3,748 research outputs found

    Ground-state properties of hard-core bosons confined on one-dimensional optical lattices

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    We study the ground-state properties of hard-core bosons trapped by arbitrary confining potentials on one-dimensional optical lattices. A recently developed exact approach based on the Jordan-Wigner transformation is used. We analyze the large distance behavior of the one-particle density matrix, the momentum distribution function, and the lowest natural orbitals. In addition, the low-density limit in the lattice is studied systematically, and the results obtained compared with the ones known for the hard-core boson gas without the lattice.Comment: RevTex file, 14 pages, 22 figures, published versio

    Radiative spacetimes approaching the Vaidya metric

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    We analyze a class of exact type II solutions of the Robinson-Trautman family which contain pure radiation and (possibly) a cosmological constant. It is shown that these spacetimes exist for any sufficiently smooth initial data, and that they approach the spherically symmetric Vaidya-(anti-)de Sitter metric. We also investigate extensions of the metric, and we demonstrate that their order of smoothness is in general only finite. Some applications of the results are outlined.Comment: 12 pages, 3 figure

    Quark Loop Contributions to Neutron, Deuteron, and Mercury EDMs from Supersymmetry without R parity

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    We present a detailed analysis of the neutron, deuteron and mercury electric dipole moment from supersymmetry without R parity, focusing on the quark-scalar loop contributions. Being proportional to top Yukawa and top mass, such contributions are often large. Analytical expressions illustrating the explicit role of the R-parity violating parameters are given following perturbative diagonalization of mass-squared matrices for the scalars. Dominant contributions come from the combinations Biλij1B_i \lambda^{\prime}_{ij1} for which we obtain robust bounds. It turns out that neutron and deuteron EDMs receive much stronger contributions than mercury EDM and any null result at the future deuteron EDM experiment or Los Alamos neutron EDM experiment can lead to extra-ordinary constraints on RPV parameter space. Even if R-parity violating couplings are real, CKM phase does induce RPV contribution and for some cases such a contribution is as strong as contribution from phases in the R-parity violating couplings.Hence, we have bounds directly on Biλij1|B_i \lambda^{\prime}_{ij1}| even if the RPV parameters are all real. Interestingly, even if slepton mass and/or μ0\mu_0 is as high as 1 TeV, it still leads to neutron EDM that is an order of magnitude larger than the sensitivity at Los Alamos experiment. Since the results are not much sensitive to tanβ\tan \beta, our constraints will survive even if other observables tighten the constraints on tanβ\tan \beta.Comment: 16 pages, 10 figures, accepted for publication in Physical Review

    Entropy and Correlation Functions of a Driven Quantum Spin Chain

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    We present an exact solution for a quantum spin chain driven through its critical points. Our approach is based on a many-body generalization of the Landau-Zener transition theory, applied to fermionized spin Hamiltonian. The resulting nonequilibrium state of the system, while being a pure quantum state, has local properties of a mixed state characterized by finite entropy density associated with Kibble-Zurek defects. The entropy, as well as the finite spin correlation length, are functions of the rate of sweep through the critical point. We analyze the anisotropic XY spin 1/2 model evolved with a full many-body evolution operator. With the help of Toeplitz determinants calculus, we obtain an exact form of correlation functions. The properties of the evolved system undergo an abrupt change at a certain critical sweep rate, signaling formation of ordered domains. We link this phenomenon to the behavior of complex singularities of the Toeplitz generating function.Comment: 16 pgs, 7 fg

    Rethinking neoadjuvant chemotherapy for breast cancer

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    Breast cancer is the most common cancer in women worldwide. In 2014, 55 000 women in the UK were given the diagnosis of breast cancer, and 11 000 died.1 Early breast cancer is traditionally treated with surgery, plus radiotherapy and adjuvant systemic therapy as required. Neoadjuvant chemotherapy for breast cancer is a new strategy that was introduced towards the end of the 20th century with the aim of reducing tumour size. It has four main rationales. Firstly, it should render an otherwise inoperable tumour operable or, secondly, allow more conservative surgery. Thirdly, starting systemic treatment preoperatively was hoped to lead to improved overall survival in patients with locally advanced cancers, who are at high risk of having distant disease. Finally, unlike adjuvant chemotherapy given in the absence of any measurable disease, neoadjuvant chemotherapy gives us the opportunity to observe the tumour shrink both palpably and on imaging, enabling a rapid assessment of clinical response. This could help test responses in vivo to new drug regimens, which could then be used as adjuvant therapies, in so called window of opportunity studies. A survey of multidisciplinary teams in Australia, Germany, Italy, the UK, and the US found that 7-27% of new breast cancers are treated with neoadjuvant chemotherapy (Saunders C, Cody H, Kolberg HC, et al, personal communication, 2017). With 1.7 million women receiving diagnoses annually, this translates into 120 000-460 000 women receiving neoadjuvant chemotherapy worldwide.1 Although data indicate that the first rationale remains valid, the others have not led to the desired outcomes. More conservative surgery after neoadjuvant chemotherapy can result in a higher rate of local recurrence, and, despite the earlier initiation of systemic treatment, no improvement in survival has been seen.234 Furthermore, neoadjuvant chemotherapy may not help test novel chemotherapies—although primary tumour response is a good indicator of prognosis for a particular treatment, it is counterintuitively a poor surrogate marker for the overall survival benefit when evaluating novel chemotherapy regimens. Finally, for 40-80% of patients, even the best neoadjuvant chemotherapy regimens extend the period the cancer remains in the breast and can make surgery more difficult, as the tumour is less easily palpable and the axillary lymph nodes are less distinct. We question the wisdom of the current widespread use of neoadjuvant chemotherapy

    Radiating black hole solutions in Einstein-Gauss-Bonnet gravity

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    In this paper, we find some new exact solutions to the Einstein-Gauss-Bonnet equations. First, we prove a theorem which allows us to find a large family of solutions to the Einstein-Gauss-Bonnet gravity in nn-dimensions. This family of solutions represents dynamic black holes and contains, as particular cases, not only the recently found Vaidya-Einstein-Gauss-Bonnet black hole, but also other physical solutions that we think are new, such as, the Gauss-Bonnet versions of the Bonnor-Vaidya(de Sitter/anti-de Sitter) solution, a global monopole and the Husain black holes. We also present a more general version of this theorem in which less restrictive conditions on the energy-momentum tensor are imposed. As an application of this theorem, we present the exact solution describing a black hole radiating a charged null fluid in a Born-Infeld nonlinear electrodynamics

    Skyrmions, Spectral Flow and Parity Doubles

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    It is well-known that the winding number of the Skyrmion can be identified as the baryon number. We show in this paper that this result can also be established using the Atiyah-Singer index theorem and spectral flow arguments. We argue that this proof suggests that there are light quarks moving in the field of the Skyrmion. We then show that if these light degrees of freedom are averaged out, the low energy excitations of the Skyrmion are in fact spinorial. A natural consequence of our approach is the prediction of a (1/2)(1/2)^{-} state and its excitations in addition to the nucleon and delta. Using the recent numerical evidence for the existence of Skyrmions with discrete spatial symmetries, we further suggest that the the low energy spectrum of many light nuclei may possess a parity doublet structure arising from a subtle topological interaction between the slow Skyrmion and the fast quarks. We also present tentative experimental evidence supporting our arguments.Comment: 22 pages, LaTex. Uses amstex, amssym

    Relativistic Green functions in a plane wave gravitational background

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    We consider a massive relativistic particle in the background of a gravitational plane wave. The corresponding Green functions for both spinless and spin 1/2 cases, previously computed by A. Barducci and R. Giachetti \cite{Barducci3}, are reobtained here by alternative methods, as for example, the Fock-Schwinger proper-time method and the algebraic method. In analogy to the electromagnetic case, we show that for a gravitational plane wave background a semiclassical approach is also sufficient to provide the exact result, though the lagrangian involved is far from being a quadratic one.Comment: Last paper by Professor Arvind Narayan Vaidya, 18 pages, no figure

    Stellar explosion in the weak field approximation of the Brans-Dicke theory

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    We treat a very crude model of an exploding star, in the weak field approximation of the Brans-Dicke theory, in a scenario that resembles some characteristics data of a Type Ia Supernova. The most noticeable feature, in the electromagnetic component, is the relationship between the absolute magnitude at maximum brightness of the star and the decline rate in one magnitude from that maximum. This characteristic has become one of the most accurate method to measure luminosity distances to objects at cosmological distances. An interesting result is that the active mass associated with the scalar field is totally radiated to infinity, representing a mass loss in the ratio of the "tensor" component to the scalar component of 1 to (2ω+3)(2 \omega + 3) (ω\omega is the Brans-Dicke parameter), in agreement with a general result of Hawking. Then, this model shows explicitly, in a dynamical case, the mechanism of radiation of scalar field, which is necessary to understand the Hawking result.Comment: 11 pages, no figures. Published in Class. Quantum Gravity V22 (2005