3,447 research outputs found

    Penning traps with unitary architecture for storage of highly charged ions

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    Penning traps are made extremely compact by embedding rare-earth permanent magnets in the electrode structure. Axially-oriented NdFeB magnets are used in unitary architectures that couple the electric and magnetic components into an integrated structure. We have constructed a two- magnet Penning trap with radial access to enable the use of laser or atomic beams, as well as the collection of light. An experimental apparatus equipped with ion optics is installed at the NIST electron beam ion trap (EBIT) facility, constrained to fit within 1 meter at the end of a horizontal beamline for transporting highly charged ions. Highly charged ions of neon and argon, extracted with initial energies up to 4000 eV per unit charge, are captured and stored to study the confinement properties of a one-magnet trap and a two-magnet trap. Design considerations and some test results are discussed

    Spin-exchange relaxation free magnetometry with Cs vapor

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    We describe a Cs atomic magnetometer operating in the spin-exchange relaxation-free (SERF) regime. With a vapor cell temperature of 103C103^\circ\rm{C} we achieve intrinsic magnetic resonance widths ΔB=17μG\Delta B=17 {\rm \mu G} corresponding to an electron spin-relaxation rate of 300s1300 {\rm s^{-1}} when the spin-exchange rate is ΓSE=14000s1\Gamma_{SE}=14000 {\rm s^{-1}}. We also observe an interesting narrowing effect due to diffusion. Signal-to-noise measurements yield a sensitivity of about 400pG/Hz400\thinspace{\rm pG/\sqrt{Hz}}. Based on photon shot noise, we project a sensitivity of 40pG/Hz40 {\rm pG/\sqrt{Hz}}. A theoretical optimization of the magnetometer indicates sensitivities on the order of 2pG/Hz2 {\rm pG/\sqrt{Hz}} should be achievable in a 1cm31 {\rm cm^3} volume. Because Cs has a higher saturated vapor pressure than other alkali metals, SERF magnetometers using Cs atoms are particularly attractive in applications requiring lower temperatures.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figures. submitted to PR

    Formation of plasma around a small meteoroid: 1. Kinetic theory

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    This article is a companion to Dimant and Oppenheim [2017] https://doi.org/10.1002/2017JA023963.This paper calculates the spatial distribution of the plasma responsible for radar head echoes by applying the kinetic theory developed in the companion paper. This results in a set of analytic expressions for the plasma density as a function of distance from the meteoroid. It shows that at distances less than a collisional mean free path from the meteoroid surface, the plasma density drops in proportion to 1/R where R is the distance from the meteoroid center; and, at distances much longer than the mean‐free‐path behind the meteoroid, the density diminishes at a rate proportional to 1/R2. The results of this paper should be used for modeling and analysis of radar head echoes.This work was supported by NSF grant AGS-1244842. (AGS-1244842 - NSF

    Theory of imaging a photonic crystal with transmission near-field optical microscopy

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    While near-field scanning optical microscopy (NSOM) can provide optical images with resolution much better than the diffraction limit, analysis and interpretation of these images is often difficult. We present a theory of imaging with transmission NSOM that includes the effects of tip field, tip/sample coupling, light propagation through the sample and light collection. We apply this theory to analyze experimental NSOM images of a nanochannel glass (NCG) array obtained in transmission mode. The NCG is a triangular array of dielectric rods in a dielectric glass matrix with a two-dimensional photonic band structure. We determine the modes for the NCG photonic crystal and simulate the observed data. The calculations show large contrast at low numerical aperture (NA) of the collection optics and detailed structure at high NA consistent with the observed images. We present calculations as a function of NA to identify how the NCG photonic modes contribute to and determine the spatial structure in these images. Calculations are presented as a function of tip/sample position, sample index contrast and geometry, and aperture size to identify the factors that determine image formation with transmission NSOM in this experiment.Comment: 28 pages of ReVTex, 14 ps figures, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Heating due to momentum transfer in low-energy positronium-antiproton scattering

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    Discovery that the elastic scattering cross sections in the antiproton-positronium system are very large close to threshold, particularly for excited positronium states.The implications for experiments aiming to use the positronium-antiproton system for antihydrogen formation are explored

    Inelastic scattering of broadband electron wave packets driven by an intense mid-infrared laser field

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    Intense, 100 fs laser pulses at 3.2 and 3.6 um are used to generate, by multi-photon ionization, broadband wave packets with up to 400 eV of kinetic energy and charge states up to Xe+6. The multiple ionization pathways are well described by a white electron wave packet and field-free inelastic cross sections, averaged over the intensity-dependent energy distribution for (e,ne) electron impact ionization. The analysis also suggests a contribution from a 4d core excitation in xenon

    Shear modulus of the hadron-quark mixed phase

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    Robust arguments predict that a hadron-quark mixed phase may exist in the cores of some "neutron" stars. Such a phase forms a crystalline lattice with a shear modulus higher than that of the crust due to the high density and charge separation, even allowing for the effects of charge screening. This may lead to strong continuous gravitational-wave emission from rapidly rotating neutron stars and gravitational-wave bursts associated with magnetar flares and pulsar glitches. We present the first detailed calculation of the shear modulus of the mixed phase. We describe the quark phase using the bag model plus first-order quantum chromodynamics corrections and the hadronic phase using relativistic mean-field models with parameters allowed by the most massive pulsar. Most of the calculation involves treating the "pasta phases" of the lattice via dimensional continuation, and we give a general method for computing dimensionally continued lattice sums including the Debye model of charge screening. We compute all the shear components of the elastic modulus tensor and angle average them to obtain the effective (scalar) shear modulus for the case where the mixed phase is a polycrystal. We include the contributions from changing the cell size, which are necessary for the stability of the lower-dimensional portions of the lattice. Stability also requires a minimum surface tension, generally tens of MeV/fm^2 depending on the equation of state. We find that the shear modulus can be a few times 10^33 erg/cm^3, two orders of magnitude higher than the first estimate, over a significant fraction of the maximum mass stable star for certain parameter choices.Comment: 22 pages, 12 figures, version accepted by Phys. Rev. D, with the corrections to the shear modulus computation and Table I given in the erratu

    Mesoscopic molecular ions in Bose-Einstein condensates

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    We study the possible formation of large (mesoscopic) molecular ions in an ultracold degenerate bosonic gas doped with charged particles (ions). We show that the polarization potentials produced by the ionic impurities are capable of capturing hundreds of atoms into loosely bound states. We describe the spontaneous formation of these hollow molecular ions via phonon emission and suggest an optical technique for coherent stimulated transitions of free atoms into a specific bound state. These results open up new interesting possibilities for manipulating tightly confined ensembles.Comment: 4 pages (two-columns), 2 figure

    Highly Enhanced Concentration and Stability of Reactive Ce^3+ on Doped CeO_2 Surface Revealed In Operando

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    Trivalent cerium ions in CeO_2 are the key active species in a wide range of catalytic and electro-catalytic reactions. We employed ambient pressure X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy to quantify simultaneously the concentration of the reactive Ce^3+ species on the surface and in the bulk of Sm-doped CeO_2(100) in hundreds of millitorr of H2–H2O gas mixtures. Under relatively oxidizing conditions, when the bulk cerium is almost entirely in the 4+ oxidation state, the surface concentration of the reduced Ce^3+ species can be over 180 times the bulk concentration. Furthermore, in stark contrast to the bulk, the surface’s 3+ oxidation state is also highly stable, with concentration almost independent of temperature and oxygen partial pressure. Our thermodynamic measurements reveal that the difference between the bulk and surface partial molar entropies plays a key role in this stabilization. The high concentration and stability of reactive surface Ce^3+ over wide ranges of temperature and oxygen partial pressure may be responsible for the high activity of doped ceria in many pollution-control and energy-conversion reactions, under conditions at which Ce^3+ is not abundant in the bulk

    Correlated defects, metal-insulator transition, and magnetic order in ferromagnetic semiconductors

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    The effect of disorder on transport and magnetization in ferromagnetic III-V semiconductors, in particular (Ga,Mn)As, is studied theoretically. We show that Coulomb-induced correlations of the defect positions are crucial for the transport and magnetic properties of these highly compensated materials. We employ Monte Carlo simulations to obtain the correlated defect distributions. Exact diagonalization gives reasonable results for the spectrum of valence-band holes and the metal-insulator transition only for correlated disorder. Finally, we show that the mean-field magnetization also depends crucially on defect correlations.Comment: 4 pages RevTeX4, 5 figures include