23 research outputs found

    Characteristics of changes and clinical and instrumental predictors of the severity of structural remodelling of carotid arteries in hypertensive patients

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    Background. Mechanisms of activation of the process of vascular wall remodelling in patients affected by arterial hypertension have not been studied in depth and require clarification. Materials and methods. The study included 381 patients with hypertension — 212 men and 169 women of the average age 53.0 (47; 60) years. The structural-functional vessel status was determined by the method of duplex scanning and colour duplex mapping of blood flow with the Logiq 500 MO apparatus (GE, USA). Statistical analyses were made using Microsoft Excel software kit, Statistica for Windows 6.0. Results. The patients with hypertension presented some left-right asymmetry of remodelling extracranial carotid arteries. Unlike the impact of remodelling of the right carotid artery, the most essential effect on the left carotid artery was the impact of daytime pulse arterial pressure and variability of the nocturnal systolic arterial pressure (the strength of impact 25.0 and 13.9%, respectively. The processes of remodelling of the right carotid artery are more sensible to the impact of high values of nocturnal diastolic arterial pressure (the strength of impact 16.4%). The beginning of some brain complication is associated with the significant increase in atherosclerotic affection not only of the left, but also of the right carotid artery. Conclusions. Remarkable remodelling of the right carotid artery is often associated with the severity of the disease and to some extent reflects the severity of the flow of the disease and can be regarded as an additional unfavourable feature

    Biochemical blood parameters and level of endogenous intoxication in cows suffering from hepatopathies under heat stress

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    Global warming results in increased extreme weather  events, including heatwaves,  droughts and floods, which exceed plants’and animals’tolerance thresholds, thus posing a threat to the economy and agriculture. Under these conditions, heat stress becomes a vital problem for animal husbandry. The paper presents the study results of biochemical blood parameters and endogenous intoxication in cows suffering from hepatopathies  under heat stress. Based on the calculated temperature-humidity  index, it was established that during the summer season in the conditions of the Krasnodar  Krai lowlands, cows are under heat stress. Using the method of paired comparisons, two groups of animals (n = 10) were formed: the first group was a healthy livestock; and the second group consisted of animals suffering from hepatic pathologies.  Blood was sampled from all cows at the beginning of the experiment (the first decade of May) and at the end (the last decade of July). Laboratory tests of blood revealed that as the heat stress develops healthy cows show the increase in the protein concentration in blood, and, on the contrary, animals with hepatic pathologies demonstrate the inhibition of protein synthesis. The higher activity of aminotransferases and alkaline phosphatase in the bovine serum in the summer season when compared to the spring season was established. The study of the endogenous intoxication level dynamics in cattle during the development of heat stress, showed that in both groups the concentrations of middle molecules (ММ) increased relative to the background data: in the first group (healthy cows) MM 237 – by 11.8%,  MM 254 – by 14.4%,  MM 280 – by 16.9%; in the second group (cattle with liver pathology)  MM 237 – by 16.9%,  MM 254 – by 20.3%,  MM 280 – by 33%. Thus, under heat stress, the endogenous intoxication in healthy livestock was almost 1.5 times less intense as compared to the animals suffering from hepatopathies

    Charakterystyka zmian oraz klinicznych i instrumentalnych czynników prognostycznych ciężkości przebudowy strukturalnej tętnic szyjnych u pacjentów z nadciśnieniem

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    Wstęp. Mechanizmy aktywacji procesu przebudowy ścian naczyń u pacjentów chorujących na nadciśnienie tętnicze nie były dogłębnie zbadane i wymagają wyjaśnienia. Materiał i metody. Badaniem objęto 381 pacjentów z nadciśnieniem tętniczym — 212 mężczyzn i 169 kobiet w średnim wieku 53,0 (47; 60) lat. Stan strukturalno- funkcjonalny naczyń określono, stosując metodę badania za pomocą skanowania dupleksowego oraz kolorowego mapowania dupleksowego przepływu krwi za pomocą urządzenia Logiq 500 MO (GE, USA). Wykonano analizy statystyczne za pomocą zestawu oprogramowania Microsoft Excel, Statistica dla Windows 6.0. Wyniki. Pacjenci z nadciśnieniem tętniczym wykazywali pewną asymetrię lewo- i prawostronną przebudowy tętnic szyjnych zewnątrzczaszkowych. Inaczej niż w przypadku przebudowy prawej tętnicy szyjnej, na lewą tętnicę szyjną wpływały wartość ciśnienia tętniczego pulsu dziennego oraz zmienność nocnego skurczowego ciśnienia tętniczego (siła oddziaływania odpowiednio 25,0 i 13,9%). Procesy przebudowy prawej tętnicy szyjnej są bardziej wrażliwe na wpływ wysokich wartości nocnego rozkurczowego ciśnienia tętniczego (siła oddziaływania 16,4%). Początek pewnych komplikacji związanych z mózgiem wiąże się ze znacznym wzrostem choroby miażdżycowej nie tylko lewej, ale także prawej tętnicy szyjnej. Wnioski. Znaczna przebudowa prawej tętnicy szyjnej jest często związana z ciężkością choroby i do pewnego stopnia odzwierciedla ciężkość przebiegu choroby i może być postrzegana jako dodatkowa niekorzystna cecha

    Effect of scanning strategy on mechanical properties of Ti-6Al-4V alloy manufactured by laser direct energy deposition

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    In this work, we investigated the effect of DED thermal history on the obtained structural and mechanical properties of Ti-6Al-4V using a thermocouple. As a result of the study, the specific DED process parameters allow the same mechanical characteristics for as-built titanium alloy and the alloy after heat treatmen

    Efficacy of a complex plant-based preparation for poultry mycotoxicosis

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    The article presents results of efficacy studies for a complex plant-based preparation for poultry mycotoxicosis. Feed additive fibralin contains polysaccharides (dried sugar beet pulp) and phospholipids (rapeseed lecithin) in the proportion 4:1. Eighteen-day-old “Ross-308” broiler chickens with average weight of (665.10 ± 4.28) g were tested, since such mycotoxins as T-2 toxin, zearalenone and aflatoxin B1 were detected in their feeds. Maximum admissible level of each toxin was not exceeded, however, their cumulative effect on poultry resulted in mycotoxicosis. Use of fibralin in the feed (3 kg per one ton) for 10 days reduced clinical signs of intoxication, increased flock survival by 13.5% and stimulated body weight gain by 15.8%. Pharmacological effect of fibralin was demonstrated by improvement of blood morphobiochemical parameters in poultry, i.e. reduction of leukocytes by 19.3% and cholesterol by 13.6%; and an increase in the number of erythrocytes by 19.4%, hemoglobin by 8.1% and calcium by 9.5%. Antitoxin therapy had a positive effect on liver structure and functions and that fact was confirmed by a decrease in aminotransferase level in serum and normal levels of total protein. The data obtained may justify the use of this natural bio-preparation as a product with antitoxic and hepatoprotective properties and the use of fibralin for mycotoxicosis treatment of poultry

    Test system for the detection of binding antibodies to interferon beta-1a for clinical use

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    Test system for determining the presence of binding antibodies to interferon beta-1a (BAB to IFN beta-1a) in serum using ELISA has been developed. The validation included sensitivity, selectivity, specificity, precision and accuracy, robustness, stability, suitability of the test system studies. The applicability of the mentioned test system has been approved for the use in clinical studies for the evaluation of interferon beta-1a immunogenicity (pegylated and non-pegylated forms)

    Anti-MOG associated myelitis

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    There is now increasing evidence that demyelinating disease with anti-myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein (anti-MOG) antibodies is an independent nosological unit. The paper describes a clinical case of anti-MOG associated myelitis at the CI-TXlevel. Differential diagnosis was made between multiple sclerosis, Devic's myelitis optica, and idiopathic transverse myelitis. The clinical, morphopathological, and diagnostic features of anti-MOG associated myelitis are discussed. There are new diagnostic criteria for neuromyelitis optica spectrum diseases (NMOSD), as well as red flags, in the absence of which the diagnosis of NMOSD can be established as a diagnosis of exclusion

    Study of high fat feed for sturgeon fish

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    The objective of the study is to analyze the growth and development of sturgeon fish when feeding trout food with a higher fat content and to conduct ultrasound diagnostics of the fish liver. The research was carried out on the basis of the fish farm of Albashi LLC, Leningradsky district, Krasnodar Territory. The experiment used juvenile Russian-Siberian sturgeon. The basal diet is sturgeon forage with a granule size of 3 mm, produced by Aller Trident EX, trout forage from Aller Silver is also used for comparability of observation series. The experiment lasted 90 days. Aller Trident EX feed ingredients: vitamins, premixes and minerals, yeast, corn gluten, sunflower protein, wheat, wheat gluten, rapeseed oil, fish oil, fish meal, soy protein, soy. Although the increased content of fat for sturgeon fish in the compound feed contributes to an increase in their weight, but this occurs due to metabolic disorders and fat accumulation, which is also evidenced by an increase in juvenile waste in the experimental groups by 2.04.0% and the onset of pathological processes in the liver. Such fish can be used for commercial purposes and sale when the weight reaches 1000 g