41 research outputs found

    Established and potential echocardiographic markers of embolism and their therapeutic implications in patients with ischemic stroke

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    Cardiogenic strokes comprised 11% of all strokes and 25% of ischemic strokes. An accurate identificationof the cause of stroke is necessary in order to prepare an adequate preventive strategy. In this reviewthe confirmed and potential causes of embolic strokes are presented, which can be detected in echocardiography in the context of present treatment guidelines and gaps in evidence. There remains a need for further studies assessing the meaning of potential cardiac sources of embolism and establishment of rules for optimal medical prevention (antiplatelet therapy [APT] vs. oral anticoagulation [OAC]) andinterventional procedures to reduce the incidence of ischemic strokes. Currently available data does not provide definitive evidence on the comparative benefits of OAC vs. APT in patients with cryptogenic stroke or embolic stroke of undetermined source. There is a lack of antithrombotic treatment scheme in the time between stroke and the completed diagnosis of potential sources of thromboembolism

    Evaluation of the Precision of Standardized Precipitation Index (SPI) Based On Years 1954-1995 in Łódź

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    This paper evaluates the accuracy of estimates of the Standardized Precipitation Index (SPI) using gamma, normal and log-normal distributions. In order to classify the above methods, the authors performed an analysis of the quality of theoretical distributions to empirical distribution, obtained on the basis of monthly precipitation sums during the vegetation season in a multi-year period 1954–1995 in Łódź

    Evaluation of the Precision of Standardized Precipitation Index (SPI) Based On Years 1954-1995 in Łódź

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    This paper evaluates the accuracy of estimates of the Standardized Precipitation Index (SPI) using gamma, normal and log-normal distributions. In order to classify the above methods, the authors performed an analysis of the quality of theoretical distributions to empirical distribution, obtained on the basis of monthly precipitation sums during the vegetation season in a multi-year period 1954–1995 in Łódź

    Comparison and classification of precipitation conditions based on standarized SPI and relative RPI precipitation indices

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    Jedną z najbardziej znanych metod oceny warunków opadowych jest metoda oparta na wielkości opadów, określająca stosunek sumy opadu w danym okresie do średniej sumy wieloletniej przyjętej za normę. Ta metoda była podstawą opracowania przez KACZOROWSKĄ (1962) kryteriów dla lat i pór roku, według których można zidentyfikować badane okresy od skrajnie suchych do bardzo wilgotnych, wykorzystując wskaźnik względnego opadu RPI. Metoda identyfikacji miesięcznych sum opadów pod kątem ich nadmiaru lub niedoboru za pomocą wskaźnika względnego opadu jest opisywana w wielu pracach (KOSIBA 1948; PRZEDPEŁSKA 1971; RADOMSKI 1977; TOMASZEWSKA 1994). Celem pracy jest porównanie klasyfikacji opartej na dotychczas powszechnie stosowanym wskaźniku względnego opadu dla okresów miesięcznych z klasyfikacją opartą na coraz częściej stosowanym wskaźniku standaryzowanego opadu SPI. Badania przeprowadzono na podstawie danych pomiarowych pochodzących ze stacji Bydgoszcz- IMUZ w wieloleciu 1945-2003.One of the best known methods for evaluating precipitation conditions is that assessing the precipitation as a ratio between the precipitation value in a given time period and the mean long term precipitation sum considered normal. This method was used by Kaczorowska in annual and seasonal criteria, according to which the given time periods can be classified from extremely dry to extremely wet with the use of relative precipitation index RPI. Identification of monthly precipitation sums, in view of their excess or deficit, by RPI was described in many publications (KOSIBA 1948; PRZEDPEŁSKA 1971; RADOMSKI 1977; TOMASZEWSKA 1994). The aim of our study was to compare the RPI-based, commonly used classification for monthly precipitation sums, with a new, more and more often applied, classification based on standardized precipitation index SPI. The investigation was performed on the data collected throughout the 1945- 2003 period in Bydgoszcz Observatory

    Evaluation of the Precision of Standardized Precipitation Index (SPI) Based On Years 1954-1995 in Łódź

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    This paper evaluates the accuracy of estimates of the Standardized Precipitation Index (SPI) using gamma, normal and log-normal distributions. In order to classify the above methods, the authors performed an analysis of the quality of theoretical distributions to empirical distribution, obtained on the basis of monthly precipitation sums during the vegetation season in a multi-year period 1954–1995 in Łódź

    The role of sensory modality in the context of effective method for the optimizations on transfers of control in road vehicles

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    Celem niniejszego artykułu jest przybliżenie dotychczasowej wiedzy na temat agresji drogowej: definicji pojęć związanych z tym zjawiskiem, wyników badań naukowych, wyjaśniających zachowania agresywne wśród kierowców oraz technik prewencyjnych, mających na celu obniżenie agresywnych reakcji u innych kierowców i u siebie. Zaprezentowano także zakres oraz dynamikę występowania opisywanych zachowań agresywnych w Polsce i na świecie. Artykuł przedstawia problematykę agresji drogowej ukazując jej trzy wymiary: agresywną jazdę, furię drogową oraz gniew za kierownicą.The aim of this paper is to present the current knowledge of the road aggression: the definition of the concepts related to this phenomenon, research results, explaining violent behaviour among drivers and preventive techniques aimed at reducing the aggressive reactions of the other drivers and one self. The scope and dynamics of the prevalence of the reported aggressive behaviour in Poland and in the world is also presented. The article presents the problem of road aggression showing its three dimensions: aggressive driving, road rage and anger behind the wheel

    Possibilities of utilizing the solid by-products of biodiesel production - a review

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    As a consequence of the intended rise in the volume of the biodiesel produced by the member states of the European Union, predominantly from rapeseeds and sunflower seeds, the quantity of the by-products being generated, e.g. glycerol, rapeseed/sunflower seed straw and rapeseed/sunflower seed meal, will increase dramatically. It is therefore recommendable to find effective methods for their processing or utilization in order to reduce the costs of biodiesel production without polluting the environment by excessive wastes. As the utilization of glycerol has often been addressed in the literature1, the aim of our study is to describe the potentiality for utilizing the solid by-products of biodiesel production, namely rapeseed/sunflower straw and rapeseed/ sunflower seed meal

    Possibilities of utilizing the solid by-products of biodiesel production - a review

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    As a consequence of the intended rise in the volume of the biodiesel produced by the member states of the European Union, predominantly from rapeseeds and sunflower seeds, the quantity of the by-products being generated, e.g. glycerol, rapeseed/sunflower seed straw and rapeseed/sunflower seed meal, will increase dramatically. It is therefore recommendable to find effective methods for their processing or utilization in order to reduce the costs of biodiesel production without polluting the environment by excessive wastes. As the utilization of glycerol has often been addressed in the literature1, the aim of our study is to describe the potentiality for utilizing the solid by-products of biodiesel production, namely rapeseed/sunflower straw and rapeseed/ sunflower seed meal

    Changes in the structure of heat balance and climatic water balance of the coniferous forest

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    W prezentowanej pracy scharakteryzowano zmienność wieloletnią składników bilansu cieplnego dla lasu iglastego na podstawie modelowania wartości strumienia ciepła utajonego, strumienia ciepła odczuwalnego i strumienia ciepła glebowego. Przeprowadzono również analizę zmienności współczynnika Bowena, który jest ilorazem strumienia ciepła odczuwalnego i ciepła utajonego. Stosunki wodne w badanych rejonach scharakteryzowano za pomocą klimatycznego bilansu wodnego. Praca zawiera również badania nad zmianami temperatury w rozpatrywanych wieloleciach we wszystkich rejonach. Badaniami objęto następujące rejony: Wrocław-Swojec (1964-2000), Bydgoszcz (1946-2003) oraz Łódź (1954-1995).In this study the long term variability of heat balance components for coniferous forest was characterized by modelling the value of latent heat flux, sensible heat flux and soil heat flux. The variability of Bowen's coefficient, which is the ratio of sensible to latent heat flux, was also analysed. Water relations in the studied regions were characterized by climatic water balance. The work contains also the investigation of temperature changes in all regions. The following regions were included in the study: Wrocław-Swojec (1964-2000), Bydgoszcz (1946-2003) and Łódź (1954-1995)

    Application of the measures of intelligence in the transport psychology

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    Zgodnie z Rozporządzeniem Ministra Zdrowia z dnia 8 lipca 2014r. w sprawie badań psychologicznych osób ubiegających się o uprawnienia do kierowania pojazdami, kierowców oraz osób wykonujących prace na stanowisku kierowcy (Dz. U. z 2014r, poz. 937) jednym z elementów badania psychologicznego jest zbadanie sprawności intelektualnej i procesów poznawczych. Do pomiaru tej sprawności stosowane są narzędzia psychologiczne w postaci testów. W niniejszym artykule przedstawiony został związek inteligencji z funkcjonowaniem poznawczym i psychomotorycznym oraz z cechami osobowości mającymi wpływ na funkcjonowanie w ruchu drogowym, w oparciu o analizę literatury przedmiotu oraz badania przeprowadzone w Instytucie Transportu Samochodowego w 2017r.According to the Regulation of the Minister of Health of July 8, 2014 on the psychological tests of persons applying for the vehicles driving license and drivers and persons performing duty of a driver (Journal of Laws of 2014, item 937), one of the elements of a psychological tests is to examine intellectual performance and cognitive processes. To measure this efficiency, psychological tools in the form of tests are used. This article presents the relationship between intelligence and cognitive and psychomotor functioning as well as personality traits having an impact on functioning in the road traffic, based on the subject literature analysis and the research conducted at the Motor Transport Institute in 2017