198 research outputs found

    Using the Fermilab Proton Source for a Muon to Electron Conversion Experiment

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    The Fermilab proton source is capable of providing 8 GeV protons for both the future long-baseline neutrino program (NuMI), and for a new program of low energy muon experiments. In particular, if the 8 GeV protons are rebunched and then slowly extracted into an external beamline, the resulting proton beam would be suitable for a muon-to-electron conversion experiment designed to improve on the existing sensitivity by three orders of magnitude. We describe a scheme for the required beam manipulations. The scheme uses the Accumulator for momentum stacking, and the Debuncher for bunching and slow extraction. This would permit simultaneous operation of the muon program with the future NuMI program, delivering 10^20 protons per year at 8 GeV for the muon program at the cost of a modest (~10%) reduction in the protons available to the neutrino program.Comment: 18 pages, 7 figure

    Operation and performance of the new Fermilab Booster H- injection system

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    The operation and performance of the new, 15 Hz, H{sup -} charge exchange injection system for the FNAL Booster is described. The new system installed in 2006 was necessary to allow injection into the Booster at up to 15 Hz. It was built using radiation hardened materials which will allow the Booster to reliably meet the high intensity and repetition rate requirements of the Fermilab's HEP program. The new design uses three orbit bump magnets (Orbumps) rather than the usual four and permits injection into the Booster without a septum magnet. Injection beam line modification and compensation for the quadrupole gradients of the Orbump magnets is discussed

    Physics at a Neutrino Factory

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    In response to the growing interest in building a Neutrino Factory to produce high intensity beams of electron- and muon-neutrinos and antineutrinos, in October 1999 the Fermilab Directorate initiated two six-month studies. The first study, organized by N. Holtkamp and D. Finley, was to investigate the technical feasibility of an intense neutrino source based on a muon storage ring. This design study has produced a report in which the basic conclusion is that a Neutrino Factory is technically feasible, although it requires an aggressive R&D program. The second study, which is the subject of this report, was to explore the physics potential of a Neutrino Factory as a function of the muon beam energy and intensity, and for oscillation physics, the potential as a function of baseline.Comment: 133 pages, 64 figures. Report to the Fermilab Directorate. Available from http://www.fnal.gov/projects/muon_collider/ This version fixes some printing problem
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