226 research outputs found

    Rancang Bangun Prototipe Mesin Penyiang Mekanis pada Lahan dengan System Of Rice Intensification

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    Penelitian tentang rancang bangun prototipe mesin penyiang mekanis pada budidaya tanaman padi (Oryza sativa L.) system of rice intensification (SRI) dilaksanakan pada bulan Febuari sampai dengan April 2009. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menciptakan sebuah prototipe mesin penyiang gulma padi sawah mekanis yang efisien dan berkapasitas tinggi, sesuai dengan kebutuhan petani sehingga dapat mengatasi masalah keterbatasan tenaga kerja untuk melakukan penyiangan gulma. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan dengan metode rancang bangun yang menggunakan pendekatan hubungan sebab akibat, diagram alir proses,  pembuatan model matematis. Perancangan konsep produk, dimulai dengan analisis kebutuhan, blok diagram dan analisis validasi. Analisis validasi  mesin melihat kinerja mesin keseluruhan. Hasil penelitian diperoleh kapasitas efektif penyiangan 0,0547 ha/jam,  efisiensi lapang 49,37 %, kehilangan waktu belok  32,03 %, tingkat kerusakan tanaman 7,7 %,  gulma tidak tersiangi 3,12 %. Daya motor terpakai 2,52 Hp, tingkat kebisingan dalam batas diizinkan. Penyiangan dengan mesin tergolong kerja sedang. Hasil analisis ekenomi menunjukan biaya pokok penyiangan per hektar Rp. 463.322,67 dengan BEP penyiangan 29,03 ha per tahun,  NPV  Rp. 7.139.779,01 dan B/C Ratio 1,093 pada tingkat suku bunga 10 %, yang berarti mesin layak digunakan. Agar mesin dapat diterima di masyarakat, perlu sosialisasi, penyempurnaan sistem transmisi, penggunaan material lebih ringan serta perlu pengaturan jarak dan kelurusan  barisan tanam agar tercapai kinerja mesin yang optimal

    Hubungan Karakteristik Sosial Ekonomi Ibu Rumah Tangga dengan Produktivitas Kerja dalam Pembibitan Mangrove

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    This research was conducted at Pantai Gading Village, Sub District of Secanggang, Langkat Regency. The objective to of this research is to know what the role of housewives in mangrove nurseries at the research area; how housewives productivity in mangrove nurseries at the research area; to determine the correlation between age, education, lenght of work at the nursery, number of dependents, and the income housewives made from the productivity; and to determine the contribution of housewives income to total family income. In analysing the data, methode used is descriptive and Spearman Rank correlation analysis. The results shows that 1) the role of the housewife at the mangrove nurseries is filling soil into polybag 2) the labor productivity housewife at mangrove nurseries is 1100 units (polybag)/HKP 3) age, number of dependents and housewives income have a significant correlation with labor productivity housewife at mangrove nurseries, while education and length of work at the nursery does not have a significant correlation with labor productivity housewives made at mangrove nurseries

    Analisis Efisiensi Produksi dan Pendapatan USAhatani Jagung (Studi Kasus: Desa Kuala, Kecamatan Tigabinanga, Kabupaten Karo)

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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk (1) menganalisis tingkat efisiensi produksi USAhatani jagung di daerah penelitian, (2) menganalisis jumlah penerimaan dan pendapatan USAhatani jagung di daerah penelitian, (3) menganalisis nilai return cost ratio (R/C) serta nilai break even point (BEP) volume dan harga USAhatani jagung di daerah penelitian. Metode penetuan sampel yang digunakan pada penelitian adalah simple random sampling dengan jumlah sampel 82 petani yang dihitung menggunakan rumus Slovin. Pengujian hipotesis menggunakan metode (1) metode analisis fungsi Coob-Douglas serta alat bantu SPSS dan program Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) untuk memperoleh nilai efisiensi, (2) metode analisis penerimaan dan pendapatan, dan (3) metode analisis R/C (Return Cost Ratio) dan BEP (Break Even Point). Hasil penelitian menyimpulkan bahwa (1) Nilai efisiensi harga untuk setiap input yaitu bibit 11,221; pupuk 2,709; herbisida 1,816 dan tenaga kerja 1,188 dikatakan belum efisiensi (> 1) dalam penggunaan input, perlu penambahan jumlah untuk setiap input yang digunakan. Secara teknis, penggunaan input produksi tidak efisien dengan nilai efisiensi 0,94125 < 1 (2) Jumlah penerimaan USAhatani jagung di daerah penelitian adalah Rp 2.709.525.000,00 dengan jumlah biaya produksi 1.513.197.460,00 sehingga diperoleh total pendapatan bersih USAhatani jagung di daerah penelitian sebesar Rp 1.196.327.540,00 dan pendapatan petani per ha sebesar Rp 9.650.915,94 (3) Nilai R/C yang diperoleh 1,79 > 1 serta nilai BEP volume 540.722 kg dan BEP harga Rp 1.572,97 maka USAhatani jagung didaerah penelitian layak diusahakan dan menguntungkan

    Weak Measurements of Light Chirality with a Plasmonic Slit

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    We examine, both experimentally and theoretically, an interaction of tightly focused polarized light with a slit on a metal surface supporting plasmon-polariton modes. Remarkably, this simple system can be highly sensitive to the polarization of the incident light and offers a perfect quantum-weak-measurement tool with a built-in post-selection in the plasmon-polariton mode. We observe the plasmonic spin Hall effect in both coordinate and momentum spaces which is interpreted as weak measurements of the helicity of light with real and imaginary weak values determined by the input polarization. Our experiment combines advantages of (i) quantum weak measurements, (ii) near-field plasmonic systems, and (iii) high-numerical aperture microscopy in employing spin-orbit interaction of light and probing light chirality.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    Coriolis Effect in Optics: Unified Geometric Phase and Spin-Hall Effect

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    We examine the spin-orbit coupling effects that appear when a wave carrying intrinsic angular momentum interacts with a medium. The Berry phase is shown to be a manifestation of the Coriolis effect in a non-inertial reference frame attached to the wave. In the most general case, when both the direction of propagation and the state of the wave are varied, the phase is given by a simple expression that unifies the spin redirection Berry phase and the Pancharatnam--Berry phase. The theory is supported by the experiment demonstrating the spin-orbit coupling of electromagnetic waves via a surface plasmon nano-structure. The measurements verify the unified geometric phase, demonstrated by the observed polarization-dependent shift (spin-Hall effect) of the waves.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Giving structure to the biofilm matrix:an overview of individual strategies and emerging common themes

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    Biofilms are communities of microbial cells that underpin diverse processes including sewage bioremediation, plant growth promotion, chronic infections and industrial biofouling. The cells resident in the biofilm are encased within a self-produced exopolymeric matrix that commonly comprises lipids, proteins that frequently exhibit amyloid-like properties, eDNA and exopolysaccharides. This matrix fulfils a variety of functions for the community, from providing structural rigidity and protection from the external environment to controlling gene regulation and nutrient adsorption. Critical to the development of novel strategies to control biofilm infections, or the capability to capitalize on the power of biofilm formation for industrial and biotechnological uses, is an in-depth knowledge of the biofilm matrix. This is with respect to the structure of the individual components, the nature of the interactions between the molecules and the three-dimensional spatial organization. We highlight recent advances in the understanding of the structural and functional role that carbohydrates and proteins play within the biofilm matrix to provide three-dimensional architectural integrity and functionality to the biofilm community. We highlight, where relevant, experimental techniques that are allowing the boundaries of our understanding of the biofilm matrix to be extended using Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus, Vibrio cholerae, and Bacillus subtilis as exemplars

    Real-time whole-genome sequencing for routine typing, surveillance, and outbreak detection of verotoxigenic Escherichia coli.

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    Fast and accurate identification and typing of pathogens are essential for effective surveillance and outbreak detection. The current routine procedure is based on a variety of techniques, making the procedure laborious, time-consuming, and expensive. With whole-genome sequencing (WGS) becoming cheaper, it has huge potential in both diagnostics and routine surveillance. The aim of this study was to perform a real-time evaluation of WGS for routine typing and surveillance of verocytotoxin-producing Escherichia coli (VTEC). In Denmark, the Statens Serum Institut (SSI) routinely receives all suspected VTEC isolates. During a 7-week period in the fall of 2012, all incoming isolates were concurrently subjected to WGS using IonTorrent PGM. Real-time bioinformatics analysis was performed using web-tools (www.genomicepidemiology.org) for species determination, multilocus sequence type (MLST) typing, and determination of phylogenetic relationship, and a specific VirulenceFinder for detection of E. coli virulence genes was developed as part of this study. In total, 46 suspected VTEC isolates were characterized in parallel during the study. VirulenceFinder proved successful in detecting virulence genes included in routine typing, explicitly verocytotoxin 1 (vtx1), verocytotoxin 2 (vtx2), and intimin (eae), and also detected additional virulence genes. VirulenceFinder is also a robust method for assigning verocytotoxin (vtx) subtypes. A real-time clustering of isolates in agreement with the epidemiology was established from WGS, enabling discrimination between sporadic and outbreak isolates. Overall, WGS typing produced results faster and at a lower cost than the current routine. Therefore, WGS typing is a superior alternative to conventional typing strategies. This approach may also be applied to typing and surveillance of other pathogens

    A stimulus to define informatics and health information technology

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Despite the growing interest by leaders, policy makers, and others, the terminology of health information technology as well as biomedical and health informatics is poorly understood and not even agreed upon by academics and professionals in the field.</p> <p>Discussion</p> <p>The paper, presented as a Debate to encourage further discussion and disagreement, provides definitions of the major terminology used in biomedical and health informatics and health information technology. For informatics, it focuses on the words that modify the term as well as individuals who practice the discipline. Other categories of related terms are covered as well, from the associated disciplines of computer science, information technolog and health information management to the major application categories of applications used. The discussion closes with a classification of individuals who work in the largest segment of the field, namely clinical informatics.</p> <p>Summary</p> <p>The goal of presenting in Debate format is to provide a starting point for discussion to reach a documented consensus on the definition and use of these terms.</p

    Extracellular Matrix in Heart Failure: Role of ADAMTS5 in Proteoglycan Remodeling

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    [Abstract] Background: Remodeling of the extracellular matrix (ECM) is a hallmark of heart failure (HF). Our previous analysis of the secretome of murine cardiac fibroblasts returned ADAMTS5 (a disintegrin and metalloproteinase with thrombospondin motifs 5) as one of the most abundant proteases. ADAMTS5 cleaves chondroitin sulfate proteoglycans such as versican. The contribution of ADAMTS5 and its substrate versican to HF is unknown. Methods: Versican remodeling was assessed in mice lacking the catalytic domain of ADAMTS5 (Adamts5ΔCat). Proteomics was applied to study ECM remodeling in left ventricular samples from patients with HF, with a particular focus on the effects of common medications used for the treatment of HF. Results: Versican and versikine, an ADAMTS-specific versican cleavage product, accumulated in patients with ischemic HF. Versikine was also elevated in a porcine model of cardiac ischemia/reperfusion injury and in murine hearts after angiotensin II infusion. In Adamts5ΔCat mice, angiotensin II infusion resulted in an aggravated versican build-up and hyaluronic acid disarrangement, accompanied by reduced levels of integrin β1, filamin A, and connexin 43. Echocardiographic assessment of Adamts5ΔCat mice revealed a reduced ejection fraction and an impaired global longitudinal strain on angiotensin II infusion. Cardiac hypertrophy and collagen deposition were similar to littermate controls. In a proteomics analysis of a larger cohort of cardiac explants from patients with ischemic HF (n=65), the use of β-blockers was associated with a reduction in ECM deposition, with versican being among the most pronounced changes. Subsequent experiments in cardiac fibroblasts confirmed that β1-adrenergic receptor stimulation increased versican expression. Despite similar clinical characteristics, patients with HF treated with β-blockers had a distinct cardiac ECM profile. Conclusions: Our results in animal models and patients suggest that ADAMTS proteases are critical for versican degradation in the heart and that versican accumulation is associated with impaired cardiac function. A comprehensive characterization of the cardiac ECM in patients with ischemic HF revealed that β-blockers may have a previously unrecognized beneficial effect on cardiac chondroitin sulfate proteoglycan content.Dr Barallobre-Barreiro is a British Heart Foundation Intermediate Fellow (FS/19/33/34328). Drs Mayr and Shah are British Heart Foundation Chair Holders (CH/16/3/32406 and CH/1999001/11735, respectively) and received support from the British Heart Foundation Center for Vascular Regeneration With Edinburgh/Bristol (RM/17/3/33381). Dr Doménech’s work was supported by Project PI16/02049 integrated in the National Plan for Scientific Research, Development and Technological Innovation, 2013–2016, and funded by the ISCIII–General Subdirection of Assessment and Promotion of Research–European Regional Development Fund. Dr Merkely’s work was funded by the National Research, Development and Innovation Fund (NVKP_16-1–2016-0017) and the Thematic Excellence Program of the Ministry for Innovation and Technology (2020-4.1.1.-TKP2020), Hungary. Dr Radovits is supported by the National Research, Development and Innovation Office of Hungary (K134939)British Heart Foundation; FS/19/33/34328British Heart Foundation; CH/16/3/32406British Heart Foundation; CH/1999001/11735British Heart Foundation Center for Vascular Regeneration; RM/17/3/33381Hungría. Ministry for Innovation and Technology; NVKP_16-1–2016-0017Hungría. Ministry for Innovation and Technology; 2020-4.1.1.-TKP2020Hungría. National Research, Development and Innovation Office; K13493
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