54 research outputs found

    Policy of Russia and Iran in the Central Asia

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    © Medwell Journals, 2015. The present study considers the policy of the Russian Federation and the Islamic Republic in the Central Asia. The comparative analysis of their actions in three main directions that are topical to both entities was performed. These are relationships with Tajikistan and Turkmenistan as well as the Shanghai Cooperation Organization

    Features of Identification Business Processes

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    © 2015, Asian Social Science. All rights reserved. This article deals with the peculiarities of identifying business processes. Identification of business processes is the most important stage in the development of business processes used by business analysts and enterprise architects to construct models of business processes. The aim of the study is to identify the problems for proper operation of business processes. The identification of business processes is based on their selection by different classification groups. This is due to the fact that it is not always clear in which business process a unit which has its own functional structure is involved. The paper presents the author's method of identifying the business processes, which is tested on a particular company. The article demonstrates the key aspects that must be taken into account during identification. During the identification of business processes organization considers their scope, length and level of detail. The authors propose to divide the business processes into problematic and unproblematic. Unproblematic business processes do not require intervention of the company management. Problematic business processes require active intervention and strict control of the company's management. The paper used a combination of two powerful methods – mathematical- economic and expertise ones that offer significant advantages in the identification of management business processes

    Formation of conceptual apparatus for professional communicative competence in the language of specialty

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    © 2016 Taylor & Francis Group, London.The article is devoted to the conceptual apparatus formation as an important factor in order to develop professional communicative competence in the language of specialty. Mastering the language of specialty supposes a considerable stock of words related to the future professional activity (terminology), appropriate use of vocabulary, phonetic, and verbal intelligence. The artificial classification of concepts and terms is presented in the article for effective and efficient use in learning a second language. The significance of the conceptual apparatus in learning the language of specialty was proved by the experimental results

    Prerequisites for emotional intelligence formation in second language learning and career choice

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    © Author(s).The relevance of the topic is due to the enhancing role of emotional intelligence in second language learning. The article aims to substantiate that emotional intelligence (EI) strengthens training quality of future professionals, gives it an emotional color, and thereby increases a variety of intellectual skills. The leading methodical approaches as analyses of electronic library documents and other scientific sources, empirical and experimental data, method of involved observation enabled to identify several parameters for creating a favorable emotional climate in the process of second language learning. The authors determine a set of conditions necessary for the formation of emotional intelligence, define and actualize obligatory interdisciplinary connections, which are expressed in the co-architecture of curricula, educational resources of the university faculty and in the choice of training and educational technology, as well as single out the prerequisites for emotional intelligence. Article is of interest to researchers and university professors dealing with Second Language Learning

    Microstructure, strength and fatigue of an ultrafine-grained Al-Cu-Mg alloy

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    © 2015, Institute of Problems of Mechanical Engineering. The impact of equal-channel angular pressing (ECAP) on the microstructure of an Al-Cu-Mg alloy has been investigated using transmission electron microscopy and electron backscatter diffraction. A combination of an ultrafine-grained and bimodal structure was observed in the alloy as a result of ECAP processing. The ECAP-processed samples after tensile tests and cyclic loads have demonstrated an enhanced ultimate tensile strength and fatigue endurance limit in comparison with the properties of the samples subjected to the standard T6 treatment

    Features of islamic insurance takaful insurance and opportunities of its using in the russian federation

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    The article defines the essence and principles of functioning of the system of Islamic insurance takaful, its differences from the traditional and mutual insurance, the basic directions of activity of Islamic insurance institutions. Particular attention is paid to the analysis of the mechanism functioning of Islamic insurance organizations, which revealed four takaful fund management model: a model of participation in profit agency model, combined model; specific model. The article presents the possibilities and limits of application of elements of Islamic insurance in the Russian Federation

    Влияние интенсивной пластической деформации на структуру и свойства сплава Zn–1%Li–2%Mg

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    Through the optimization of processing parameters, including pressure, temperature, and deformation degree, a high pressure torsion (HPT) regime was identified. This regime allows for the creation of a unique microstructure in the biodegradable Zn–1%Li–2%Mg alloy, which exhibits exceptional physical and mechanical properties. Following 10 revolutions of HPT treatment (resulting in an accumulated deformation degree, γ = 571) at the temperature of 150 °C and an applied pressure of 6 GPa, the Zn–1%Li–2%Mg alloy displayed notable mechanical characteristics, including a high yield strength (~385 MPa), ultimate tensile strength (~490 MPa), and ductility (44 %) during tensile tests. To elucidate the underlying reasons for these remarkable mechanical properties, an examination of the alloy’s microstructure was conducted employing electron microscopy and X-ray phase analysis (XPA). The study revealed the formation of a distinct microstructure characterized by alternating bands of the α-phase Zn, a mixture of Zn and ~LiZn3 phases, as well as the α-phase Zn containing Mg2Zn11 particles, as a consequence of HPT treatment. Additionally, it was observed that HPT treatment induced a dynamic strain aging process, leading to the precipitation of Zn particles in the LiZn3 phase and the precipitation of Mg2Zn11 and β-LiZn4 particles in the Zn phase. These precipitated particles exhibited a nearly spherical shape. The application of the XPA method helped to confirm that the Zn phase becomes the predominant phase during HPT treatment, and microscopy data showed the formation of an ultra-fine grained (UFG) structure within this phase. A comprehensive analysis of the hardening mechanisms, based on the newly acquired microstructural insights, revealed that enhanced strength and ductility of the Zn–1%Li–2%Mg UFG alloy can be attributed primarily to the effects of dispersion, grain boundary, and heterodeformation-induced hardening, including dislocation strengthening.Путем оптимизации параметров процессинга (давление, температура, степень деформации) найден режим интенсивной пластической деформации кручения (ИПДК), позволяющий сформировать в биоразлагаемом сплаве Zn–1%Li–2%Mg необычную микроструктуру, проявляющую уникальные физико-механические свойства. Так, после 10 оборотов ИПДК (степень накопленной деформации γ = 571), реализованной при температуре 150 °C и приложенном давлении 6 ГПа, сплав Zn–1%Li–2%Mg при испытаниях на растяжение продемонстрировал высокие показатели предела текучести (~385 МПа), предела прочности (~ 490 МПа) и пластичности (44 %). Для объяснения причин уникальных механических характеристик данного материала проанализирована его микроструктура методами электронной микроскопии и рентгенофазового анализа (РФА). Показано, что в сплаве в результате ИПДК формируется особая микроструктура, состоящая из чередующихся полос α-фазы Zn, смеси фаз Zn и ~LiZn3, а также α-фазы Zn, содержащей частицы Mg2Zn11. Установлено, что при обработке ИПДК также реализуется процесс динамического старения, в результате которого в фазе ~LiZn3 выпадают частицы Zn, а в фазе Zn – Mg2Zn11 и β-LiZn4. При этом показано, что эти частицы по форме близки к сфере. Методом РФА также установлено, что при обработке ИПДК основной становится фаза Zn, в которой, по данным микроскопии, формируется ультрамелкозернистая (УМЗ) структура. Анализ механизмов упрочнения, основанный на полученных новых сведениях о микроструктуре, показал, что основными причинами повышения прочности и пластичности УМЗ-сплава Zn–1%Li–2%Mg являются воздействия дисперсионного, зернограничного и гетеродеформационного типов упрочнения, включая дислокационный тип

    Fused polycyclic nitrogen-containing heterocycles 15.* 1,3-bis(4-hydroxy-4-methoxycarbonyl-3,5-diphenylthiazolidin-2-ylideneamino) -benzene in the synthesis of thiazolo[3,4-a]quinoxalines

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    Reactions of methyl chloro(phenyl)pyruvate with 1,3-bis(phenylthioureido) benzene easily afforded 1,3-bis(4-hydroxy-4-methoxycarbonyl-3,5- diphenylthiazolidin-2-ylideneamino)benzene. Reactions of the latter with 1,2-phenylenediamines gave various derivatives of thiazolo[3,4-a]quinoxalines, including their bisanalogs. © 2006 Springer Science+Business Media, Inc

    Comparative Analysis of Bacterial Communities Associated with Healthy and Inflamed Peri-implant Tissues

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    © 2016, Springer Science+Business Media New York.Dental implants are used to restore dentition defects. However, despite the high efficiency of the method of placing dental implants, their integration can be accompanied by peri-implant diseases (peri-implant mucositis and peri-implantitis), which are inflammatory reactions induced by the bacterial activity. In the present pilot study, we described and compared the bacterial communities associated with healthy and inflamed peri-implant mucosal tissues using 16S rRNA gene amplicon pyrosequencing approach. It was revealed that various representatives of the phyla Firmicutes, Bacteroidetes, Fusobacteria, and Proteobacteria were found at significant levels in healthy and peri-implant mucositis sites but in different proportions. Furthermore, it was shown that the genus Fusobacterium was the only group present in higher proportions on inflamed tissues than on healthy tissues surrounding dental implants of all patients. In addition, unclassified Methylobacteriaceae and the genus Veillonella as well as some other phylotypes were present at higher levels in peri-implant mucositis sites of some patients. This study indicates that several microbial agents may play important roles during the development of oral peri-implant diseases

    CCL27: Novel cytokine with potential role in pathogenesis of multiple sclerosis

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    © 2015 Svetlana F. Khaiboullina et al. Multiple sclerosis (MS) is an autoimmune and neurodegenerative disease of unknown etiology. Leukocyte infiltration of brain tissue and the subsequent inflammation, demyelination, axonal damage, and formation of sclerotic plaques is a hallmark of MS. Upregulation of proinflammatory cytokines has been suggested to play an essential role in regulating lymphocyte migration in MS. Here we present data on serum cytokine expression in MS cases. Increased serum levels of IL-17 and IL-23 were observed, suggesting activation of the Th17 population of immune effector cells. Additionally, increased levels of IL-22 were observed in the serum of those with acute phase MS. Unexpectedly, we observed an upregulation of the serum chemokine CCL27 in newly diagnosed and acute MS cases. CCL27 is an inflammatory chemokine associated with homing of memory T cells to sites of inflammation. Therefore, its upregulation in association with MS suggests a potential role in disease pathogenesis. Our data supports previous reports showing IL-17 and -23 upregulation in association with MS and potentially identify a previously unknown involvement for CCL27