23 research outputs found
The effect of dielectric and isothermal heating on the properties of the sodium silicate aqueous solution and the resultant xerogels has been studied in the comparative investigations. It was proved that the viscosity of the solution undergoes changes in two stages. The type of interactions predetermines the structural energy of activation of the viscous flow and the kinetics of structure formation processes in the sodium silicate aqueous solution, phase composition and morphology of the formed xerogels.Проведены сравнительные исследования влияния диэлектрического и изотермического процессов нагрева на свойства водного раствора силиката натрия и формируемые из него ксерогели. Показано, что вязкость раствора после термообработки изменяется в две стадии. Вид воздействия определяет значения структурной энергии активации вязкого течения и кинетику процесса структурообразования водного раствора силиката натрия, а также фазовый состав и морфологию получаемых из него ксерогелей
Analysis of motoneuron responses to composite synaptic volleys (computer simulation study)
This paper deals with the analysis of changes in motoneuron (MN) firing evoked by repetitively applied stimuli aimed toward extracting information about the underlying synaptic volleys. Spike trains were obtained from computer simulations based on a threshold-crossing model of tonically firing MN, subjected to stimulation producing postsynaptic potentials (PSPs) of various parameters. These trains were analyzed as experimental results, using the output measures that were previously shown to be most effective for this purpose: peristimulus time histogram, raster plot and peristimulus time intervalgram. The analysis started from the effects of single excitatory and inhibitory PSPs (EPSPs and IPSPs). The conclusions drawn from this analysis allowed the explanation of the results of more complex synaptic volleys, i.e., combinations of EPSPs and IPSPs, and the formulation of directions for decoding the results of human neurophysiological experiments in which the responses of tonically firing MNs to nerve stimulation are analyzed
EU Cooperation with Non-Member Neighboring Countries: The Principle of Variable Geometry
The European Union (EU) represents a large and highly integrated bloc which contributed 19.4% of global GDP and over 30% of global exports in 2012. As of July 1, 2013 it consists of 28 member states. All of them belong to the customs union and the Single European Market (SEM) in which most formal and informal barriers to the free movement of goods, services, people and capital have been removed. In addition, most members share a common currency (Euro) and form a free-travel Schengen zone. The important policy areas such as external trade, customs, competition, other regulations related to SEM, monetary policy (in the case of the Eurozone), certain iscal and other macroeconomic policies, part of indirect taxation, research, energy policy, etc. have been transferred to the competence of supranational EU bodies. Several other questions such as immigration and asylum, visas, common border management, justice and home affairs, and foreign and security policy remain subject to coordination and common decisions. [...
Physico-mechanical and tribotechnical properties of materials obtained on the basis of phenilon С-2 thermoplastic modified with thermally expanded graphite and synthesized by cobalt epoxy-silicate have been investigated. The optimum composite content and maintenance modes have been stated. The combined application of compounds result in their mutual activation and synergetic effect allowing to vary widely the operational properties of the material was shown. Исследованы физико-механические и триботехнические свойства материалов, полученных на основе термопласта фенилон С-2, модифицированного терморасширенным графитом и синтезированным эпоксисиликатом кобальта. Установлены оптимальные состав композита и режимы эксплуатации. Показано, что совместное использование наполнителей приводит к их взаимному активированию и синергическому эффекту, позволяющему широко варьировать эксплуатационные свойства материала.