1,672 research outputs found

    How Women Have Fared with the Rise of the People\u27s Republic of China in Global Supply Chain Trade

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    Global supply chain (GSC) trade has been a driving force underlying economic transformation, urbanization, and social change in the People’s Republic of China (PRC). Female migrants account for a large share of the labor force in the country’s GSC production base. Using province-level panel data, this study employs regression analysis to examine how the country’s rapid integration into the supply chain has affected women’s welfare outcomes captured by occupational status. The analysis shows mixed results. On the one hand, global integration through trade expansion improved the concentration of men and women equally in professional and skilled occupations and in management positions. On the other hand, female employment in manufacturing for GSC trade increased faster than male employment. This trend decreased in turn the male–female sex ratio among those aged 0–4 years. This finding is consistent with other studies on the PRC that confirm the beneficial effect of a relative rise in women’s income in reducing the sex imbalance. Gender-specific policies should support female migrants in moving up the job ladder in GSC trade through higher education and skills training for professional and leadership positions. This should be complemented with incentives for the private sector—the biggest source of employment in the PRC—to promote gender equality by harnessing the advancement in technology and opportunities offered by the rapid growth of GSC trade

    SN contributions to GRB lightcurves

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    Several of the nearer GRB afterglows (up to z ∌ 1) show bumps in their lightcurves that have been interpreted as contributions from associated SNae. Thebumps arecustomarily modelled likethet ype-Ic SN 1998bw, but wein vestigate here, for several low-z GRBs, whether other SN types might offer alternatives. While several SN types are ruled out, or are unlikely, a type “II-bl” could also explain the observations

    Black Hole Mass, Velocity Dispersion and the Radio Source in AGN

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    The recent discovery of a correlation between nuclear black hole mass, M_bh, and the stellar velocity dispersion (Gebhardt et al. 2000, Ferrarese and Merritt 2000), in elliptical galaxies and spiral bulges, has raised the question whether such a relationship exists for AGN. Estimates of M_bh for many AGN, made using reverberation mapping techniques, allow exploration of the relationship between black hole mass, the host galaxy and the energetics of nuclear emission. However, since only a few AGN have both M_bh and velocity dispersion measurements, we use the [OIII] 5007 emission line widths on the assumption that for most AGN the forbidden line kinematics are dominated by virial motion in the host galaxy bulge. We find that a relation does exist between M_bh and [OIII] line width for AGN which is similar to the one found by Gebhardt et al. 2000, although with more scatter as expected if secondary influences on the gas kinematics are also present. Our conclusion is that both active and inactive galaxies follow the same relationship between black hole mass and bulge gravitational potential. We find no compelling evidence for systematic differences in the mass estimates from reverberation mapping and stellar dynamics. We also find that for radio quiet AGN the radio power and black hole mass are highly correlated linking emission on scales of kiloparsecs with the nuclear energy source.Comment: 4 pages, uses emulateapj5.sty and aastex, 2 figures, 1 table accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journa

    UVES/VLT High Resolution Spectroscopy of Gamma Ray Burst Afterglows

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    We present early time, high resolution spectroscopy of three GRB afterglows: GRB050730, 050922C and 060418. These data give us precious information on the kinematics, ionization and metallicity of the interstellar matter of GRB host galaxies up to a redshift z = 4, and of intervening absorbers along the line of sight.Comment: 2 pages, 1 ps figure. Proceedings of the Swift-Venice 2006 meeting to be published by "Il Nuovo Cimento

    Influence of sensitization and allergen provocation procedures on the development of allergen-induced bronchial hyperreactivity in conscious, unrestrained guinea-pigs

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    The effects of different sensitization and allergen provocation regimens on the development of allergen-induced bronchial hyperreactivity (BHR) to histamine were investigated in conscious, unrestrained guinea-pigs. Similar early and late phase asthmatic reactions, BHR for inhaled histamine after the early (6 h) as well as after the late reaction (24 h), and airway inflammation were observed after a single allergen provocation in animals sensitized to produce mainly IgG or IgE antibodies, respectively. Repeating the allergen provocation in the IgE-sensitized animals after 7 days, using identical provocation conditions, resulted in a similar development of BHR to histamine inhalation. Repetition of the allergen provocation during 4 subsequent days resulted in a decreased development of BHR after each provocation, despite a significant increase in the allergen provocation dose necessary to obtain similar airway obstruction. The number of inflammatory cells in the bronchoalveolar lavage was not significantly changed after repeated provocation, when compared with a single allergen provocation. Finally, we investigated allergen-induced bronchial hyperreactivity by repetition of the sensitization procedure at day 7 and 14 (booster), followed by repeated allergen provocation twice a week for 5 weeks. Surprisingly, no BHR to histamine could be observed after either provocation, while the number of inflammatory cells in the bronchoalveolar lavage fluid after 5 weeks was enhanced compared with controls. These data indicate that both IgE and IgG sensitized guinea-pigs may develop bronchial hyperreactivity after a single allergen provocation. Repeated allergen exposure of IgE sensitized animals causes a gradual fading of the induced hyperreactivity despite the on-going presence of inflammatory cells in the airways, indicating a mechanism of reduced cellular activation

    The effect of a preoperative subconjuntival injection of dexamethasone on blood-retinal barrier breakdown following scleral buckling retinal detachment surgery: a prospective randomized placebo-controlled double blind clinical trial

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    Background: Blood-retinal barrier breakdown secondary to retinal detachment and retinal detachment repair is a factor in the pathogenesis of proliferative vitreoretinopathy (PVR). We wished to investigate whether an estimated 700 to 1000 ng/ml subretinal dexamethasone concentration at the time of surgery would decrease the blood-retinal barrier breakdown postoperatively. Methods: Prospective, placebo-controlled, double blind clinical trial. In 34 patients with rhegmatogenous retinal detachment scheduled for conventional scleral buckling retinal detachment surgery, a subconjunctival injection of 0.5 ml dexamethasone diphosphate (10 mg) or 0.5 ml placebo was given 5-6 hours before surgery. Differences in laser flare photometry (KOWA) measurements taken 1, 3 and 6 weeks after randomisation between dexamethasone and placebo were analysed using mixed model ANOVA, while correcting for the preoperative flare measurement. Results: Six patients did not complete the study, one because of recurrent detachment within 1 week, and five because they missed their postoperative laser flare visits. The use of dexamethasone resulted in a statistically significant decrease in laser flare measurements at the 1-week postoperative visit. Conclusion: The use of a preoperative subconjunctival injection of dexamethasone decreased 1-week postoperative blood-retina barrier breakdown in patients undergoing conventional scleral buckling retinal detachment surgery. This steroid priming could be useful as a part of a peri-operative regime that would aim at decreasing the incidence of PVR

    Severe mesenteric ischemia with multiple organ failure in a patient previously treated with a humanized monoclonal antibody against programmed death receptor-1 (pembrolizumab), a case of pembrolizumab associated catastrophic antiphospholipid syndrome?

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    Immune checkpoint inhibitors are used in the treatment of different types of tumors including melanoma and non-small cell lung carcinoma. The use of these inhibitors is associated with a broad spectrum of immune-related adverse effects. Here we report a case of a patient admitted to the intensive care unit with multiple organ failure due to catastrophic antiphospholipid syndrome following treatment with pembrolizumab, an immune checkpoint inhibitor, because of metastatic melanoma. The presented patient had multiple organ failure of lung, gastro-intestinal, renal, and the liver. Vascular thrombosis was confirmed by both imaging (pulmonary embolism on computed tomography-thorax) and histopathological examination of the intestines. In combination with the presence of IgA anti-cardiolipin antibodies and initially IgM anti-cardiolipin antibodies, catastrophic antiphospholipid syndrome was suspected. Despite treatment with plasmapheresis and corticosteroids, the patient died due to multiple organ failure. Catastrophic antiphospholipid syndrome is difficult to recognize and has high mortality rates despite supportive treatment. In this case report, discussion is provided regarding the possible immunological mechanism behind catastrophic antiphospholipid syndrome during or after treatment with immune checkpoint inhibitors. It is important to realize that in modern intensive care unit, more patients with immune-related adverse effects of the treatment with immune checkpoint inhibitors will be admitted, because of an increase in the number of patients treated with these checkpoint inhibitors. When these patients are admitted on the intensive care unit, multi-disciplinary consultation is important because of the difficulty of early recognition and optimal treatment of these possible lethal side effects

    UVES - VLT High Resolution Spectroscopy of GRB Afterglows

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    We present early time, high resolution spectroscopy of three GRB afterglows: GRB050730, GRB050922C and GRB060418. These data give us precious information on the kinematics, ionization and metallicity of the interstellar matter of GRB host galaxies up to a redshift z = 4, and of intervening absorbers along the line of sight. The absorption spectra show that elements are present both with high and low ionization states, and even forbidden, fine structure levels are commonly observed. These features allow us to evaluate the physical parameters of the absorbing gas. In details, the density of the gas regions lie in the range n = 10 - 10^6 cm-3, and the temperatures are of the order of T = 10^3 - 10^4 K. The metallicity of the GRB host galaxies is computed using the hydrogen absorption features. We find undersolar abundances for our GRBs, namely, Z = 0.001 - 0.01. However, depletion has not been considered. It can be taken into account using as metallicity indicators Zn and Cr, which tend to remain in the gas phase. We find metallicities higher than the previous values and in agreement with other measurements for GRB host galaxies. Finally, the observed [C/Fe] ratio for GRB050730 (z = 3.967) agrees with values expected for a galaxy younger than a Gyr undergoing bursts of star-formation. In addition, the [C/Fe] ratio evaluated component by component can give informations on the relative distances of the components from the GRB explosion site, since Fe dust is more efficiently destroyed than graphite.Comment: 8 pages, 11 figure, To appear in "The Multicoloured Landscape of Compact Objects and their Explosive Progenitors: Theory vs Observations" (Cefalu, Sicily, June 2006). Eds. L. Burderi et al. (New York: AIP
