18 research outputs found

    Sonolysis and Sonoacidification 慰f Ultrasonic Disintegration 慰f Excess Sludge

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    The expected effect of ultrasonic disintegration of excess sludge is particle dispergation and cell lysis i.e. the elimination of sludge microorganisms and the release of the contents of dead cells into the sludge liquid which results in an increase in chemical oxygen demand. Sonolysis also formed the basis for the intensification of volatile fatty acids production during the acid fermentation of excess sludge treated ultrasonically. In this study the investigations into the direct effects of excess sludge ultrasonic treatment revealed an increase in volatile fatty acid concentration directly (without fermentation process) after the ultrasonic treatment which is closely related to sonolysis

    Sonolysis and Sonoacidification 慰f Ultrasonic Disintegration 慰f Excess Sludge

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    The expected effect of ultrasonic disintegration of excess sludge is particle dispergation and cell lysis i.e. the elimination of sludge microorganisms and the release of the contents of dead cells into the sludge liquid which results in an increase in chemical oxygen demand. Sonolysis also formed the basis for the intensification of volatile fatty acids production during the acid fermentation of excess sludge treated ultrasonically. In this study the investigations into the direct effects of excess sludge ultrasonic treatment revealed an increase in volatile fatty acid concentration directly (without fermentation process) after the ultrasonic treatment which is closely related to sonolysis

    The comparison of ultrasonic disintegration in laboratory and technical scale disintegrators

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    The study was aimed at finding the impact of the construction of two disintegration instruments (laboratory and technical scale) on the effects of ultrasonic disintegration. The tests were carried out on excess sewage sludge and an increase in soluble COD in the sludge after ultrasonic disintegration was determined. In both types of disintegrators, the sludge was subjected to ultrasounds at the same level of energy density, but the disintegration effects were about three times higher in the case of the technical module application

    Effect of municipal sewage sludge in results of co-digestion with whey

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    Jedn膮 z metod unieszkodliwienia serwatki kwa艣nej mo偶e by膰 jej fermentowanie z osadami komunalnym. Dozowanie serwatki do osad贸w komunalnych nie powinno zak艂贸ca膰 procesu fermentacji ani pogarsza膰 podatno艣ci osad贸w przefermentowanych na odwadnianie. Efekty kofermentacji uzyskane dla takich samych proporcji udzia艂u serwatki w 2 osadach komunalnych wykaza艂y, 偶e istotn膮 rol臋 przy ustalaniu dawek serwatki mo偶e odgrywa膰 proporcja ChZT serwatki / ChZT osad贸w.One of the methods of disposal of acid wheymay be the fermentation of municipal sewage sludge. Dosage whey waste water should not interfere with the fermentation process, and also deteriorate the susceptibility of fermented sludge dewatering. Co-digestion effects obtained for the same proportion of whey in 2 municipal sludge have shown that an important role in determining the doses of whey can play ratio of COD whey / COD sludge

    Ultrad藕wi臋kowa intensyfikacja stabilizacji tlenowej osad贸w 艣ciekowych

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    The aerobic stabilization of excess sewage sludge using low frequency ultrasound (25kHz) was investigated. The mechanically thickened excess sludge was obtained from full-scale wastewater treatment plants. The samples of sewage sludge were prepared by dissolving drinking water to obtain initial total solid concentration of 1800 mg/dm3. Five samples were treated with ultrasound of different power per sample volume: 3,12; 6,25; 12,5; 25,0 and 50,0 Wh/l. The experiments show that ultrasonic pre-treatment with 50 Wh/dm3 power increases the digestion of organic matter in aerobic stabilization of sewage sludge.Badano wp艂yw wst臋pnej obr贸bki osadu nadmiernego polem ultrad藕wi臋kowym o cz臋stotliwo艣ci 25 kHz na przebieg procesu stabilizacji tlenowej. Osad do bada艅 pochodzi艂 z rzeczywistego obiektu biologicznej oczyszczalni 艣ciek贸w. Pobrano osad zag臋szczony mechanicznie a nast臋pnie rozcie艅czono go wod膮 wodoci膮gow膮 osi膮gaj膮c koncentracj臋 suchej masy ok. 1800 mg/l. Pi臋膰 tak przygotowanych pr贸b poddano nad藕wi臋kawianiu aby zapewni膰 odpowiednie ilo艣ci w艂o偶onej energii w obj臋to艣膰 pr贸by: 3,12; 6,25; 12,5; 25,0 i 50,0 Wh/l. Badania wykaza艂y znaczny wzrost mineralizacji masy organicznej osadu przy wst臋pnym preparowaniu polem ultrad藕wi臋kowym dla 50 Wh/I w艂o偶onej energii

    Badania wp艂ywu warunk贸w prowadzenia procesu dezintegracji ultrad藕wi臋kowej na zmiany charakterystyki fizykochemicznej osad贸w nadmiernych

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    Ultrasonic disintegration, as a method of sludge pre-treatment (before the stabilization process), causes changes in their physicochemical characteristics. The aim of this study was to determine the influence of ultrasonic disintegration conditions (sonication) on the changes in the physicochemical characteristics of sonicated sludge, i.e. an increase in the content of organic substances in the supernatant, sludge dewaterability and flocs structure. Thickened and non-thickened excess sludge from the municipal wastewater treatment plant in Gliwice was disintegrated. The process was conducted, using a high-power disintegrator equipped with a lenticular horn. In order to determine the most favorable conditions, the sewage sludge was sonicated at a wave frequency of f=25 kHz (as a function of time), with a different samples volume (V1=0.5 and V2=1 L) and emitter position of 1 and the 2.5 cm from the bottom of the chamber in which the process was conducted. The disintegration of sewage sludge was carried out with a specifi c energy density (EV) in the range from 10 to 30 kWh/m3. The evaluation of the disintegration effects was based on changes in the physicochemical characteristics of the sludge and/or supernatant at the end of the process, expressed by commonly used and author鈥檚 disintegration indicators. The best results were obtained for the sludge disintegrated with a volume of V2=1 L and the emitter position of 2.5 cm from the bottom of the chamber. The study confi rms that in various operating conditions of ultrasonic disintegration, there is a possibility for obtaining different effects which may influence the course of anaerobic stabilization and quality of the final products of the process.Dezintegracja ultrad藕wi臋kowa jako metoda wst臋pnej obr贸bki osad贸w 艣ciekowych przed procesem stabilizacji, powoduje zmiany charakterystyki fizykochemicznej osad贸w 艣ciekowych. Celem przeprowadzonych bada艅 by艂o okre艣lenie wp艂ywu warunk贸w prowadzenia dezintegracji ultrad藕wi臋kowej na zmiany charakterystyki fizykochemicznej nad藕wi臋kawianych osad贸w, mianowicie: wzrost zawarto艣ci substancji organicznych w cieczy osadowej, podatno艣膰 osad贸w na odwadnianie oraz stopie艅 rozdrobnienia fazy sta艂ej osad贸w (struktur臋 k艂aczk贸w osadu). Nad藕wi臋kawianiu poddawano osady nadmierne niezag臋szczone i zag臋szczone, pochodz膮ce z komunalnej oczyszczalni 艣ciek贸w w Gliwicach. Proces prowadzono przy u偶yciu dezintegratora o wysokiej mocy, wyposa偶onego w g艂owic臋 soczewkow膮. W celu okre艣lenia najkorzystniejszych warunk贸w prowadzenia procesu osady 艣ciekowe poddawano nad藕wi臋kawianiu fal膮 o cz臋stotliwo艣ci f=25 kHz w funkcji czasu, przy zmiennej geometrii w obszarze nad藕wi臋kawiania (odleg艂o艣ci emitera od dna komory, w kt贸rym nad藕wi臋kawiano osady) i r贸偶nej obj臋to艣ci pr贸b tj. V1=0,5 i V2=1 L, przy po艂o偶eniu emitera kolejno 1 i 2,5 cm od dna naczynia, w kt贸rym nad藕wi臋kawiano osady. Dezintegracj臋 osad贸w prowadzono w okre艣lonym zakresie g臋sto艣ci energii (EV), tj. od 10 do 30 kWh/m3. Oceny efekt贸w dezintegracji dokonano w oparciu o zmiany charakterystyki fi zykochemicznej badanych osad贸w i/lub cieczy osadowych po zako艅czeniu procesu, wyra偶onych przy pomocy powszechnie stosowanych oraz w艂asnych wska藕nik贸w efekt贸w dezintegracji. Najlepsze efekty dezintegracji uzyskano dla osad贸w o obj臋to艣ci V2=1 L i po艂o偶eniu emitera w odleg艂o艣ci 2,5 cm od dna naczynia, w kt贸rym prowadzono proces. Przeprowadzone badania potwierdzaj膮, i偶 w r贸偶nych warunkach prowadzenia dezintegracji ultrad藕wi臋kowej osad贸w nadmiernych mo偶na uzyska膰 odmienne jego efekty, co mo偶e wp艂ywa膰 na przebieg stabilizacji beztlenowej osad贸w oraz jako艣膰 produkt贸w ko艅cowych tego procesu

    Occurrence of ultrasonic cavitation in sewage sludge

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    The study revealed considerable differences in the susceptibility of the sludge to preliminary treatment by two kind of mixing and expressed as changes in the initial properties of the sludge and thus conditions for the occurrence of ultrasonic disintegration in particular sludge from wastewater treatment plants G, K and聽Z. The susceptibility of sludge to ultrasounds which depends on the sludge properties was explained by the higher COD of dissolved matter after ultrasonic disintegration of sludge

    Recognition of unfavourable events that may pose a risk on municipal sewage treatment plant

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    Oczyszczalnie 艣ciek贸w s膮 obiektami technicznymi, kt贸rych zadaniem jest usuni臋cie substancji sta艂ych i rozpuszczonych, koloid贸w oraz zawiesin ze 艣ciek贸w przed odprowadzeniem ich do odbiornika. Wykorzystuje si臋 w tym celu procesy mechaniczne, biologiczne i chemiczne. W cz臋艣ci mechanicznej stosuje si臋 te same podstawowe procesy separacji i sedymentacji, s艂u偶膮ce do odseparowania cz膮stek mineralnych i 艂atwoopadalnych cz膮stek organicznych, natomiast na technologi臋 cz臋艣ci biologicznej i chemicznej maj膮 wp艂yw (zgodnie z obowi膮zuj膮cym aktualnie rozporz膮dzeniem M艢) przede wszystkim r贸wnowa偶na ilo艣膰 mieszka艅c贸w (RLM) oraz rodzaj odbiornika. Komunalne oczyszczalnie 艣ciek贸w mo偶na og贸lnie podzieli膰 na takie, w kt贸rych nie zachodzi konieczno艣膰 usuwania zwi膮zk贸w biogennych (mog膮 bazowa膰 na technologii z艂贸偶 biologicznych), oraz takie, w kt贸rych usuwane s膮 zwi膮zki azotu i fosforu, bazuj膮ce g艂贸wnie na osadzie czynnym. Dodatkowo, w zale偶no艣ci od jako艣ci 艣ciek贸w i wymaga艅 odbiornika mo偶na stosowa膰 doczyszczanie chemiczne. R贸偶norodno艣膰 proces贸w i konstrukcji wyst臋puj膮cych na oczyszczalni 艣ciek贸w generuje powstawanie zjawisk stwarzaj膮cych ryzyko dla podstawowego celu oczyszczalni. Zidentyfikowanie tych zjawisk w poszczeg贸lnych elementach ci膮g贸w technologicznych stanowi podstaw臋 procesu zarz膮dzania ryzykiem obiektu technicznego.Wastewater treatment plants are technical facilities designed to remove solids and dissolved solids, colloids and suspensions from wastewater before drainage them to the receiver. For this purpose, mechanical, biological and chemical processes are used. The mechanical section consists of the basic processes used to separate mineral solids and easily settleable organic solids, however the technology of the biological and chemical sections depends on (according to the current Regulation Minister of the Environment) Equivalent number of inhabitants and type of outfall. Municipal sewage treatment plants can generally be divided for those that do not need to remove biogenic compounds (they can be based on the technology of biological filters) and those in which nitrogen and phosphorus compounds are removed, mainly based on activated sludge. Moreover, depending on the quality of the waste water and the requirements of the receiver, chemical sewage treatment can be used. Variety of applied processes and construction at wastewater treatment plants causes the occurrence of unfavourable events that pose a risk to the primary purpose of a treatment plant. Identifying those events is the basis for the risk management process in a technical facility