51,148 research outputs found

    Anomalous Soft Photons in Hadron Production

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    Anomalous soft photons in excess of what is expected from electromagnetic bremsstrahlung have been observed in association with the production of hadrons, mostly mesons, in high-energy (K+)p, (pi+)p, (pi-)p, pp, and (e+)(e-) collisions. We propose a model for the simultaneous production of anomalous soft photons and mesons in quantum field theory, in which the meson production arises from the oscillation of color charge densities of the quarks of the underlying vacuum in the flux tube. As a quark carries both a color charge and an electric charge, the oscillation of the color charge densities will be accompanied by the oscillation of electric charge densities, which will in turn lead to the simultaneous production of soft photons during the meson production process. How the production of these soft photons may explain the anomalous soft photon data will be discussed. Further experimental measurements to test the model will be proposed.Comment: 19 pages, 2 figures, to be published in Physical Review

    On number fields with nontrivial subfields

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    What is the probability for a number field of composite degree dd to have a nontrivial subfield? As the reader might expect the answer heavily depends on the interpretation of probability. We show that if the fields are enumerated by the smallest height of their generators the probability is zero, at least if d>6d>6. This is in contrast to what one expects when the fields are enumerated by the discriminant. The main result of this article is an estimate for the number of algebraic numbers of degree d=end=e n and bounded height which generate a field that contains an unspecified subfield of degree ee. If n>max{e2+e,10}n>\max\{e^2+e,10\} we get the correct asymptotics as the height tends to infinity

    Behavior of shell-model configuration moments

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    An important input into reaction theory is the density of states or the level density. Spectral distribution theory (also known as nuclear statistical spectroscopy) characterizes the secular behavior of the density of states through moments of the Hamiltonian. One particular approach is to partition the model space into subspaces and find the moments in those subspaces; a convenient choice of subspaces are spherical shell-model configurations. We revisit these configuration moments and find, for complete 0ω0\hbar\omega many-body spaces, the following behaviors: (a) the configuration width is nearly constant for all configurations; (b) the configuration asymmetry or third moment is strongly correlated with the configuration centroid; (c) the configuration fourth moment, or excess is linearly related to the square to the configuration asymmetry. Such universal behavior may allow for more efficient modeling of the density of states in a shell-model framework.Comment: 12 pages, 8 figure

    Half-Monopole and Multimonopole

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    We would like to present some exact SU(2) Yang-Mills-Higgs monopole solutions of half-integer topological charge. These solutions can be just an isolated half-monopole or a multimonopole with topological magnetic charge, 1/2m{1/2}m, where mm is a natural number. These static monopole solutions satisfy the first order Bogomol'nyi equations. The axially symmetric one-half monopole gauge potentials possess a Dirac-like string singularity along the negative z-axis. The multimonopole gauge potentials are also singular along the z-axis and possess only mirror symmetries.Comment: 12 pages and 4 figures; typos corrected, reference adde

    Nanoindentation-induced deformation of Ge

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    The deformation mechanisms of crystalline (100) Ge were studied using nanoindentation, cross sectional transmission electron microscopy (XTEM) and Raman microspectroscopy. For a wide range of indentation conditions using both spherical and pointed indenters, multiple discontinuities were found in the force–displacement curves on loading, but no discontinuities were found on unloading. Raman microspectroscopy, measured from samples which had plastically deformed on loading, showed a spectrum shift from that in pristine Ge, suggesting only residual strain. No evidence (such as extra Raman bands) was found to suggest that any pressure-induced phase transformations had occurred, despite the fact that the material had undergone severe plastic deformation.Selected area diffraction pattern studies of the mechanically damaged regions also confirmed the absence of additional phases. Moreover, XTEM showed that, at low loads, plastic deformation occurs by twinning and dislocation motion. This indicates that the hardness of Gemeasured by indentation is not primarily dominated by phase transformation, rather by the nucleation and propagation of twin bands and/or dislocations

    Beyond Counting: New Perspectives on the Active IPv4 Address Space

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    In this study, we report on techniques and analyses that enable us to capture Internet-wide activity at individual IP address-level granularity by relying on server logs of a large commercial content delivery network (CDN) that serves close to 3 trillion HTTP requests on a daily basis. Across the whole of 2015, these logs recorded client activity involving 1.2 billion unique IPv4 addresses, the highest ever measured, in agreement with recent estimates. Monthly client IPv4 address counts showed constant growth for years prior, but since 2014, the IPv4 count has stagnated while IPv6 counts have grown. Thus, it seems we have entered an era marked by increased complexity, one in which the sole enumeration of active IPv4 addresses is of little use to characterize recent growth of the Internet as a whole. With this observation in mind, we consider new points of view in the study of global IPv4 address activity. Our analysis shows significant churn in active IPv4 addresses: the set of active IPv4 addresses varies by as much as 25% over the course of a year. Second, by looking across the active addresses in a prefix, we are able to identify and attribute activity patterns to network restructurings, user behaviors, and, in particular, various address assignment practices. Third, by combining spatio-temporal measures of address utilization with measures of traffic volume, and sampling-based estimates of relative host counts, we present novel perspectives on worldwide IPv4 address activity, including empirical observation of under-utilization in some areas, and complete utilization, or exhaustion, in others.Comment: in Proceedings of ACM IMC 201

    In situ real-time analysis of alloy film composition and segregation dynamics with parallel detection reflection electron energy loss spectroscopy

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    Real-time measurements of GexSi1 – x/Si(001) composition and segregation dynamics in Sn/Si(001) in molecular beam epitaxy are demonstrated using parallel detection reflection electron energy loss spectroscopy. Parallel detection enables quantitative acquisition of low-loss spectra in a time of < 500 µs and surface composition determination in GexSi1 – x/Si(001) via Ge L2,3 core loss analysis to a precision of approximately 2% in time of order 1 s. Segregation and trapping kinetics of monolayer thickness Sn films during Si epitaxy on Sn-covered Si(100) has also been studied using the Sn M4.5 core loss

    Color mixing in high-energy hadron collisions

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    The color mixing of mesons propagating in a nucleus is studied with the help of a color-octet Pomeron partner present in the two-gluon model of the Pomeron. For a simple model with four meson-nucleon channels, color mixings are found to be absent for pointlike mesons and very small for small mesons. These results seem to validate the absorption model with two independent color components used in recent analyses of the nuclear absorption of J/ψJ/\psi mesons produced in nuclear reactions.Comment: 3 journal-style page

    Two-Loop Self-Energy and Multiple Scattering at Finite Temperature

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    One and two loop self-energies are worked out explicitly for a heavy scalar field interacting weakly with a light self-interacting scalar field at finite temperature. The ring/daisy diagrams and a set of necklace diagrams can be summed simultaneously. This simple model serves to illustrate the connection between multi-loop self-energy diagrams and multiple scattering in a medium.Comment: 15 pages including 7 figures; v2. with appendix added, accepted by PR