline, and delamanid were run in pediatric patients with drug resistant tuberculosis demonstrating satisfactory tolerability and safety of these drugs.В обзоре приводятся данные из 61 источника литературы. Актуальность темы определяется тем, что клинические испытания препаратов и схем химиотерапии обычно проводятся с участием взрослых, лишь небольшое число проведено на детском контингенте. Назначение противотуберкулезных препаратов у детей в клинической практике часто производится не по инструкции (off-label). Частота нежелательных реакций на препараты у детей колеблется в широких пределах в зависимости от подходов к их регистрации. Наиболее тяжелые и частые нежелательные явления связаны с поражением печени. В последние годы c участием педиатрических больных лекарственно-устойчивым туберкулезом прошли испытания фторхинолонов, бедаквилина, деламанида, показавшие их удовлетворительную переносимость и безопасность

    Особенности клинического течения и химиотерапии туберкулеза у детей из очагов с различным спектром лекарственной чувствительности микобактерий

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    The objective: to characterize tuberculosis in children exposed todrug-resistant tuberculosis in St. Petersburg.Subjects and methods. 51 children exposed to tuberculosis in their families were enrolled into the study; of them, 23 children were exposed to MDR TB; 7 children were exposed to other drug resistant patterns of the disease; 21 children were exposed to drug susceptible tuberculosis.Results. In St. Petersburg in 2015-2017, MDR TB cases prevailed among adult index cases to whom children were exposed. The course of tuberculosis was the most severe in children exposed to MDR TB. Such children were treated with regimen IV with high efficacy achieved, taking into account the severity of the disease, age, concurrent disorders, and tolerability of the drugs, as well as drug resistance of the index case.Цель: дать характеристику туберкулеза у детей из очагов лекарственно-устойчивого туберкулеза в Санкт-Петербурге.Материалы и методы. В исследование включен 51 больной туберкулезом ребенок, имевший семейный контакт, в том числе с МЛУ-туберкулезом – 23 ребенка, с другими вариантами лекарственно-устойчивого туберкулеза – 7, с лекарственно-чувствительным туберкулезом – 21 ребенок.Результаты. В Санкт-Петербурге в 2015-2017 гг. среди взрослых источников заражения заболевших туберкулезом детей преобладали лица с МЛУ-ТБ. Туберкулез у детей из очагов с МЛУ-ТБ протекал наиболее тяжело. Для их лечения использовался с хорошим эффектом IV режим химиотерапии с учетом выраженности процесса, возраста, сопутствующей патологии и переносимости препаратов, а также спектра лекарственной устойчивости источника заражения


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    In the past decade, there has been a significant increase in the prevalence tuberculosis of the peripheral lymph nodes. This is the reason for improvement the methods of medical imaging of the tuberculous lymphadenitis. The most informative methods include a morphological study of tuberculosis of lymph node biopsy. The article presents the results of ultrasound investigations in detecting early changes in tuberculous lymphadenitis. The results of ultrasound examination were compared to the multislice-computed tomography (MSCT), findings of histological examination and autopsy.Рост удельного веса туберкулеза периферических лимфатических узлов в структуре заболеваемости внелегочным туберкулезом в последнее десятилетие является существенной проблемой, требующей совершенствования методик лучевой диагностики, так как на сегодняшний день наиболее информативным методом является морфологическое исследование патологического материала. В статье представлены результаты возможностей ультразвукового метода в выявлении ранних туберкулезных изменений в лимфатических узлах на стадии образования туберкулезной гранулемы у детей и взрослых с подозрением на туберкулез лимфатических узлов. Выявлены ультразвуковые изменения в структуре лимфатических узлов, которые могут служить специфическими маркерами стадий протекания туберкулезного процесса. Результаты ультразвукового исследования были сопоставлены с данными мультиспиральной компьютерной томографии (МСКТ), заключениями гистологического исследования и аутопсии

    Изменения в легких у ребенка с болезнью Гоше: дифференциальная диагностика с диссеминированным туберкулезом

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    The article describes a clinical case of a rare combination of hereditary pathology – Gaucher disease and latent tuberculosis infection in an 8-year-old child. The child was examined for tuberculosis due to disseminated small foci and calcination in the lung tissue detected by chest computed tomography. The particular parameter of latent tuberculosis infection of this case was the positive results of IGRA tests (T-SPOT TB and QuantiFERON) with a negative response to the intradermal test with recombinant tuberculosis allergen. According to the examination results, the disseminated tuberculosis was not confirmed, diffuse lung damage was regarded as a manifestation of Gaucher disease, which was a rare sign of this pathology according to the published data.Представлено клиническое наблюдение редкого случая сочетания наследственной патологии – болезни Гоше и латентной туберкулезной инфекции у ребенка 8 лет. Поводом обследования на туберкулез было обнаружение на компьютерной томографии органов грудной клетки мелкоочаговой диссеминации и кальцинатов в легочной ткани. Особенностью латентной туберкулезной инфекции в данном случае были положительные тесты IGRA (T-SPOT TB и QuantiFERON) при отрицательной реакции на внутрикожную пробу с аллергеном туберкулезным рекомбинантным. На основании обследования диагноз диссеминированного туберкулеза был отвергнут, диффузное поражение легких расценено как проявление болезни Гоше, что является, по данным литературы, редким при данной патологии