743 research outputs found

    Flower Biology of Two Diospyros Species Neighborly Live at Csc Area: Do Pollen Viability and Tube Growth Rate Shire Endemic Distribution

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    Aims of study were to compare flower structure, pollen viability and pollen tube growth rate of two Diospyros species neighborly live in Cibinong Science Centre (CSC) park, Diospyros blancoi and D. celebica, and pursue if pollen-tube growth rate shire reasons endemic distribution of D.celebica in native habitat. Floral structurewas in situ or ex situ morphologically observed. Germination test and pollen tube growth incubation were done in Sarfatti medium and digitally captured and computerize analysis. The result showed that, both species have flower part resemblance each other. D. blancoi has bigger size in almost all flower parts. D. blancoi showed much more pollen viability (41% vs 7%) and tube growth rate than D. celebica1 (66 vs 0.57 μm per minute). Average pollen-tube length of both species at about 31/2 hours incubation was significantly different each other (342.679 ± 37.067 vs 128,673 ± 49,215μm). Most observed D. blancoi female trees set high number of fruit year to year and almost observed D. celebica female trees set very low number of fruit and some time without fruit in the year. It is associated with geographical distribution difference between the two species. Very significantlydifferent in pollen-germination percentage and pollen-tube growth rate provide a tool of further study to know microenvironment for reproduction and propagation of the endemic species, D. celebica

    Aktifitas Bioreproduksi Generatif Dan Kemungkinan Otofertilisasi Pada Bunga Beberapa Jenis Zingiberaceae Minor Liar (Generative Bioreproduction Activity and Auto Fertilization Possibility of Some Wild-minor Zingiberaceae Species)

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    ApreBminary study on flowers of some wild-minor Zingiberaceae species was conducted to know their generative reproduction andpossiblefertilisation mechanism. Nine species from five wild-minor Zingiberaceae genera grown in Bengkulu Forestry Grand Park :Achasma macrocheilos Griff., A.triorgyale Bak.,Amomum aculeatum Roxb.,A.maxima Roxb.,A.testaceum BJdl, Homstedtia minor VaL, H. scyphus Ret.Nicolaia speciosa Bl, and Zingiber aromaticum VaL, were in situ observed. As much as 90% of the species were found in flowering stage in the study periods, between September and December 1995, 75% of the plants set fruit and seed while 25% set seeded fruit according to native people from neighbour village. All of the flowers showed that many spikelet might be anthesi edper spike per day and were terminally heated on non leafy "stem".Some stigmas observed were occupied by some pollens though pollinator was absent. In addition, stigma - anther distances were very near (0-3 mm).We found that generative bioreproduction was active and productive and autofertili^ation mechanism might be considered to be occurred on the species

    Karakter Morfologi Dan Pola Perkecambahan Biji Strombosia Javanica Bl. (Olacaceae) Dalam Kaitannya Dengan Sifat-sifat Parasitisme* [Morphological Characters and Germination Patterns of Strombosia Javanica Bl. (Olacaeae) Associated with Parasitism]

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    A study on seed germinations of Strombosia javanica BL. was conducted to observe morphological character and germination pattern of the seedling. As many as 134 seeds of the species, originally collected in Bogor Botanical Gardens, were germinated on medium contain soil, sands and compost in same quantity. Germination aspects such as germination patterns and developmental changes were monitored everyday until the first leaves appear. The seed germinations was typically hypogeal and totally spent 160-170 days, and consisted at least six stages: hypocotyl growth, radix primordial formatton, seedling root growth, seed ball lifting, seed ball removal and first leaves appearance. Rather intact seed ball remain exist at the end of hypocotyl vigorously mtil its removal, pmsumably one of special phenomena of the species germination associated to plant parasitism. Functionally, development of the cotyledons were abnormally suppressed by the existence of the seed ball. The cotyledon praphotosynthetic function seems to be replaced by greeny hypocotyl. First leaves development were never occurred before the seed ball removal. Seed coat elimination was able to increase germination initiation in a given time but facilitated damaging bacteria or fungi to contaminate the endosperm

    Penetapan Margin dalam Pembiayaan Murabahah

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui metodepenentuan margin yang sesuai dengan syari'ah, mengetahuimetode penentuan margin dalam pembiayaan murabahah padaPT. Bank Pembiayaan Rakyak Syariah (BPRS) Berkah Ramadhan- Tangerang, dan apakah metode penentuan margin dalampembiayaan murabahah pada PT. Bank Pembiayaan RakyakSyariah (BPRS) Berkah Ramadhan - Tangerang telah patuhterhadap kesesuaian syari'ah. Objek penelitian dalam penelitianini adalah PT. Bank Pembiayaan Rakyak Syariah (BPRS) BerkahRamadhan - Tangerang. Metode penelitian yang digunakan olehpeneliti dalam penelitian ini adalah analisis deskriptif kualitatif.Kesimpulan penelitian ini adalah penentuan margin akadmurabahah yang syar'i adalah penentuan margin yang tidakmelanggar nilai-nilai keadilan dan tidak eksploitatif, penentuanmargin akad murabahah PT. Bank Pembiayaan Rakyak Syariah(BPRS) Berkah Ramadhan - Tangerang adalah dengan metodemark-up pricing dan dengan pertimbangan Direct/IndirectCompetitors Market Rate (ICMR/DCMR) dengan rata-ratabesaran margin 1,5% - 2% / bulan

    Pola Perkecambahan Ramin (Gonystylus Bancanus) Dan Efektifitas Komposisi Media Tanam [Seed Germination Pattern of Ramin (Gonystylus Bancanus) and Effectivity of Planting Media Composition]

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    A research work on seed germination of ramin (Gonystylus bancanus (Miq. Kurz) was conducted to study germination pattern and the effectivity of some composition of planting medias contained compost, cocopeat, organic manure, carbonic sekam and soil.The result showed that the seed germination pattern of ramin at least consist of six stages based on one or more morfological change or an organ formation occured. A growing period needed by the juvenil ramin to grow from a stage to next stage and the seedling plant heigh were taken as parameters to pursued the effectivity of planting media composition. Generally, media contained compost, cocopeat, carbonic sekam and organic manure were much more effective than medium contains soil only. Medium contained compost only was the most effective as planting media based on the two parameters. Cocopeat and carbonic sekam was also recommended as alternative planting media for seed germination and juvenil plant growth of ramin

    Aplikasi Perhitungan Perencanaan Radar Dengan Java (J2ME) Menggunakan Handphone

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    Radio Detection and Ranging (Radar) merupakan sistem pengideraan jauh dengan sensor aktif. Bagian penting radar terdiri dari transmitter (Tx)  yang dihubungkan dengan antenna transmitting yang mengirimkan gelombang elektromagnetik ke target, receiver (Rx) yang dihubungkan dengan sebuah antenna receiving akan menerima gelombang hasil pantulan dari target radar. Bagian output dari terminal transmitter akan menghasilkan sebuah persamaan sinyal S(t). Antenna Tx akan mengkonversi sinyal tersebut dan mengarahkan sinyal radio menuju target. Sinyal yang menuju ke target akan menabrak target. Dengan karakteristik target radar sebagian sinyal tersebut dipantulkan kembali menuju antenna penerima radar. Persamaan sinyal hasil pantulan, Sr(t) akan diterima antenna penerima radar dan diteruskan ke bagian penerima. Bagian penerima radar selanjutnya menganalisa persamaan sinyal Sr(t) sehingga dapat menganalisa dimana keberadaan dan jarak dari target radar. Java adalah bahasa pemrograman yang dapat digunakan untuk program aplikasi perhitungan perencanann radar ini. Java memiliki sifat portable atau tidak tergantung pada platform. Dengan begitu Java dikenal dengan istilah „write once, run everywhere\u27, yang berarti kode program hanya ditulis sekali, namun dapat dijalankan dibawah platform manapun tanpa harus melakukan Perubahan kode program. Hand phone yang memenuhi platform standar MIDP 2.0 dan CLDC 1.1 yang dapat digunakan untuk menjalankan program ini

    Strategi Peningkatan Ketahanan Pangan Rumah Tangga Rawan Pangan

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    Tulisan ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis permasalahan kerawanan pangan rumah tangga dan alternatif strategi penanggulangannya. Hasil analisis diharapkan menjadi bahan masukan bagi pengambil kebijakan tingkat pusat maupun daerah dalam upaya meningkatkan ketahanan pangan dan menanggulangi kerawanan pangan rumah tangga. Data yang digunakan adalah data Susenas (Survey Sosial Ekonomi Nasional) tahun 1996-2005 dari Badan Pusat Statistik. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa (1) proporsi rumah tangga rawan pangan di provinsi-provinsi luar Jawa khususnya wilayah Kawasan Timur Indonesia dan daerah perdesaan relatif tinggi dibanding wilayah Kawasan Barat Indonesia dan derah perkotaan, implikasinya adalah penanganan masalah rawan pangan perlu diprioritaskan pada wilayah-wilayah tersebut agar kesenjangan antara Kawasan Timur dan Barat Indonesia serta kesenjangan desa - kota tidak semakin melebar; (2) perwujudan ketahanan pangan merupakan tanggung jawab bersama antara pemerintah dan masyarakat, masing-masing tingkatan pemerintahan melaksanakan kebijakan dan program ketahanan pangan dan penanganan masalah kerawanan pangan sesuai dengan mandat dan tupoksinya. Sementara itu, dalam upaya penanggulangan rawan pangan masyarakat diharapkan dapat berperan sesuai dengan kapasitas dan potensinya dan dapat diapresiasikan pada kegiatan pemberdayaan posyandu, dasawisma, kepedulian sosial, kegiatan PKK dan aktifitas sosial keagamaan

    Keanekaragaman Dan Penyebaran Gall Di Kebun Raya Bogor

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    In order to know the habitat preference gradation for gall-forming insects from the border to the middle of the habitat or more precise the edge effect on the galling existence and the expansion ability of local gall to infect on non indigenous species, observation of all plant life collections block by block in the Bogor Botanic Garden were done. Host plant and galling insect species composition differed quite characteristically between the edge and the interior of paths, but did not for galling insect richness. Insect gall richness was expressed as the ratio between insect gall and host plant richness (gall per plant ratio) and in the same time a weak relationship of insect species–area was found. Our results suggest that the number of galling insects per individual plant is not affected by the size of the patch. Despite these results, the natural forest patches are found in this region seem well suited for long-term studies addressing species–area relationships

    The efficacy of black cumin seed (Nigella sativa) oil and hypoglycemic drug combination to reduce HbA1c level in patients with metabolic syndrome risk

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    Abstract. Metabolic syndrome is a conditions caused by metabolic abnormalities include central obesity, atherogenic dyslipidemia, hypertension, and insulin resistance. HbA1c examination is required to study the long-term glycemic status and to prevent diabetic complications of metabolic syndrome. The purpose of this study is to determine the efficacy of black cumin seed (Nigella sativa) oil and hypoglycemic drug combination to reduce HbA1c level in patients with metabolic syndrome risk. This research performed using an experimental randomized single - blind controlled trial design. A total of 99 outpatients at the Jetis I Public Health Center, Yogyakarta, Indonesia with metabolic syndrome risk were divided into three groups: The control group received placebo and two treatment groups received black seed oil orally at dose of 1.5 mL/day and 3 mL/day, respectively, for 20 days. The clinical conditions such as blood pressure, pulse rate, BMI, blood glucose serum and HbA1c levels were examined on day 0 and 21. The results obtained were analyzed with one-way ANOVA test. The mean of HbA1c levels of all groups before treatment was higher than the normal values and there was no significant difference in HbA1c value on day 0. Administration of 1.5 and 3 mL/day of black seed oil for 20 days decreased (p<0.05) HbA1c levels. It can be concluded that administration of black cumin seed oil and hypoglycemic drug combination for 20 days in patients at risk of metabolic syndrome may reduce to HbA1c levels
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