75 research outputs found

    Barnes maze test for spatial memory: A new, sensitive scoring system for mouse search strategies

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    The Barnes maze is a task used to assess spatial learning and memory in rodents. It requires animals to learn the position of a hole that can be used as an escape from a bright and open arena. The often-used parameters of latency and path length to measure learning and memory do not reflect the different navigation strategies chosen by the animals. Here, we propose an 11-point scoring scheme to classify the search strategies developed by the animals during the initial training as well as after the change of the escape target to a new position. Strategy scores add an important dimension to time and path length to assess the behavior in this popular maze

    Intranasal delivery of full-length anti-Nogo-A antibody: A potential alternative route for therapeutic antibodies to central nervous system targets

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    Antibody delivery to the CNS remains a huge hurdle for the clinical application of antibodies targeting a CNS antigen. The blood-brain barrier and blood-CSF barrier restrict access of therapeutic antibodies to their CNS targets in a major way. The very high amounts of therapeutic antibodies that are administered systemically in recent clinical trials to reach CNS targets are barely viable cost-wise for broad, routine applications. Though global CNS delivery of antibodies can be achieved by intrathecal application, these procedures are invasive. A non-invasive method to bring antibodies into the CNS reliably and reproducibly remains an important unmet need in neurology. In the present study, we show that intranasal application of a mouse monoclonal antibody against the neurite growth-inhibiting and plasticity-restricting membrane protein Nogo-A leads to a rapid transfer of significant amounts of antibody to the brain and spinal cord in intact adult rats. Daily intranasal application for 2 wk of anti-Nogo-A antibody enhanced growth and compensatory sprouting of corticofugal projections and functional recovery in rats after large unilateral cortical strokes. These findings are a starting point for clinical translation for a less invasive route of application of therapeutic antibodies to CNS targets for many neurological indications

    Stimulation of the cuneiform nucleus enables training and boosts recovery after spinal cord injury

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    Severe spinal cord injuries result in permanent paraparesis in spite of the frequent sparing of small portions of white matter. Spared fibre tracts are often incapable of maintaining and modulating the activity of lower spinal motor centres. Effects of rehabilitative training thus remain limited. Here, we activated spared descending brainstem fibres by electrical deep brain stimulation of the cuneiform nucleus of the mesencephalic locomotor region, the main control centre for locomotion in the brainstem, in adult female Lewis rats. We show that deep brain stimulation of the cuneiform nucleus enhances the weak remaining motor drive in highly paraparetic rats with severe, incomplete spinal cord injuries and enables high-intensity locomotor training. Stimulation of the cuneiform nucleus during rehabilitative aquatraining after subchronic (n = 8 stimulated versus n = 7 unstimulated versus n = 7 untrained rats) and chronic (n = 14 stimulated versus n = 9 unstimulated versus n = 9 untrained rats) spinal cord injury re-established substantial locomotion and improved long-term recovery of motor function. We additionally identified a safety window of stimulation parameters ensuring context-specific locomotor control in intact rats (n = 18) and illustrate the importance of timing of treatment initiation after spinal cord injury (n = 14). This study highlights stimulation of the cuneiform nucleus as a highly promising therapeutic strategy to enhance motor recovery after subchronic and chronic incomplete spinal cord injury with direct clinical applicability

    Disruption of AP1S1, Causing a Novel Neurocutaneous Syndrome, Perturbs Development of the Skin and Spinal Cord

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    Adaptor protein (AP) complexes regulate clathrin-coated vesicle assembly, protein cargo sorting, and vesicular trafficking between organelles in eukaryotic cells. Because disruption of the various subunits of the AP complexes is embryonic lethal in the majority of cases, characterization of their function in vivo is still lacking. Here, we describe the first mutation in the human AP1S1 gene, encoding the small subunit σ1A of the AP-1 complex. This founder splice mutation, which leads to a premature stop codon, was found in four families with a unique syndrome characterized by mental retardation, enteropathy, deafness, peripheral neuropathy, ichthyosis, and keratodermia (MEDNIK). To validate the pathogenic effect of the mutation, we knocked down Ap1s1 expression in zebrafish using selective antisens morpholino oligonucleotides (AMO). The knockdown phenotype consisted of perturbation in skin formation, reduced pigmentation, and severe motility deficits due to impaired neural network development. Both neural and skin defects were rescued by co-injection of AMO with wild-type (WT) human AP1S1 mRNA, but not by co-injecting the truncated form of AP1S1, consistent with a loss-of-function effect of this mutation. Together, these results confirm AP1S1 as the gene responsible for MEDNIK syndrome and demonstrate a critical role of AP1S1 in development of the skin and spinal cord

    Géodynamique andine : résumés étendus = Andean geodynamics : extended abstracts

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    Au sud de Taltal, la Cordillère de la côte est séparée en deux blocs par le système de faille d'Atacama : à l'ouest, le bloc Cifuncho est composé de trois sous-blocs, limités par des failles, et constitués respectivement de sédiments paléozoïques, de sédiments triasiques à jurassiques, et de volcanites d'arc d'âge jurassique; à l'est, le bloc Pingo est constitué de roches paléozoïques surmontées par des volcanites du Crétacé inférieur. Cet assemblage de blocs est attribué à la subduction oblique. (Résumé d'auteur

    Slow development of bladder malfunction parallels spinal cord fiber sprouting and interneurons' loss after spinal cord transection

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    Neurogenic lower urinary tract dysfunction typically develops after spinal cord injury. We investigated the time course and the anatomical changes in the spinal cord that may be causing lower urinary tract symptoms following injury. Rats were implanted with a bladder catheter and external urethral sphincter electromyography electrodes. Animals underwent a large, incomplete spinal transection at the T8/9 spinal level. At 1, 2-3, and 4 weeks after injury, the animals underwent urodynamic investigations. Urodynamic investigations showed detrusor overactivity and detrusor-sphincter-dyssynergia appearing over time at 3-4 weeks after injury. Lower urinary tract dysfunction was accompanied by an increase in density of C-fiber afferents in the lumbosacral dorsal horn. CRF-positive Barrington's and 5-HT-positive bulbospinal projections drastically decreased after injury, with partial compensation for the CRF fibers at 3-4 weeks. Interestingly, a decrease over time was observed in the number of GABAergic neurons in the lumbosacral dorsal horn and lamina X, and a decrease of glutamatergic cells in the dorsal horn. Detrusor overactivity and detrusor-sphincter-dyssynergia might therefore arise from a discrepancy in inhibitory/excitatory interneuron activity in the lumbosacral cord as well as input changes which develop over time after injury. The processes point to spinal plastic changes leading to malfunction of the important physiological pathway of lower urinary tract control
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