33 research outputs found


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    The aim of the study was to establish the possibility of improving the organoleptic characteristics of cheese products by introducing butyric acid into the composition of the used vegetable fat composition. Cheese products made using two fat compositions consisting of refined, deodorized vegetable fats, including those modified by interesterification, were studied. The experimental fat composition contained in its composition additional butyric acid added to the composition of triglycerides. The study of cheese products was carried out in the process of ripening and storage for 120 days in comparison with cheese, the fat phase of which is represented by milk fat. It was found that the degree of proteolysis, estimated by the ratio of total water-soluble nitrogen to total nitrogen, does not depend on the nature of the fat in the protein matrix. Milk fat in cheeses is more subjected to lipolysis than vegetable fats in cheese products. The addition of butyric acid to the vegetable composition in an amount of 0.8% increased the acidity of the fat phase by 0.1 mmol/100 g. According to the assessment of organoleptic characteristics, cheese with milk fat had the most pronounced cheese flavor and aroma, cheese product without butyric acid in fat phase had the least pronounced ones. A cheese product with a fat composition containing added butyric acid was close to cheese with milk fat in terms of the severity of cheese taste, rheological characteristics and the spectrum of volatile flavoring substances. It is concluded that the taste and aroma of cheese products have a positive effect on adjusting the fatty acid composition of vegetable fat compositions by introducing butyric acid into their composition.The aim of the study was to establish the possibility of improving the organoleptic characteristics of cheese products by introducing butyric acid into the composition of the used vegetable fat composition. Cheese products made using two fat compositions consisting of refined, deodorized vegetable fats, including those modified by interesterification, were studied. The experimental fat composition contained in its composition additional butyric acid added to the composition of triglycerides. The study of cheese products was carried out in the process of ripening and storage for 120 days in comparison with cheese, the fat phase of which is represented by milk fat. It was found that the degree of proteolysis, estimated by the ratio of total water-soluble nitrogen to total nitrogen, does not depend on the nature of the fat in the protein matrix. Milk fat in cheeses is more subjected to lipolysis than vegetable fats in cheese products. The addition of butyric acid to the vegetable composition in an amount of 0.8% increased the acidity of the fat phase by 0.1 mmol/100 g. According to the assessment of organoleptic characteristics, cheese with milk fat had the most pronounced cheese flavor and aroma, cheese product without butyric acid in fat phase had the least pronounced ones. A cheese product with a fat composition containing added butyric acid was close to cheese with milk fat in terms of the severity of cheese taste, rheological characteristics and the spectrum of volatile flavoring substances. It is concluded that the taste and aroma of cheese products have a positive effect on adjusting the fatty acid composition of vegetable fat compositions by introducing butyric acid into their composition

    Влияние изменений в жировой фазе на особенности формирования показателей качества полутвердых и твердых сыров

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    Cheesemaking is a complex process that involves  lactose metabolism, proteolysis and  lipolysis. The flavor bouquet  of ripening cheeses is formed  as a result of changes in all the  components of milk. The conditions of keeping and feeding  a ruminant, its type, breed,  as well as the  technological features of cheese production influence this  process. Milk fat  contributes to  the  formation of the  flavor  bouquet of cheese, which  undergoes separate changes in the  stage  of milk processing for cheese. We studied semi-hard cheeses — Dutch  and Vityaz and hard cheese — Italiko, made from the same raw milk using the microflora characteristic of these cheeses. The temperature  of the  second heating ranged from 39°C to 54°C, depending on the  type  of cheese. To assess  the  quality of cheeses, their physical and chemical composition and degree of maturity, organoleptic indicators and the content of volatile flavoring compounds, acid number, Reichert-Meissl number and  fatty acid composition of the  fatty phase of cheeses were determined. In comparative studies of cheeses, the features of the formation of their quality indicators, due to the composition and manufacturing technology, were revealed. They manifested themselves in the  flavor bouquet and texture of the  product, as well as in the  fatty acid composition of cheeses, confirming the importance of the fat phase in the quality formation of the studied cheeses during their production, ripening and storage. It has been  proven that even a slight  increase in the  acid number of fat during the  production of all cheeses contributes to the  further transformation of the  resulting free  fatty acids  into  volatile flavoring  compounds that take part  in the formation of the taste and aroma  of the finished product.Изготовление сыров  — это сложный процесс, который сопровождается метаболизмом лактозы, протеолизом и липолизом. Вкусовой букет созревающих сыров  формируется в результате изменений всех составных частей молока. На этот процесс влияют условия содержания и кормления жвачного животного, его вид, порода, а также технологические особенности производства сыра. Свой вклад  в формирование вкусового букета сыра вносит молочный жир, который в процессе переработки молока на сыр подвергается отдельным изменениям. Исследовали полутвердые сыры — Голландский и Витязь  и твердый сыр — Италико, изготовленные из одного и того же молока-сырья с использованием характерной для этих сыров микрофлорой. Температура второго нагревания составляла от 39 °C до 54 °C, в зависимости от вида  сыра. Для оценки качества сыров определяли их физико-химический состав и степень зрелости, органолептические показатели и содержание летучих вкусо-ароматических соединений, кислотное число, число Рейхерта-Мейссля и жирнокислотный состав жировой фазы  сыров. При сравнительных исследованиях сыров выявлены особенности формирования показателей их качества, обусловленные составом и технологией изготовления. Они проявились во вкусовом букете и консистенции продукта, а также в жирнокислотном составе сыров, подтвердив значимость жировой фазы  в формировании качества исследуемых сыров в процессе их выработки, созревания и хранения. Доказано,  что даже несущественное повышение кислотного числа  жира при выработке всех сыров  способствует дальнейшей трансформации образующихся свободных жирных кислот  в летучие вкусо-ароматические соединения, принимающие участие в формировании вкуса и аромата готового продукта

    The effect of foliar fertilizing on ecological optimization of the application of fungicides on the productivity and phenolic complex composition of grapes

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    One of the ways to reduce the pesticidal burden in mature ampelocenoses is the use of foliar bio-preparations of multifunctional action. We studied the influence of growth bioregulators “Albit” and “Mival-Agro” at reduced by 25–50% fungicidal load on productivity and phenolic complex composition (using the HPLC method) of Vitis vinifera “Asma” (Crimean autochthonous table cultivar), “Cabernet Sauvignon” and table grapes of complex genetic structure “Moldova”, grown in the mountain-valley seaside region of Crimea. It was established that bio-regulators increase the harvest of grapes, especially in the first and third years of treatment, depending on the preparation and grape cultivar, by 27–64% and 24–29%, respectively, as compared to control; the bunch weight increased by 134 ± 41%. The first two years of treatment enhance sugar accumulation in berries by 0.7–2.6 Brix. “Albit” preparation proved to be more effective as compared to “Mival-Agro”. The use of “Albit” on “Moldova” and “Cabernet Sauvignon” grapes increased components content in the berries by 19%–88% relative to control, depending on the cultivar and year of treatment, of which: anthocyanins – by 23–83%, stilbenes – by 24–138%. Regardless of treatment, the anthocyanin complex consisted by 75–87% of malvidin monoglucosides in “Cabernet Sauvignon” and “Asma”; 22–56% of malvidin monoglucosides and 21–62% of malvidin diglucoside in “Moldova”. The studied preparations had no significant impact on the quality of wines from “Cabernet Sauvignon”, however, they improved the quality of table grapes and their preservation capacity during storage