780 research outputs found

    Integrable anyon chains: from fusion rules to face models to effective field theories

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    Starting from the fusion rules for the algebra SO(5)2SO(5)_2 we construct one-dimensional lattice models of interacting anyons with commuting transfer matrices of `interactions round the face' (IRF) type. The conserved topological charges of the anyon chain are recovered from the transfer matrices in the limit of large spectral parameter. The properties of the models in the thermodynamic limit and the low energy excitations are studied using Bethe ansatz methods. Two of the anyon models are critical at zero temperature. From the analysis of the finite size spectrum we find that they are effectively described by rational conformal field theories invariant under extensions of the Virasoro algebra, namely WB2\mathcal{W}B_2 and WD5\mathcal{W}D_5, respectively. The latter contains primaries with half and quarter spin. The modular partition function and fusion rules are derived and found to be consistent with the results for the lattice model.Comment: 43 pages, published versio

    Boundary States, Extended Symmetry Algebra and Module Structure for certain Rational Torus Models

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    The massless bosonic field compactified on the circle of rational R2R^2 is reexamined in the presense of boundaries. A particular class of models corresponding to R2=12kR^2=\frac{1}{2k} is distinguished by demanding the existence of a consistent set of Newmann boundary states. The boundary states are constructed explicitly for these models and the fusion rules are derived from them. These are the ones prescribed by the Verlinde formula from the S-matrix of the theory. In addition, the extended symmetry algebra of these theories is constructed which is responsible for the rationality of these theories. Finally, the chiral space of these models is shown to split into a direct sum of irreducible modules of the extended symmetry algebra.Comment: 12 page

    Reithrodontomys Raviventris: microhabitat associations in a diked marsh

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    Three-leg correlations in the two component spanning tree on the upper half-plane

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    We present a detailed asymptotic analysis of correlation functions for the two component spanning tree on the two-dimensional lattice when one component contains three paths connecting vicinities of two fixed lattice sites at large distance ss apart. We extend the known result for correlations on the plane to the case of the upper half-plane with closed and open boundary conditions. We found asymptotics of correlations for distance rr from the boundary to one of the fixed lattice sites for the cases rs1r\gg s \gg 1 and sr1s \gg r \gg 1.Comment: 16 pages, 5 figure

    Higher string functions, higher-level Appell functions, and the logarithmic ^sl(2)_k/u(1) CFT model

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    We generalize the string functions C_{n,r}(tau) associated with the coset ^sl(2)_k/u(1) to higher string functions A_{n,r}(tau) and B_{n,r}(tau) associated with the coset W(k)/u(1) of the W-algebra of the logarithmically extended ^sl(2)_k conformal field model with positive integer k. The higher string functions occur in decomposing W(k) characters with respect to level-k theta and Appell functions and their derivatives (the characters are neither quasiperiodic nor holomorphic, and therefore cannot decompose with respect to only theta-functions). The decomposition coefficients, to be considered ``logarithmic parafermionic characters,'' are given by A_{n,r}(tau), B_{n,r}(tau), C_{n,r}(tau), and by the triplet \mathscr{W}(p)-algebra characters of the (p=k+2,1) logarithmic model. We study the properties of A_{n,r} and B_{n,r}, which nontrivially generalize those of the classic string functions C_{n,r}, and evaluate the modular group representation generated from A_{n,r}(tau) and B_{n,r}(tau); its structure inherits some features of modular transformations of the higher-level Appell functions and the associated transcendental function Phi.Comment: 34 pages, amsart++, times. V2: references added; minor changes; some nonsense in B.3.3. correcte

    Wind on the boundary for the Abelian sandpile model

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    We continue our investigation of the two-dimensional Abelian sandpile model in terms of a logarithmic conformal field theory with central charge c=-2, by introducing two new boundary conditions. These have two unusual features: they carry an intrinsic orientation, and, more strangely, they cannot be imposed uniformly on a whole boundary (like the edge of a cylinder). They lead to seven new boundary condition changing fields, some of them being in highest weight representations (weights -1/8, 0 and 3/8), some others belonging to indecomposable representations with rank 2 Jordan cells (lowest weights 0 and 1). Their fusion algebra appears to be in full agreement with the fusion rules conjectured by Gaberdiel and Kausch.Comment: 26 pages, 4 figure

    Infinite Symmetry in the Fractional Quantum Hall Effect

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    We have generalized recent results of Cappelli, Trugenberger and Zemba on the integer quantum Hall effect constructing explicitly a W1+{\cal W}_{1+\infty} for the fractional quantum Hall effect such that the negative modes annihilate the Laughlin wave functions. This generalization has a nice interpretation in Jain's composite fermion theory. Furthermore, for these models we have calculated the wave functions of the edge excitations viewing them as area preserving deformations of an incompressible quantum droplet, and have shown that the W1+{\cal W}_{1+\infty} is the underlying symmetry of the edge excitations in the fractional quantum Hall effect. Finally, we have applied this method to more general wave functions.Comment: 15pp. LaTeX, BONN-HE-93-2

    Logarithmic two-point correlators in the Abelian sandpile model

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    We present the detailed calculations of the asymptotics of two-site correlation functions for height variables in the two-dimensional Abelian sandpile model. By using combinatorial methods for the enumeration of spanning trees, we extend the well-known result for the correlation σ1,11/r4\sigma_{1,1} \simeq 1/r^4 of minimal heights h1=h2=1h_1=h_2=1 to σ1,h=P1,hP1Ph\sigma_{1,h} = P_{1,h}-P_1P_h for height values h=2,3,4h=2,3,4. These results confirm the dominant logarithmic behaviour σ1,h(chlogr+dh)/r4+O(r5)\sigma_{1,h} \simeq (c_h\log r + d_h)/r^4 + {\cal O}(r^{-5}) for large rr, predicted by logarithmic conformal field theory based on field identifications obtained previously. We obtain, from our lattice calculations, the explicit values for the coefficients chc_h and dhd_h (the latter are new).Comment: 28 page

    From boundary to bulk in logarithmic CFT

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    The analogue of the charge-conjugation modular invariant for rational logarithmic conformal field theories is constructed. This is done by reconstructing the bulk spectrum from a simple boundary condition (the analogue of the Cardy `identity brane'). We apply the general method to the c_1,p triplet models and reproduce the previously known bulk theory for p=2 at c=-2. For general p we verify that the resulting partition functions are modular invariant. We also construct the complete set of 2p boundary states, and confirm that the identity brane from which we started indeed exists. As a by-product we obtain a logarithmic version of the Verlinde formula for the c_1,p triplet models.Comment: 35 pages, 2 figures; v2: minor corrections, version to appear in J.Phys.

    Bits and Pieces in Logarithmic Conformal Field Theory

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    These are notes of my lectures held at the first School & Workshop on Logarithmic Conformal Field Theory and its Applications, September 2001 in Tehran, Iran. These notes cover only selected parts of the by now quite extensive knowledge on logarithmic conformal field theories. In particular, I discuss the proper generalization of null vectors towards the logarithmic case, and how these can be used to compute correlation functions. My other main topic is modular invariance, where I discuss the problem of the generalization of characters in the case of indecomposable representations, a proposal for a Verlinde formula for fusion rules and identities relating the partition functions of logarithmic conformal field theories to such of well known ordinary conformal field theories. These two main topics are complemented by some remarks on ghost systems, the Haldane-Rezayi fractional quantum Hall state, and the relation of these two to the logarithmic c=-2 theory.Comment: 91 pages, notes of lectures delivered at the first School and Workshop on Logarithmic Conformal Field Theory and its Applications, Tehran, September 2001. Amendments in Introductio