71 research outputs found

    Effects of Streptococcus mutans gtfC deficiency on mixed oral biofilms in vitro

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    The aim of this study was to examine the influence of glucosyltransferase-gene-negative (gtf-) Streptococcus mutans strains unable to synthesize water-insoluble or soluble glucan on the structure and macromolecular diffusion properties of in vitro grown mixed oral biofilms. Biofilms modeling supragingival plaque consisted of Actinomyces naeslundii OMZ 745, Candida albicans OMZ 110, Fusobacterium nucleatum KP-F2, Streptococcus oralis SK 248, Veillonella dispar ATCC 17748T and one of the S. mutans strains UA159, OMZ 966, OMZ 937 or OMZ 977. Biofilms were grown anaerobically on sintered hydroxyapatite disks for 64.5 h at 37 degrees C. To perform confocal laser scanning microscopy analyses, microorganisms were stained with Syto 13 and extracellular polysaccharides (EPS) with Calcofluor. Macromolecular diffusion properties were measured following timed biofilm exposure to Texas-Red-labeled 70-kDa dextran. Results showed that replacing wild-type S. mutans by a gtfC- mutant led to an increase in the volume fraction occupied by cells from 29 to 48% and a decrease of the EPS volume fraction from 51 to 33%. No such changes were observed when the S. mutans wild-type strain was replaced by a gtfB- or gtfD- mutant. The diffusion coefficient of 70-kDa dextran in biofilms containing the gtfC- S. mutans was 16-fold higher than in biofilms with the wild-type strain indicating a strong macromolecular sieving effect of GTF C-generated glucans. Our data demonstrate the influence of EPS on the structure and macromolecular diffusion properties of an oral biofilm model and uncover our still limited knowledge of the function of EPS in biofilms and plaque

    Effects of Xylitol on survival of mutans Streptococci in mixed-six-species in vitro biofilms modelling supragingival plaque

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    Xylitol has been claimed to reduce mutans streptococci (MS) in dental plaque by energy-consuming futile metabolic cycles. This study aimed to investigate the effects of xylitol on MS in an in vitro 6-species oral biofilm model. Each multispecies biofilm contained either a laboratory reference strain, a fresh isolate, a xylitol-sensitive or a xylitol-resistant strain of Streptococcus mutans or Streptococcus sobrinus . Biofilms, grown on pellicle-coated hydroxyapatite discs, were fed with a glucose/sucrose-supplemented medium 3 times daily for 45 min and incubated in saliva between feedings. Before or after feeding, biofilms were exposed to either 7.5% xylitol, 7.5% sorbitol or to saliva (control) for 20 min. After 64.5 h, biofilms were harvested and the microbial composition was analysed by non-selective and selective culturing. Strain variability in the ability to colonize biofilms was observed. However, the response patterns in the biofilms to the 4 polyol treatments were similar. None of the MS were inhibited by xylitol provided either before or after feeding. Sorbitol given before feeding did not affect microbial growth whereas sorbitol provided after feeding showed a slight, albeit statistically significant increase in MS counts for some of the tested strains. It did so at the expense of Streptococcus oralis, which decreased in numbers. The present findings do not support the contention that xylitol reduces MS in plaque by futile metabolic cycles

    Automated fluorescent in situ hybridization for the specific detection and quantification of oral streptococci in dental plaque.

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    Our aim was to develop a rapid fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH) assay for the identification of different oral groups of streptococci in dental plaque and to combine it with digital image analysis for the automated enumeration of target cells. Cy3-labeled oligonucleotide probes specific for 16S rRNA gene sequences of the anginosus, mitis, mutans, and salivarius groups of streptococci were hybridized under stringent conditions with bacterial cultures or supragingival plaque samples that had been permeabilized with lysozyme. Probe specificity was determined with strains from 30 different species, mainly of oral origin. Results showed that probes ANG541, MIT447, SSP001, and SAL090 with specificity for the anginosus, mitis, mutans, and salivarius groups, respectively, the pan-reactive streptococcal probe STR405, the S. mutans specific probe MUT590, and the S. sobrinus specific probe SOB174 were well-suited for the identification of cultured streptococci. Probes STR405, MIT447 and SSP001 were then successfully applied to enumerate automatically bacteria of the recognized taxa in 144 supragingival plaque samples. On the average, total streptococci accounted for 8.2%, streptococci of the mitis and mutans groups for 3.9 and 1.7%, respectively, of the plaques. The combined application of FISH and automated image analysis provides an objective time-saving alternative to culture or PCR for the enumeration of selected oral streptococci in dental plaque

    Microbiological aspects of an in situ model to study effects of antimicrobial agents on dental plaque ecology.

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    This study validates an in situ model for ecological studies of dental plaque exposed to various antimicrobial agents with different modes of action on plaque bacteria. Eleven subjects wore two acrylic appliances, each containing two bovine enamel discs, during two 1-wk test periods. Using a split-mouth crossover design, the appliances were dipped twice daily for 1 min into water (control; treatment A), fluoride (26.3 mM NaF; B), zinc acetate (20.0 mM; C), or fluoride plus zinc acetate (D). Four of the subjects used also chlorhexidine diacetate (2.2 mM; E) and chlorhexidine plus fluoride (F). At the end of each period, plaque was collected from the discs, after which the microbiota were analyzed by culture, automated quantitative immunofluorescence, and a viability fluorescence stain. As compared to control, treatments B, C, and D resulted in a significant reduction of individual taxa as detected by immunofluorescence, whereas similar bacterial viability and total bacterial numbers were observed. In contrast, chlorhexidine significantly reduced bacterial viability, total cell numbers, and the abundance of most of the enumerated taxa. We conclude that this in situ model is well suited to study effects of antimicrobial agents on dental plaque ecology. Combined with viability testing, immunofluorescence is obviously superior to culture in detecting taxa-specific shifts caused by antimicrobial agents

    Automated immunofluorescence for enumeration of selected taxa in supragingival dental plaque.

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    The present study investigated a recently developed automated image analysis technique for its applicability to the enumeration of selected bacteria in supragingival dental plaque. Following initial calibration, the system is capable to count fluorescence-labeled target cells in up to 48 samples without user interference. Test samples contained a characteristic mixture of planktonic bacteria, small almost planar bacterial aggregates, and large, virtually indisruptable clumps with cells from multiple species. Due to their complex composition, these samples provided a challenging validation step for the image analysis system. Automated enumeration of target bacteria was compared with visual counting of the fluorescence-labeled bacteria. Results are shown for six taxa (Actinomyces naeslundii, Fusobacterium nucleatum, Prevotella intermedia/Prev. nigrescens, Streptococcus gordonii/Strep. oralis/Strep. sanguis, Strep. sobrinus, and Veillonella dispar/ V. parvula) with characteristic differences in abundance, cell morphology and aggregation behavior. Results revealed good correspondence between the two enumeration techniques (correlation coefficients ranging from 0.77 to 0.92) provided that the portion of target bacteria exceeded 0.05% of the total bacterial cell number. This work demonstrates the applicability and usefulness of fully automated immunofluorescence to analyze such complex ecosystems as supragingival dental plaque

    Application of the Zürich biofilm model to problems of cariology.

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    The term biofilm is increasingly replacing 'plaque' in the literature, but concepts and existing paradigms are changing much more slowly. There is little doubt that biofilm research will lead to more realistic perception and interpretation of the physiology and pathogenicity of microorganisms colonizing plaques in the oral cavity. There is clear evidence that the genotypic and phenotypic expression profiles of biofilm and planktonic bacteria are different. Several techniques are available today to study multispecies biofilms of oral bacteria, each having its particular advantages and weaknesses. We describe a biofilm model developed in Zürich and demonstrate a number of applications with direct or indirect impact on prophylactic dentistry: spatial arrangement and associative behavior of various species in biofilms; multiplex fluorescent in situ hybridization analysis of oral bacteria in biofilms; use of the biofilm model to predict in vivo efficacy of antimicrobials reliably; mass transport in biofilms; de- and remineralization of enamel exposed to biofilms in vitro. The potential of biofilm experimentation in oral biology has certainly not yet been fully exploited and dozens of possible interesting applications could be investigated. The overall physiological parameters of multispecies biofilms can be measured quite accurately, but it is still impossible to assess in toto the multitude of interactions taking place in such complex systems. What can and should be done is to test hypotheses stemming from experiments with planktonic cells in monospecies cultures. In particular, it will be interesting to investigate the relevance to biofilm composition and metabolism of specific gene products by using appropriate bacterial mutants

    The Seismic Analyzer: Interpreting and Illustrating 2D Seismic Data

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