7 research outputs found

    Porównanie zawartości wybranych związków fenolowych w owocach Vaccinium macrocarpon Ait. i Vaccinium oxycoccos L.

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    The genus Vaccinium L. (Ericaceae), comprises about 450 species including V. macrocarpon Ait. (Cranberry, American Cranberry), Vaccinium oxycoccos L. (Small cranberry, marsh whortleberry), V. microcarpos (Turcz. Ex Rupr.) Schmalh., syn. V. oxycoccos. In natural conditions they grow in acidic and wet peatbog type soils in the cooler areas of the Northern Hemisphere. V. macrocarpon is native to the northern and eastern parts of North America (Canada, United States). V. oxycoccos and V. microcarpos are grown in northern Europe and northern Asia, whereas V. oxycoccos also grows in the northern part of North America.W owocach Vaccinium macrocarpon i V. oxycoccos oznaczono zawartość flawonoidów, proantocyjanidyn, metodami opisanymi w Farmakopei Europejskiej V oraz całkowitą zawartość związków fenolowych, z odczynnikiem Folin-Ciocalteu. Zawartość flawonoidów wynosiła 0,27% i 0,09% w przeliczeniu na hyperozyd; proantocyjanidyn 2,05% i 0,92% w przeliczeniu na chlorek cyjanidyny; całkowita zawartość związków fenolowych 1,88% i 0,98% w przeliczeniu na kwas galusowy, w owocach V. macrocarpon i V. oxycoccos, odpowiednio

    Determination of oleuropein in herbal preparation and Olea europaea L. extracts by HPLC

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    Oleuropein is a secoiridoide monoterpene. It is found primarily in all parts of the Olea europaea L. tree, mostly in its unripe fruit and leaves. It has a number of beneficial effects on the human body, being readily absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract due to its hydrophilic properties. The paper presents a simple, rapid and precise method for the assay of oleuropein in herbal formulations and the European Olive leaf extract. Chromatographic separation was performed using a C-18 column with an acetonitrile/water 20/80% vol. mixture as the mobile phase. The method has a wide range of linearity between 0.05 and 1.5 mg/mL, very good repeatability of retention time, and accuracies between 95.8 and 103.3%. Its limit of detection is 0.04 mg/mL. The developed method was tested on two herbal formulations which are commercially available in Poland