28 research outputs found

    Some entanglement features of three-atoms Tavis-Cummings model: Cooperative case

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    In this paper we consider a system of identical three two-level atoms interacting at resonance with a single-mode of the quantized field in a lossless cavity. The initial cavity field is prepared in the coherent state while the atoms are taken initially to be either in the uppermost excited state "∣eee>|eee>" or The GHZ\textmd{GHZ}-state or the W\textmd{W}-state. For this system we investigate different kinds of atomic inversion and entanglement, which arise between the different parts of the system due to the interaction. Also the relationship, between entanglement and some other nonclassical effects in the statistical properties, such as collapses and revivals in the atomic inversion where superharmonic effects appear, is discussed. The QQ-functions for different cases are discussed. Most remarkably it is found that the GHZ\textmd{GHZ}-state is more robust against energy losses, showing almost coherent trapping and Schr\"odinger-cat states can not be produced from such state. Also the entanglement of GHZ\textmd{GHZ}-state is more robust than the W\textmd{W}-state. Another interesting feature found is that the state which has no pairwise entanglement initially will have a much improvement of such pairwise entanglement through the evolution. Sudden death and sudden revival of atoms-pairwise entanglement are produced with the W\textmd{W}-state.Comment: 14 pages, 7 figure

    On the evolution of superposition of squeezed displaced number states with the multiphoton Jaynes-Cummings model

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    In this paper we discuss the quantum properties for superposition of squeezed displaced number states against multiphoton Jaynes-Cummings model (JCM). In particular, we investigate atomic inversion, photon-number distribution, purity, quadrature squeezing, Mandel QQ parameter and Wigner function. We show that the quadrature squeezing for three-photon absorption case can exhibit revivals and collapses typical to those occurring in the atomic inversion for one-photon absorption case. Also we prove that for odd number absorption parameter there is a connection between the evolution of the atomic inversion and the evolution of the Wigner function at the origin in phase space. Furthermore, we show that the nonclassical states whose the Wigner functions values at the origins are negative will be always nonclassical when they are evolving through the JCM with even absorption parameter. Also we demonstrate that various types of cat states can be generated via this system.Comment: 27 pages, 10 figure

    Perspectives for a mixed two-qubit system with binomial quantum states

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    The problem of the relationship between entanglement and two-qubit systems in which it is embedded is central to the quantum information theory. This paper suggests that the concurrence hierarchy as an entanglement measure provides an alternative view of how to think about this problem. We consider mixed states of two qubits and obtain an exact solution of the time-dependent master equation that describes the evolution of two two-level qubits (or atoms) within a perfect cavity for the case of multiphoton transition. We consider the situation for which the field may start from a binomial state. Employing this solution, the significant features of the entanglement when a second qubit is weakly coupled to the field and becomes entangled with the first qubit, is investigated. We also describe the response of the atomic system as it varies between the Rabi oscillations and the collapse-revival mode and investigate the atomic inversion and the Q-function. We identify and numerically demonstrate the region of parameters where significantly large entanglement can be obtained. Most interestingly, it is shown that features of the entanglement is influenced significantly when the multi-photon process is involved. Finally, we obtain illustrative examples of some novel aspects of this system and show how the off-resonant case can sensitize entanglement to the role of initial state setting.Comment: 18 pages, 9 figure

    Multi-dimensional trio coherent states

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    We introduce a novel class of higher-order, three-mode states called K-dimensional trio coherent states. We study their mathematical properties and prove that they form a complete set in a truncated Fock space. We also study their physical content by explicitly showing that they exhibit nonclassical features such as oscillatory number distribution, sub-poissonian statistics, Cauchy-Schwarz inequality violation and phase-space quantum interferences. Finally, we propose an experimental scheme to realize the state with K=2 in the quantized vibronic motion of a trapped ion.Comment: 17 pages, 12 figures, accepted for publication in J. Phys. A: Math. Ge