1,718 research outputs found
Subfield-Subcodes of Generalized Toric codes
We study subfield-subcodes of Generalized Toric (GT) codes over
. These are the multidimensional analogues of BCH codes,
which may be seen as subfield-subcodes of generalized Reed-Solomon codes. We
identify polynomial generators for subfield-subcodes of GT codes which allows
us to determine the dimensions and obtain bounds for the minimum distance. We
give several examples of binary and ternary subfield-subcodes of GT codes that
are the best known codes of a given dimension and length.Comment: Submitted to 2010 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory
(ISIT 2010
Rgtsp: a generalized top scoring pairs package for class prediction.
SUMMARY: A top scoring pair (TSP) classifier consists of a pair of variables whose relative ordering can be used for accurately predicting the class label of a sample. This classification rule has the advantage of being easily interpretable and more robust against technical variations in data, as those due to different microarray platforms. Here we describe a parallel implementation of this classifier which significantly reduces the training time, and a number of extensions, including a multi-class approach, which has the potential of improving the classification performance. AVAILABILITY AND IMPLEMENTATION: Full C++ source code and R package Rgtsp are freely available from http://lausanne.isb-sib.ch/~vpopovic/research/. The implementation relies on existing OpenMP libraries
Quarks in Coulomb gauge perturbation theory
Coulomb gauge quantum chromodynamics within the first order functional
formalism is considered. The quark contributions to the Dyson-Schwinger
equations are derived and one-loop perturbative results for the two-point
functions are presented.Comment: 20 pages, 2 figure
The evaluation of liver fibrosis regression in chronic hepatitis C patients after the treatment with direct-acting antiviral agents – A review of the literature
The second-generation of direct-acting antiviral agents are the current treatment for chronic viral hepatitis C infection. To evaluate the regression of liver fibrosis in patients receiving this therapy, liver biopsy remains the most accurate method, but the invasiveness of this procedure is its major drawback. Different non-invasive tests have been used to study changes in the stage of liver fibrosis in patients with chronic viral hepatitis treated with the second-generation of direct-acting antiviral agents: liver stiffness measurements (with transient elastography or acoustic radiation force impulse elastography) or different scores that use serum markers to calculate a fibrosis score. We prepared a literature review of the available data regarding the long-term evolution of liver fibrosis after the treatment with direct-acting antiviral agents for chronic viral hepatitis C
An approach to implementing dynamic adaptation in c
This paper describes TRAP/C++, a software tool that enables new adaptable behavior to be added to existing C++ programs in a transparent fashion. In previous investigations, we used an aspectoriented approach to manually define aspects for adaptation infrastructure, which were woven into the original application code at compile time. In follow-on work, we developed TRAP, a transparent shaping technique for automatically generating adaptation aspects, where TRAP/J is a specific instantiation of TRAP. This paper presents our work into building TRAP/C++, which was intended to be a port of TRAP/J into C++. Designing TRAP/C++ required us to overcome two major hurdles: lack of reflection in C++ and the incompatibility between the management of objects in C++ and the aspect weaving technique used in TRAP/J. We used generative programming methods to produce two tools, TrapGen and TrapCC, that work together to produce the desired TRAP/C++ functionality. Details of the TRAP/C++ architecture and operation are presented, which we illustrate with a description of a case study that adds dynamic auditing capabilities to an existing distributed C++ application
Early diagnosis and prompt surgical treatment – the key to favorable results in Boerhaave Syndrome
Spitalul Județean de Urgență, Drobeta-Turnu Severin, România, Al XIII-lea Congres al Asociației Chirurgilor „Nicolae Anestiadi” și al III-lea Congres al Societății de Endoscopie, Chirurgie miniminvazivă și Ultrasonografie ”V.M.Guțu” din Republica MoldovaIntroducere: Sindromul Boerhaave (ruptura spontană de esofag toracic) este o patologie greu de diagnosticat și cu mortalitate foarte
mare în cazul lipsei tratamentului adecvat, care este chirurgical cât mai precoce.
Material și metode: Prezentăm 3 pacienți bărbați, doi în vârstă de 42 ani, al treilea de 72 ani, care au fost internați pentru
hematemeză, dureri violente epigastrice, retrosternale și toracice stângi, stare generală de rău, apărute după un efort de vărsătură pe
fondul consumului de alcool, emfizem subcutanat cervical bilateral. Diagnosticul a fost suspicionat pe baza anamnezei, examenului
clinic, colecției lichidiene pleurale stângi cu aspect tulbure maroniu (cu amilaze crescute) și mai ales radiologic, care a evidențiat
pneumomediastin și nivel hidroaeric retrocardiac, confirmat de ingestia de substanță de contrast hidrosolubilă (la un caz). Toți pacienții
prezentau deja semne clinice și paraclinice de sepsis, astfel încât la 14, 9, respectiv 16 ore de la momentul estimat al producerii
efracției esofagiene, s-a instituit tratamentul chirurgical.
Rezultate: Sub anestezie generala s-a efectuat toracotomie posterolaterală stângă cu rezecția coastei VII și prepararea unui lambou
pediculat posterior de mușchi intercostal VII. S-a debridat excizional pio-pneumomediastinul și cavitatea pleurală stângă, toaletă
abundentă, sutura esofagiană în dublu strat acoperită cu lamboul de mușchi intercostal, dublu drenaj pleural aspirativ, gastrostomie
de decompresie și alimentație la primul caz, doar sondă nazo-gastrică – la ultimele două cazuri. Asocierea antibioticoterapiei masive,
vasopresororilor și nutriției au contribuit la evoluția favorabilă (clinic și radiologic), cu închiderea gastrostomei peste trei săptămâni la
primul pacient.
Concluzii: Corelarea datelor anamnestice cu cele radiologice și un înalt grad de suspiciune sunt esențiale pentru stabilirea cât mai
precoce a sindromului Boerhaave. În cazurile diagnosticate precoce (ideal sub 12 ore, acceptabil până la 24 ore de la momentul
perforației) șansele tratamentului reparator reușit sunt maxime.Background: Boerhaave syndrome (spontaneous rupture of thoracic esophagus) is a condition difficult for diagnosis with very high
mortality in the absence of adequate treatment, which is surgically as early as possible.
Methods and materials: We present three male patients, two aged 42 years, the third 72 years admitted for hematemesis, epigastric,
retrosternal and left thoracic pain, general malaise appeared after a vomiting effort after alcohol consumption, bilateral subcutaneous
cervical emphysema. The diagnosis was suspected on the basis of history, physical examination, left pleural cloudy brown collection
(with increased amylase level) and especially radiological findings, which revealed pneumomediastinum and retro-cardiac air-fluid
level, confirmed by the intake of water-soluble contrast (in one case). All patients already had clinical and laboratory signs of sepsis, so surgical treatment performed at 14, 9 and 16 hours from the estimated time of esophageal rupture.
Results: Under general anesthesia, left posterolateral thoracotomy with the VII rib resection and the preparation of a posterior pedicle
flap of intercostal muscle were performed. Large debridement of mediastinum and left pleural cavity, abundant lavage was done.
Two-plane esophageal closure covered with intercostal muscle flap, double aspiration drainage, gastrostomy for decompression and
nutrition in the first case, and only nasogastric tube – in the last two cases. Association of massive antibiotic therapy, vasopressors and
nutrition contributed to the favorable (clinical and radiological) outcomes, with gastrostomy closing over three weeks in the first patient.
Conclusion: The correlation of anamnestic and radiological data and a high degree of suspicion are essential for establishing
the Boerhaave syndrome as early as possible. In cases diagnosed early (better under 12 hours, acceptable up to 24 hours after
perforation), the chances of successful reparative treatment are maximal
Field-induced criticality in a gapped quantum magnet with bond disorder
Neutron diffraction and calorimetric measurements are used to study the
field-induced quantum phase transition in
piperazinium-Cu(ClBr) (, x=3.5% and x=7.5%), a
prototypical quantum antiferromagnet with random bonds. The critical indexes
and are determined. The findings contradict some original
predictions for Bose Glass based on the assumption , but are consistent
with recent theoretical results implying . Inelastic neutron experiments
reveal that disorder has a profound effect on the lowest-energy magnetic gap
excitation in the system.Comment: 4.2 pages, 4 figures. Submitted to PRB Rapid Communication
Section Extension from Hyperbolic Geometry of Punctured Disk and Holomorphic Family of Flat Bundles
The construction of sections of bundles with prescribed jet values plays a
fundamental role in problems of algebraic and complex geometry. When the jet
values are prescribed on a positive dimensional subvariety, it is handled by
theorems of Ohsawa-Takegoshi type which give extension of line bundle valued
square-integrable top-degree holomorphic forms from the fiber at the origin of
a family of complex manifolds over the open unit 1-disk when the curvature of
the metric of line bundle is semipositive. We prove here an extension result
when the curvature of the line bundle is only semipositive on each fiber with
negativity on the total space assumed bounded from below and the connection of
the metric locally bounded, if a square-integrable extension is known to be
possible over a double point at the origin. It is a Hensel-lemma-type result
analogous to Artin's application of the generalized implicit function theorem
to the theory of obstruction in deformation theory. The motivation is the need
in the abundance conjecture to construct pluricanonical sections from flatly
twisted pluricanonical sections. We also give here a new approach to the
original theorem of Ohsawa-Takegoshi by using the hyperbolic geometry of the
punctured open unit 1-disk to reduce the original theorem of Ohsawa-Takegoshi
to a simple application of the standard method of constructing holomorphic
functions by solving the d-bar equation with cut-off functions and additional
blowup weight functions
Lidar depolarization characterization using a reference system
In this study, we present a new approach for the determination of polarization parameters of the Nicosia Cimel CE376 lidar system, using the PollyXT in Limassol as a reference instrument. The method is applied retrospectively to the measurements obtained during the 2021 Cyprus Fall Campaign. Lidar depolarization measurements represent valuable information for aerosol typing and for the quantification of some specific aerosol types such as dust and volcanic ash. An accurate characterization is required for quality measurements and to remove instrumental artifacts. In this article, we use the PollyXT, a widely used depolarization lidar, as our reference to evaluate the CE376 system's gain ratio and channel cross-talk. We use observations of transported dust from desert regions for this approach, with layers in the free troposphere. Above the boundary layer and the highest terrain elevation of the region, we can expect that, for long-range transport of aerosols, local effects should not affect the aerosol mixture enough for us to expect similar depolarization properties at the two stations (separated by ∼ 60 km). Algebraic equations are used to derive polarization parameters from the comparison of the volume depolarization ratio measured by the two systems. The applied methodology offers a promising opportunity to evaluate the polarization parameters of a lidar system, in cases where a priori knowledge of the cross-talk parameters is not available, or to transfer the polarization parameters from one system to the other.</p
Discussions and Replies Session 3
ABSTRAK Efendi, Syaiful. 2016. Perbedaan Kompetensi Produktif antara Siswa Kelas Industri dengan Kelas Reguler Paket Keahlian Teknik Kendaraan Ringan di SMKN 10 Malang. Skripsi, Jurusan Teknik Mesin, Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Negeri Malang. Pembimbing: (I) Dr. Syarif Suhartadi, M.Pd., (II) Drs. H. Agus Sholah, M.Pd. Kata Kunci: kompetensi produktif, kelas industri, kelas reguler Tujuan SMK adalah menyiapkan siswa untuk memasuki lapangan kerja dan mengembangkan sikap profesionalis. Hal ini dapat diwujudkan melalui kerjasama internal dengan membuka kelas kerjasama atau kelas industri pada SMK. SMKN 10 Malang adalah salah satu sekolah yang menerapkan kelas kerjasama dengan pihak Honda di jurusan teknik kendaraan ringan. Kelas tersebut bernama kelas HTEC (Honda Technician Education Class) yang dirilis sejak tanggal 10 Desember 2014. Tujuan dengan adanya kelas HTEC ini mampu meningkatkan kompetensi produktif siswa pada kelas XII agar mempunyai kompetensi yang baik. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui perbedaan kompetensi produktif antara siswa kelas industri dengan kelas reguler. Desain penelitian ini termasuk dalam desain eksperimen dengan post-test only control design. Variabel dalam penelitian ini terdiri dari variabel bebas dan variabel terikat. Variabel bebas dalam penelitian ini adalah pengelompokkan kelas yang terdiri dari kelas industri dan kelas reguler sedangkan kompetensi produktif merupakan variabel terikat. Subyek penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas XII Teknik Kendaraan Ringan pada kelas industri dan kelas reguler menggunakancluster sampling dan proportional sample sebagai teknik pengambilan sampel penelitian. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah teknik uji t (Independent Sample t-Test). Rata-rata nilai post-test kompetensi produktif siswa kelas industri adalah 83.8 dan rata-rata nilai post-test kompetensi produktif siswa kelas reguler adalah 76.94. Hasil uji t diperoleh nilai sig. (2 tailed
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