58 research outputs found

    Difference in expression between AQP1 and AQP5 in porcine endometrium and myometrium in response to steroid hormones, oxytocin, arachidonic acid, forskolin and cAMP during the mid-luteal phase of the estrous cycle and luteolysis

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    BACKGROUND: Recently, we demonstrated in vitro that AQP1 and AQP5 in the porcine uterus are regulated by steroid hormones (P4, E2), arachidonic acid (AA), forskolin (FSK) and cAMP during the estrous cycle. However, the potential of the porcine separated uterine tissues, the endometrium and myometrium, to express these AQPs remains unknown. Thus, in this study, the responses of AQP1 and AQP5 to P4, E2 oxytocin (OT), AA, FSK and cAMP in the porcine endometrium and myometrium were examined during the mid-luteal phase of the estrous cycle and luteolysis.METHODS: Real-time PCR and western blot analysis.RESULTS: Progesterone up-regulated the expression of AQP1/AQP5 mRNAs and proteins in the endometrium and myometrium, especially during luteolysis. Similarly, E2 also stimulated the expression of both AQPs, but only in the endometrium. AA led to the upregulation of AQP1/AQP5 in the endometrium during luteolysis. In turn, OT increased the expression of AQP1/AQP5 mRNAs and proteins in the myometrium during mid-luteal phase. Moreover, a stimulatory effect of forskolin and cAMP on the expression of AQP1/AQP5 mRNAs and proteins in the endometrium and myometrium dominated during luteolysis, but during the mid-luteal phase their influence on the expression of these AQPs was differentiated depending on the type of tissue and the incubation duration.CONCLUSIONS: These results seem to indicate that uterine tissues; endometrium and myometrium, exhibit their own AQP expression profiles in response to examined factors. Moreover, the responses of AQP1/AQP5 at mRNA and protein levels to the studied factors in the endometrium and myometrium are more pronounced during luteolysis. This suggests that the above effects of the studied factors are connected with morphological and physiological changes taking place in the pig uterus during the estrous cycle.</p

    Intensywność i jakość zapachu preparatu dymu wędzarniczego

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    Detailed sensory characteristics of liquid-smoke extracts (LSE) was made, focussed mainly on the intensity of odour of LSE and its fractions. Experimental results of detection and difference thresholds were then analysed basing on known relations described by Weber-Fechner law. Additionally, preliminary quality characteristics of LSE odour was presented.Scharakteryzowano sensorycznie intensywność i jakość zapachu preparatu dymu wędzarniczego (PDW) i jego trzech frakcji. W ramach oceny intensywności zapachu określono progi wyczuwalności zapachowej i progi różnicy badanych frakcji. Stwierdzono, że frakcja F₁ charakteryzowała się najintensywniejszym zapachem. Jakość zapachu PDW i poszczególnych jego frakcji określono zmodyfikowaną metodą profilową. Przeprowadzono również chromatograficzno-sensoryczną analizę związków zapachowych wchodzących w skład PDW i jego frakcji. Najczystszy zapach wędzonkowy posiadał cały preparat, oraz frakcje F₁ i F₂ w najniższych z ocenianych stężeń (10 i 20 ppm w roztworach wodnych, 250 i 500 ppm w roztworach smakowych). Chromatograficzna-sensoryczna ocena jakości zapachu wykazała różnorodny charakter sensoryczny związków wchodzących w skład PDW i jego frakcji. Wykorzystując dane doświadczalne wykazano, że na podstawie prawa Webera-Fechnera można wyliczyć natężenie wrażenia zapachowego dla dowolnego stężenia PDW lub jego frakcji

    Wlasciwosci biochemiczne grzybow izolowanych z ontocenoz przewodu pokarmowego dzieci

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    Fermentation of carbohydrates and assimilation of carbon compounds were evaluation. The utilization of 18 specific carbon compounds was estimated in the investigation of each strains for differentiation of the species. From among 125 strains of fungi the following were found: Candida albicans ( 112 strain), C. famata (2), C. glabrata (1). C. guilliermondii (1), C. kefir (4), C. tropicalis (2). The activity of 19 hydrolases was investigated using API ZYM. Biotyping of Candida strains was done according to the Williamson classification ( 1986), modified by Kurnatowska (1998). All strains were isolated from the oral cavity, rectum, as well as from the materials collected during endoscopy in children

    Inwazje grzybami przewodu pokarmowego dzieci

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    The aim of presented study were fungal invasions of the oral cavity and gastrointestinal (GI) tract in children suspected of the inflammation of gastric and duodenal mucosa and of absorption disturbance. The fungal strains (125) were identified using API 20C and API 20C AUX (bio Me'rieux); they were as follows: Candida albicans, C. famata, C. glabrata, C. guillermondii, C. kefyr and C. tropicalis

    Wrazliwosc na ketokonazol szczepow Candida zasiedlajacych ontocenozy przewodu pokarmowego dzieci

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    The study included 52 children. During endoscopy the contents of oesophagus, stomach and duodenum were collected with catheters, and additionally washings from the oral cavity and anal swabs or samples of faeces. Materials were inoculated on Sabouraud's media. The axenic strains of fungi were identified using own methods and others tests (API 20C, API 20C AUX). The activity of ketoconazole (K) was measured against 100 strains of Candida: C. albicans (91 strains), C. kefyr (4), C. famata (2). C. tropicalis (1), C. guilliermondii (1), C. glabrata (1). The strains susceptibility to K (RO4 1400 Janssen) was estimated with the own system based on the dose - response curves; the minimal inhibitory concentration (MIC) values were canculated. The low values of MIC indicate high susceptibility to K of examined Candida strains