59 research outputs found

    Assessing cytokine status of patients with chronic endometritis combined with endometrial hyperplastic processes in reproductive period

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    The goal of our study was to examine local and serum cytokine level involved in regulating inflammation in patients with chronic endometritis combined with endometrial hyperplastic processes. On admission, all patients underwent hysteroscopy with separate diagnostic curettage followed by histological examination of samples isolated from the uterine and cervical canal mucosa. Such manipulations were indicated due to abnormal uterine bleeding as well as suspected endometrial pathology based on ultrasound examination. According to the histological examination data of the endometrial samples, all patients were divided into two groups: group I contained 45 women with CE combined with PEG without atypia; group II — 38 patients with morphologically verified CEE combined with AEG without atypia. Level of IL-1P, IL-2, IL-6, IFNy, TNFa in biological fluids (aspirate from the uterus; serum) was measured by using enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. We found that in both groups (91.1% and 89.6%, respectively) the vast majority of patients was hospitalized due to abnormal uterine bleeding. Oligomenorrhea alternated with intermenstrual bleeding (66.7% and 71.2%, respectively) and dominated in pattern of menstrual cycle disorders in the examined patients, whereas 11 (24.4%) and 7 (18.4%) patients from group I and II, respectively, were noted to suffer from severe menstrual bleeding. Overall, analyzing the data on cytokine level both in the uterine aspirate and serum evidences about ongoing inflammatory process found at examination time point. Upon that, such process was not only local, but also exhibited signs of a systemic inflammatory response. The data on cytokine level in the uterine aspirate from patients with CE coupled to PGE or CGE without atypia point at local inflammatory process characterized by significantly increased concentration of IL-ф, IL-2, IL-6, TNFa and IFNy. At the same time, higher level of IL-ф and IFNy in patients from group II might indicates that degree of morphological changes in the endometrium could affect the level of local cytokine production. Thus, the data obtained evidence that immune changes in chronic endometritis combined with non-atypical endometrial hyperplastic processes mostly occur locally. In this regard, measuring cytokine concentration in the uterine aspirate is a diagnostic predictor and serves as a sign for monitoring therapeutic effectiveness of therapy in this cohort of patients


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    The research objective had been to evaluate the autonomic status in peritoneal dialysis (PD) patients and to identify its lipid metabolism interaction. Patients and methods. During the research process 40patients had been examined who received continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis (CAPD). The autonomic status was studied using the questionnaire (A.N. Wayne test) and sympathetic skin response (SSR) by electroneuromyograph «Neuro–MEP–4». 20 conventionally healthy individuals formed the control group matched according to age and sex. Results. Obtained questionnaire data showed clinical symptoms of autonomic dysfunction in 37 cases among 40 (92,5%) PD patients. Analysis of the correlation level of autonomic disorders with lipid metabolism showed a significant dependence with the concentration of high density lipoprotein (HDL) (p=–0,43;p=0,01), low density lipoprotein (LDL) (p=0,55; p=0,001) and atherogenic index. Also a comparative analysis of the main CSAP PD patients’ indicators and conditionally healthy individuals showed a statistically significant decrease in the amplitudes of the first and second phases of SSR. Also SSR results analysis in conjunction with the autonomic disorders clinical implications afforded the ground for the lower extremities polyneuropathy diagnosis in 18 cases among 25 (72%) patients. Moreover, the study of lipid profile showed the correlation of total cholesterol (TC) with all studied SSR parameters: A1 (r=0,64; p=0,0006), A2 (r=0,79; p<0,0001), latent period (LP) (r=–0,45; p=0,04). Conclusions. The autonomic status of CAPD patients is characterized by low level of vegetative regulation total power and the imbalance of sympathetic and parasympathetic influences in comparison with conventionally healthy individuals and it is correlated with lipid spectrum

    Imbalance in the oxidative stress system-antioxidant protection in patients with chronic pyelonephritis depending on the course of the diseas

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    Assessment of the imbalance in the system of oxidative stress - antioxidant protection in patients with chronic pyelonephritis depending on the course of the diseas


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    Base principles of selecting compositions of the charge and processing products depending on the initial ore composition and required ferronickel composition are developed. Main production parameters of smelting are the gas temperature under the roof of 1000– 1100 °C and rarefaction of 0,5–1,5 Pa. The processing technology of the oxidized nickel ore with the acquisition of 20 % ferronickel (according to ISO 6501:1988) using the dc ore-thermal furnace is substantiated. The advantage of this process is in the fabrication of metal with a high nickel content, an increase in recovery of valuable components into the alloy, and processing fine and dust-like materials. Разработаны базовые принципы подбора составов шихты и продуктов переработки в зависимости от состава исходной руды и требуемого состава ферроникеля. Основными технологическими параметрами плавки являются: температура газов под сводом – 1000–1100 °С, разрежение – 0,5–1,5 Па. Обоснована технология переработки окисленной никелевой руды с получением 20 %-ного ферроникеля (по ISO 6501:1988) с использованием рудно-термической печи постоянного тока. Достоинства этого процесса заключаются в получении металла с высоким содержанием никеля, повышении извлечения в сплав ценных элементов и возможности переработки тонких и пылевидных материалов.

    Investigation on the association of cardiovascular markers with severity of chronic pyelonephritis

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    Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is an established independent risk factor for cardiovascular disease (CVD) and is caused by chronic pyelonephritis (CP). This study aimed to investigate the effect of the association of cardiovascular markers with the course of CP on the comorbidity of CP with ischemic heart disease. The study participants included 125 patients with CP without symptoms of urinary tract obstruction who were divided into three group

    Changes in the adaptive potential and cognitive functions of students under intellectual load

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    The article deals with the problem of the impact of intellectual load on the cardiorespiratory system, concentration and attention of 3rd-year students of the Burdenko State Medical University during the educational process. In addition, the students were evaluated for indicators that reflect the physical development and functional state of the body. The study involved 31 students of medical and pediatric faculties. Students have a predominance of the activity of the sympathetic nervous system, a decrease in concentration and the body's resistance to hypoxia by the end of the lesson.В статье затрагивается проблема воздействия интеллектуальной нагрузки на кардиореспираторную систему, концентрацию и внимание студентов 3 курса ВГМУ им. Н.Н. Бурденко во время учебного процесса. Помимо этого, у учащихся оценивали показатели, отражающие физическое развитие и функциональное состояние организма. В исследовании приняли участие 31 студент лечебного и педиатрического факультетов. У учащихся отмечается преобладание активности симпатической нервной системы, снижение концентрации внимания и устойчивости организма к гипоксии к концу занятия

    Internal flows and energy circulation in light beams

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    We review optical phenomena associated with the internal energy redistribution which accompany propagation and transformations of monochromatic light fields in homogeneous media. The total energy flow (linear-momentum density, Poynting vector) can be divided into spin part associated with the polarization and orbital part associated with the spatial inhomogeneity. We give general description of the internal flows in the coordinate and momentum (angular spectrum) representations for both nonparaxial and paraxial fields. This enables one to determine local densities and integral values of the spin and orbital angular momenta of the field. We analyse patterns of the internal flows in standard beam models (Gaussian, Laguerre-Gaussian, flat-top beam, etc.), which provide an insightful picture of the energy transport. The emphasize is made to the singular points of the flow fields. We describe the spin-orbit and orbit-orbit interactions in the processes of beam focusing and symmetry breakdown. Finally, we consider how the energy flows manifest themselves in the mechanical action on probing particles and in the transformations of a propagating beam subjected to a transverse perturbation.Comment: 50 pages, 21 figures, 173 references. This is the final version of the manuscript (v1) modified in accord to the referee's remarks and with allowance for the recent development. The main changes are: additional discussion of the energy flows in Bessel beams (section 4.1), a lot of new references are added and the Conclusion is shortened and made more accurat

    ПОЛУЧЕНИЕ СПЕЧЕННОГО СПЛАВА НА ОСНОВЕ ИНТЕРМЕТАЛЛИДА TiAl Часть 1. Гидридно-кальциевая технология получения порошкового сплава Ti–47Al–2Nb–2Cr и его свойства

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    Alloy powder of the Ti–47Al–2Nb–2Cr composition (at.%) with the structure of TiAl (60 wt.%) and Ti3Al (40 wt.%) is prepared by the calcium-hydride method. The mode of the calcium-hydride synthesis is optimized for the Ti–50Al (at.%) model alloy. It is established that the reduction temperature should be no lower than 1100 °C, while the excess of the CaH2 reducing agent should be no lower than 15 wt.%. The main physicochemical and manufacturing properties of the synthesized Ti–47Al–2Nb–2Cr powder alloy, which provide the formation of dense compacts during its subsequent consolidation processes, are determined using modern analytical methods.Гидридно-кальциевым методом получен порошок сплава, отвечающий составу, ат.%: Ti–47Al–2Nb–2Cr, со структурой TiAl (60 мас.%) и Ti3Al (40 мас.%). Оптимизация режима гидридно-кальциевого синтеза проведена на модельном сплаве Ti–50ат.%Al. В результате исследований установлено, что температура восстановления должна быть не менее 1100 °C, а избыток восстановителя CaH2 – 15 мас.%. С использованием современных методов анализа определены основные физико-химические и технологические свойства синтезированного порошка сплава Ti–47Al–2Nb–2Cr, которые обеспечивают получение плотных компактов при последующих процессах его консолидации


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    An integrated process for producing electrodes of TiAl-based powder alloy is proposed with the following stages: powder alloy production by hydride-calcium recovery, powder treatment in a carbide ball mill with Y2O3 added as a structure modifier, workpiece hydrostatic molding and sintering. Experimental samples were used to study molding and sintering processes and examine alloy microstructure at all stages of the processing chain. An electrode for plasma centrifugal disintegration of granules was produced using this technology.Предложена комплексная технология производства электродов из порошкового сплава на основе алюминида титана TiAl, включающая следующие стадии: получение порошкового сплава методом гидридно-кальциевого восстановления, обработка порошка в шаровой твердосплавной мельнице с добавлением Y2O3 в качестве модификатора структуры, гидростатическое формование и спекание заготовки. На экспериментальных образцах изучены процессы формования и спекания, исследована микроструктура сплава на всех этапах технологической цепочки. По данной технологии получен электрод для плазменного центробежного распыления гранул