664 research outputs found

    Is first-gen an identity? How first-generation college students make meaning of institutional and familial constructs of self

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    Institutions increasingly use first-generation categorizations to provide support to students. In this study, we sought to understand how students make meaning of their first-generation status by conducting a series of focus groups with 54 participants. Our findings reveal that students saw first-generation status as an organizational and familial identity rather than a social identities. This status was connected to alterity and social distance that was most salient in comparison to continuing-generation peers. Our recommendations include re-examining the role of first- generation specific programming on campus, creating opportunities for meaning-making, supporting students within changing family dynamics, and exploring the interaction between first-generation status and other marginalized identities

    Exploring the Impact of Coachesā€™ Emotional Abuse on Intercollegiate Student-Athletesā€™ Experiences

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    Despite widespread anecdotal accounts of coachesā€™ emotional abuse in intercollegiate sports, empirical literature is lacking. To address this gap, the present exploratory study was designed to explore how former intercollegiate student-athletes interpreted experiences of emotionally abusive coaching. Former female NCAA and NJCAA student-athletes (N = 14; Mage = 25.3 years) took part in semi-structured, in-depth interviews. Data were interpreted using a constructivist grounded theory approach. The final product of the research was a three-stage grounded theory explaining how former student-athletes interpret their experiences of emotional abuse over time organized into sections on antecedents to abuse, experiences and actions within the abusive program, and after the abuse. Implications for this work include the idea that individual student-athletes may have different experiences and recollections of coachesā€™ emotionally abusive behavior and that intercollegiate student-athletes are able to discern between ā€œhard, but fairā€ coaching practices and emotionally abusive coaching practices

    Drosophila Reporter Vectors Compatible with Ī¦C31 Integrase Transgenesis Techniques and Their Use to Generate New Notch Reporter Fly Lines

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    Complex spatial and temporal regulation of gene activity is fundamental to development and homeostasis. The ability to decipher the DNA sequences that accurately coordinate gene expression is, therefore, of primary importance. One way to assess the functions of DNA elements entails their fusion to fluorescent reporter genes. This powerful approach makes it possible to visualize their regulatory capabilities when reintroduced into the developing animal. Transgenic studies in Drosophila have recently advanced with the introduction of site-specific, Ī¦C31 integraseā€“mediated approaches. However, most existing Drosophila reporter vectors are not compatible with this new approach and have become obsolete. Here we describe a new series of fluorescent reporter vectors optimized for use with Ī¦C31 transgenesis. By using these vectors to generate a set of Notch reporter fly lines, we demonstrate their efficacy in reporting the function of gene regulatory elements

    Insights from quantitative and mathematical modelling on the proposed 2030 goal for gambiense human African trypanosomiasis (gHAT)

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    Gambiense human African trypanosomiasis (gHAT) is a parasitic, vector-borne neglected tropical disease that has historically affected populations across West and Central Africa and can result in death if untreated. Following from the success of recent intervention programmes against gHAT, the World Health Organization (WHO) has defined a 2030 goal of global elimination of transmission (EOT). The key proposed indicator to measure achievement of the goal is to have zero reported cases. Results of previous mathematical modelling and quantitative analyses are brought together to explore both the implications of the proposed indicator and the feasibility of achieving the WHO goal. Whilst the indicator of zero case reporting is clear and measurable, it is an imperfect proxy for EOT and could arise either before or after EOT is achieved. Lagging reporting of infection and imperfect diagnostic specificity could result in case reporting after EOT, whereas the converse could be true due to underreporting, lack of coverage, and cryptic human and animal reservoirs. At the village-scale, the WHO recommendation of continuing active screening until there are three years of zero cases yields a high probability of local EOT, but extrapolating this result to larger spatial scales is complex. Predictive modelling of gHAT has consistently found that EOT by 2030 is unlikely across key endemic regions if current medical-only strategies are not bolstered by improved coverage, reduced time to detection and/or complementary vector control. Unfortunately, projected costs for strategies expected to meet EOT are high in the short term and strategies that are cost-effective in reducing burden are unlikely to result in EOT by 2030. Future modelling work should aim to provide predictions while taking into account uncertainties in stochastic dynamics and infection reservoirs, as well as assessment of multiple spatial scales, reactive strategies, and measurable proxies of EOT

    Theory of Mind training in children with autism: a randomized controlled trial

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    Omitting age-dependent mosquito mortality in malaria models underestimates the effectiveness of insecticide-treated nets

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    Mathematical models of vector-borne infections, including malaria, often assume age-independent mortality rates of vectors, despite evidence that many insects senesce. In this study we present survival data on insecticide-resistant Anopheles gambiae s.l. from experiments in CĆ“te dā€™Ivoire. We fit a constant mortality function and two age-dependent functions (logistic and Gompertz) to the data from mosquitoes exposed (treated) and not exposed (control) to insecticide-treated nets (ITNs), to establish biologically realistic survival functions. This enables us to explore the effects of insecticide exposure on mosquito mortality rates, and the extent to which insecticide resistance might impact the effectiveness of ITNs. We investigate this by calculating the expected number of infectious bites a mosquito will take in its lifetime, and by extension the vectorial capacity. Our results show that the predicted vectorial capacity is substantially lower in mosquitoes exposed to ITNs, despite the mosquitoes in the experiment being highly insecticide-resistant. The more realistic age-dependent functions provide a better fit to the experimental data compared to a constant mortality function and, hence, influence the predicted impact of ITNs on malaria transmission potential. In models with age-independent mortality, there is a great reduction for the vectorial capacity under exposure compared to no exposure. However, the two age-dependent functions predicted an even larger reduction due to exposure, highlighting the impact of incorporating age in the mortality rates. These results further show that multiple exposures to ITNs had a considerable effect on the vectorial capacity. Overall, the study highlights the importance of including age dependency in mathematical models of vector-borne disease transmission and in fully understanding the impact of interventions

    Feasibility of Prehospital Emergency Anesthesia in the Cabin of an AW169 Helicopter Wearing Personal Protective Equipment During Coronavirus Disease 2019

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    OBJECTIVE: Pre-hospital emergency anaesthesia in the form of rapid sequence intubation (RSI) is a critical intervention delivered by advanced pre-hospital critical care teams. Our previous simulation study determined the feasibility of in-aircraft RSI. We now examine whether this feasibility is preserved in a simulated setting, when clinicians wear personal protective equipment (PPE) for aerosol-generating procedures (AGP) for in-aircraft, on-the-ground RSI. METHODS: Air Ambulance Kent Surrey Sussex is a Helicopter Emergency Medical Service (HEMS) which utilises an AW169 cabin simulator. Wearing full AGP PPE (eye protection, FFP3 mask, gown, gloves), 10 doctor-paramedic teams performed RSI in a standard ā€œcan intubate, can ventilateā€ scenario and a ā€œcan't intubate, can't oxygenateā€ (CICO) scenario. Pre-specified timings were reported, and participant feedback was sought by questionnaire. RESULTS: RSI was most commonly performed by direct laryngoscopy and was successfully achieved in all scenarios. Time to completed endotracheal intubation (ETI) was fastest (287s) in the standard scenario and slower (370s, p=.01) in the CICO scenario. Time to ETI was not significantly delayed by wearing PPE in the standard (p=.19) or CICO variant (p=.97). Communication challenges, equipment complications and PPE difficulties were reported, but ways to mitigate these also reported. CONCLUSION: In-aircraft RSI (aircraft on-the-ground) whilst wearing PPE for AGPs had no significant impact on time to successful completion of ETI in a simulated setting. Patient safety is paramount in civilian HEMS, but the adoption of in-aircraft RSI could confer significant patient benefit in terms of pre-hospital time saving and further research is warranted

    Quantifying epidemiological drivers of gambiense human African Trypanosomiasis across the Democratic Republic of Congo

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    Gambiense human African trypanosomiasis (gHAT) is a virulent disease declining in burden but still endemic in West and Central Africa. Although it is targeted for elimination of transmission by 2030, there remain numerous questions about the drivers of infection and how these vary geographically. In this study we focus on the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), which accounted for 84% of the global case burden in 2016, to explore changes in transmission across the country and elucidate factors which may have contributed to the persistence of disease or success of interventions in different regions. We present a Bayesian fitting methodology, applied to 168 endemic health zones ( 100,000 population size), which allows for calibration of a mechanistic gHAT model to case data (from the World Health Organization HAT Atlas) in an adaptive and automated framework. It was found that the model needed to capture improvements in passive detection to match observed trends in the data within former Bandundu and Bas Congo provinces indicating these regions have substantially reduced time to detection. Health zones in these provinces generally had longer burn-in periods during fitting due to additional model parameters. Posterior probability distributions were found for a range of fitted parameters in each health zone; these included the basic reproduction number estimates for pre-1998 (R0) which was inferred to be between 1 and 1.14, in line with previous gHAT estimates, with higher median values typically in health zones with more case reporting in the 2000s. Previously, it was not clear whether a fall in active case finding in the period contributed to the declining case numbers. The modelling here accounts for variable screening and suggests that underlying transmission has also reduced greatly { on average 96% in former Equateur, 93% in former Bas Congo and 89% in former Bandundu { Equateur and Bandundu having had the highest case burdens in 2000. This analysis also sets out a framework to enable future predictions for the country

    Trypanosoma brucei gambiense-iELISA : a promising new test for the post-elimination monitoring of human African trypanosomiasis

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    Background: The World Health Organization targeted Trypanosoma brucei gambiense human African trypanosomiasis (gHAT) for elimination as a public health problem and for elimination of transmission. To measure gHAT elimination success with prevalences close to zero, highly specific diagnostics are necessary. Such a test exists in the form of an antibody-mediated complement lysis test, the trypanolysis test, but biosafety issues and technological requirements prevent its large-scale use. We developed an inhibition ELISA with high specificity and sensitivity that is applicable in regional laboratories in gHAT endemic countries. Methods: The T. b. gambiense inhibition ELISA (g-iELISA) is based on the principle that binding of monoclonal antibodies to specific epitopes of T. b. gambiense surface glycoproteins can be inhibited by circulating antibodies of gHAT patients directed against the same epitopes. Using trypanolysis as reference test, the diagnostic accuracy of the g-iELISA was evaluated on plasma samples from 739 gHAT patients and 619 endemic controls and on dried blood spots prepared with plasma of 95 gHAT and 37 endemic controls. Results: Overall sensitivity and specificity on plasma were respectively 98.0% (95% CI 96.7 - 98.9) and 99.5% (95% CI 98.6-99.9). With dried blood spots, sensitivity was 92.6% (95% CI 85.4 - 97.0), and specificity was 100% (95% CI 90.5 - 100.0). The g-iELISA is stable for at least 8 months when stored at 2-8Ā°C. Conclusion: The g-iELISA might largely replace trypanolysis for monitoring gHAT elimination and for post-elimination surveillance. The g-iELISA kit is available for evaluation in reference laboratories in endemic countries

    EROS Variable Stars : Discovery of Beat Cepheids in the Small Magellanic Cloud and the effect of metallicity on pulsation

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    We report the discovery of eleven beat Cepheids in the Small Magellanic Cloud, using data obtained by the EROS microlensing survey. Four stars are beating in the fundamental and first overtone mode (F/1OT), seven are beating in the first and second overtone (1OT/2OT). The SMC F/1OT ratio is systematically higher than the LMC F/1OT, while the 1OT/2OT period ratio in the SMC Cepheids is the same as the LMC one.Comment: 4 pages, Latex file with 4 .ps figures. accepted for publication in A A Letter
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