526 research outputs found

    Unitary Evolution on a Discrete Phase Space

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    We construct unitary evolution operators on a phase space with power of two discretization. These operators realize the metaplectic representation of the modular group SL(2,Z_{2^n}). It acts in a natural way on the coordinates of the non-commutative 2-torus, T_{2^n}^2$ and thus is relevant for non-commutative field theories as well as theories of quantum space-time. The class of operators may also be useful for the efficient realization of new quantum algorithms.Comment: 5 pages, contribution to Lattice 2005 (theoretical developments

    Lower bounds of characteristic scale of topological modification of the Newtonian gravitation

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    We analytically work out the long-term orbital perturbations induced by the first term of the expansion of the perturbing potential arising from the local modification of the Newton's inverse square law due to a topology R^2 x S^1 with a compactified dimension of radius R recently proposed by Floratos and Leontaris. We neither restrict to any specific spatial direction for the asymmetry axis nor to particular orbital configurations of the test particle. Thus, our results are quite general. Non-vanishing long-term variations occur for all the usual osculating Keplerian orbital elements, apart from the semimajor axis which is left unaffected. By using recent improvements in the determination of the orbital motion of Saturn from Cassini data, we preliminarily inferred R >= 4-6 kau. As a complementary approach, the putative topological effects should be explicitly modeled and solved-for with a modified version of the ephemerides dynamical models with which the same data sets should be reprocessed.Comment: Latex, 6 pages, no tables, 1 figure, 3 references. Accepted for publication in International Journal of Modern Physics D (IJMPD

    Discrete Flavour Symmetries from the Heisenberg Group

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    Non-abelian discrete symmetries are of particular importance in model building. They are mainly invoked to explain the various fermion mass hierarchies and forbid dangerous superpotential terms. In string models they are usually associated to the geometry of the compactification manifold and more particularly to the magnetised branes in toroidal compactifications. Motivated by these facts, in this note we propose a unified framework to construct representations of finite discrete family groups based on the automorphisms of the discrete and finite Heisenberg group. We focus in particular in the PSL2(p)PSL_2(p) groups which contain the phenomenologically interesting cases.Comment: 16 page

    Uncertainty relation and non-dispersive states in Finite Quantum Mechanics

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    In this letter, we provide evidence for a classical sector of states in the Hilbert space of Finite Quantum Mechanics (FQM). We construct a subset of states whose the minimum bound of position -momentum uncertainty (equivalent to an effective ℏ\hbar) vanishes. The classical regime, contrary to standard Quantum Mechanical Systems of particles and fields, but also of strings and branes appears in short distances of the order of the lattice spacing. {}For linear quantum maps of long periods, we observe that time evolution leads to fast decorrelation of the wave packets, phenomenon similar to the behavior of wave packets in t' Hooft and Susskind holographic picture. Moreoever, we construct explicitly a non - dispersive basis of states in accordance with t' Hooft's arguments about the deterministic behavior of FQM.Comment: Latex file, 16pages, 3 ps-figures, version to appear in Phys.Lett.

    Metastability of Spherical Membranes in Supermembrane and Matrix Theory

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    Motivated by recent work we study rotating ellipsoidal membranes in the framework of the light-cone supermembrane theory. We investigate stability properties of these classical solutions which are important for the quantization of super membranes. We find the stability modes for all sectors of small multipole deformations. We exhibit an isomorphism of the linearized membrane equation with that of the SU(N) matrix model for every value of NN. The boundaries of the linearized stability region are at a finite distance and they appear for finite size perturbations.Comment: 7 pages (two column

    Modular discretization of the AdS2/CFT1 Holography

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    We propose a finite discretization for the black hole geometry and dynamics. We realize our proposal, in the case of extremal black holes, for which the radial and temporal near horizon geometry is known to be AdS2=SL(2,R)/SO(1,1,R)_2=SL(2,\mathbb{R})/SO(1,1,\mathbb{R}). We implement its discretization by replacing the set of real numbers R\mathbb{R} with the set of integers modulo NN, with AdS2_2 going over to the finite geometry AdS2[N]=SL(2,ZN)/SO(1,1,ZN)_2[N]=SL(2,\mathbb{Z}_N)/SO(1,1,\mathbb{Z}_N). We model the dynamics of the microscopic degrees of freedom by generalized Arnol'd cat maps, A∈SL(2,ZN){\sf A}\in SL(2,\mathbb{Z}_N), which are isometries of the geometry at both the classical and quantum levels. These exhibit well studied properties of strong arithmetic chaos, dynamical entropy, nonlocality and factorization in the cutoff discretization NN, which are crucial for fast quantum information processing. We construct, finally, a new kind of unitary and holographic correspondence, for AdS2[N]_2[N]/CFT1[N]_1[N], via coherent states of both the bulk and boundary geometries.Comment: 33 pages LaTeX2e, 1 JPEG figure. Typos corrected, references added. Clarification of several points in the abstract and the tex
