19 research outputs found

    Huanglongbing (ex-greening) dos citros: desenvolvendo abordagens biotecnológicas de manejo

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    O huanglongbing (HLB, ex-greening) dos citros é considerado a principal doença da cultura em todo o mundo e tem causado prejuízos significativos ao Brasil. O controle da doença tem sido realizado através da erradicação de plantas sintomáticas e aplicação de inseticidas, mas há uma grande demanda por estratégias alternativas, menos onerosas e menos danosas ao ambiente.O projeto propõe, como estratégia de manejo a curto prazo, uma nova abordagem de controle do vetor, utilizando-se estirpes de Bacillus thuringiensis. Propõe também abordagens de médio e longo prazos, como genoma funcional de laranja infectada, transformação genética e genoma completo de citros dentro do Consórcio Internacional (ICCG). Para tanto, agregará ferramentas de biotecnologia, principalmente a partir do CitEST, base de dados de genoma expresso de citros.O projeto claramente demonstra seu caráter multi e interdisciplinar, que tem como objetivo principal, além de buscar alternativas de controle biológico do psilídeo, ampliar e aprimorar o conhecimento sobre o genoma dos citros e as interações planta-patógen

    An RT-PCR procedure for detection and surveillance of Citrus leprosis virus C (CiLV-C) in post-entry quarantine stocks of citrus.

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    Citrus leprosis virus C (CiLV-C), which is transmitted both mechanically and by the mite Brevipalpus phoenicis (Geijskes) (Acari: Tenuipalpidae), causes significant disease damage in South and Central America. Citrus leprosis disease was first recorded in Florida in 1925, but is believed eradicated through improved mite control procedures. CiLV-C is a threat to citrus producing nations where it is not present, such as New Zealand and the USA, and a sensitive detection method is required for screening and biosecurity of suspect quarantine material. CiLV-C is mechanically transmitted, posses a bipartite RNA genome and was believed to be a rhabdovirus. After being sequenced, CiLV-C was proposed as the type member of a new genus, Cilevirus, related to several (+) ssRNA viruses. Of two known morphological types of CiLV particles, the cytoplasmic type (CiLV-C) is prevalent than the nuclear type (CiLV-N) in Brazil and elsewhere. A pair of diagnostic primers, amplifying a segment of 278 bp located at the RNA-2 p15 gene of CiLV-C was designed using the Web software pathway Primer3-mFOLD-BLASTn. A thermodynamically robust RT-PCR that performs well in a range of melting temperatures and specifically optimized for CiLV-C was developed, and is a feasible tool to be used in quarantine.Abstracts of presentations, Annual Meeting of the APS 2009. p. S28

    Estudo da variabilidade genética do vírus da pinta verde do maracujazeiro através de SSCP (Single Strand Conformational Polymorphism).

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    O Brasil é o maior produtor mundial de maracujá e essa produção destina-se tanto ao mercado de consumo in natura como ao processamento para a produção de suco concentrado, tendo a região Nordeste 44% da produção. A cultura do maracujá é afetada por um grande números de pragas e doenças, como o vírus da pinta verde do maracujazeiro (Passion fruit green spot virus-PFGSV). Esse vírus, transmitido pelo ácaro Brevipalpus sp., caracteriza-se por induzir a formação de pequenas manchas verde em frutos e folhas senescentes, além de lesões necróticas em ramos. Quando a infecção é precoce, as lesões das hastes coalescem, produzindo anelamento e morte da planta. Exames ao microscópio eletrônico de transmissão, revelam a presença de partículas baciliformes em cisternas do retículo endoplasmático e viroplasma denso no citoplasma. Seu controle é essencialmente preventivo através do manejo químico do ácaro, e quando a infestação se dá precocemente e não é adequadamente controlada, ocorre sua rápida proliferação e toda a cultura pode ser destruída. Apesar de seu relato inicial em Vera Cruz-SP há 11 anos, não há estudos sobre a variabilidade do patógeno. Sendo assim, o objetivo deste trabalho foi analisar a variabilidade do PFGSV para parte dos genes putativos das proteínas de movimento e replicase, através de SSCP. Partindo do RNA total, RT-PCR e SSCP, foram analisados isolados de três estados, SP, BA e DF e nove cidades brasileiras num total de 30 amostras, resultando e uma diferença de variabilidade somente entre os estados. Entre as amostras do mesmo estado a variabilidade foi extremamente baixa, para ambos os primers. Porém, será necessária a análise de maior quantidade de amostras para se obter informações mais conclusivas sobre a variabilidade do PFGSV, sendo que a doença já se encontra disseminada em outros estados brasileiros como MG, RJ, SE, RO e MA.Resumo I - Virologia (Divisão P)

    Prevalence and genetic variability of the Cardinium symbiont of Brevipalpus phoenicis (Acari: Tenuipalpidae) populations from Brazil.

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    Brevipalpus phoenicis transmits Citrus leprosis virus (CiLV-C), the causal agent of citrus leprosis, which is considered the most important viral disease in citrus in Brazil due to the severe symptoms it induces and the high cost involved in controlling the mite vector.The presence of Cardinium symbiont has been reported and is associated with feminization in these mites and reproduction alterations in several other arthropod host. Here, we report the prevalence and genetic variability of this endosymbiont in B, phoenicis mite populations from different hosts and geographic regions of Brazil. The presence of these bacteria was confirmed by PCR amplification and transmission electron microscopy, and the variability was evaluated by analysis of the 16S rDNA gene region. High similarity was observed among Cardinium from different mite populations, regardless of the host or geographic origin. Interestingly, although the presence of the symbiont has been associated with the haploid thelytoky, two mite populations were aposymbiotic. These populations have been investigated and suggest that other factors have been involved in the reproduction of these mites

    The atypical Brevipalpus-transmitted viruses and their interactions with host plants and mite vectors.

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    The role of Brevipalpus mites as vectors of plant viruses has been known for decades. However, only recentlj their relevance has been acknowledged. The Iist of Brevipalpus-transmitted viruses (BrTV) has increased ir. the last years, reaching close to 50, along with the economic importance 01' the diseases caused by them. The most studied BrTV is the Citrus leprosis vírus C (CiLV-C) due to the losses it causes to the citrus industry in the Americas. Also, Coffee ringspot vírus (CoRSV), Passion fruit green spot vírus (PFGSV), and Orchid fleck viru. (OFV) are of economic importance, wíth the later being the only BrTV with worldwíde distríbutíon probabl. due to the intense intematíonal market of orchids. In the last decade, most of what was accepted about CiLV-C and its interactions with the host and the vector was shown to be inaccurate. Our data bring novel information or its taxonomic classification (originally believed to be a rhabdovirus and now considered the type-member of the recently created Cilevirus), its persistent circulative (and not propagative, as originally proposed) interaction witl B. phoenicis, and the type of response it induces in its host (initially thought to be a HR-type of resistance ane now shown to be typical of compatíble host-virus interaction)