3 research outputs found
Validation of the Kirundi versions of brief self-rating scales for common mental disorders among children in Burundi
- Author
- 48th World Medical Assembly
- A Kagee
- AA Thabet
- AB Strang
- AK Goenjian
- American Educational Research Association APA National Council on Measurement in Education, Joint Committee on Standards for Educational and Psychological Testing (US)
- AV Horwitz
- B Birmaher
- B Birmaher
- BA Kohrt
- BA Kohrt
- BA Kohrt
- BH Ellis
- C Mels
- C Sharp
- D Bagilishya
- D Rodin
- D Silove
- DA Desousa
- DP Goldberg
- DP Goldberg
- DP Goldberg
- E Duraković-Belko
- E Sanchez-Cao
- EB Foa
- EB Foa
- EF Schisterman
- EJ Brown
- F Dehghani
- F Fan
- F Frank-Schultz
- F Kortmann
- F Neuner
- FJ Wren
- G Medhin
- Ivan H Komproe
- J Das-Munshi
- J Kaufman
- J-P Chrétien
- JK Staples
- Joop TVM De Jong
- JR Asarnow
- JTVM de Jong
- K Myers
- KA Ehntholt
- KA Ehntholt
- L Isolan
- L Jones
- L Su
- LH Jaycox
- LK Murray
- M Odenwald
- M SB Van Ommeren
- Mark J Jordans
- MJ Jordans
- MJ Jordans
- MJ Jordans
- MJ Jordans
- MJ Jordans
- MJ Jordans
- MJ Jordans
- MJD Jordans
- N Chishinga
- N Hariz
- P Birleson
- P Birleson
- P Bolton
- P Bolton
- P Feo
- P Muris
- P Muris
- P Smith
- P Ventevogel
- P Ventevogel
- P Ventevogel
- P Ventevogel
- P Ventevogel
- Paolo Feo
- Peter Ventevogel
- PJ Chipimo
- RF Mollica
- S Kolltveit
- S Monga
- S Schaal
- S Zvizdic
- SF Kaaya
- T Betancourt
- T Fundudis
- T Ivarsson
- TS Betancourt
- V Attanayake
- V Ertl
- V Igreja
- V Papageorgiou
- V Patel
- V Patel
- V Patel
- V Patel
- W Wakabi
- W BLC Thienkrua
- WA Tol
- WA Tol
- WA Tol
- WA Tol
- WE Narrow
- WF Scholte
- WW Hale 3rd
- WW Hale 3rd
- Y Ye
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Children and war: Risk, resilience, and recovery
- Author
- Publication venue
- 'Cambridge University Press (CUP)'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Mental health problems of Syrian refugee children: the role of parental factors
- Author
- A Chaney
- A Field
- A Hjern
- A Loukas
- A Sourander
- AA Thabet
- AA Thabet
- AA Thabet
- BH Ellis
- C Mels
- C Rousseau
- D Goldberg
- D Higgins
- E Duraković-Belko
- E Heptinstall
- E Montgomery
- EE Werner
- G Ahmadzadeh
- G Durà -VilÃ
- H Möhlen
- I Derluyn
- J Kinzie
- JD Kinzie
- John Maltby
- K Almqvist
- K Karim
- K Kendler
- L Dardas
- LS Aiken
- M Fazel
- M Hasanović
- M Hodes
- M Horowitz
- M Krešić Ćorić
- M Smith
- N Dalgaard
- N Sveaass
- P Smith
- P Smith
- P Spinhoven
- P Vostanis
- P Vostanis
- P Vostanis
- Panos Vostanis
- R Goodman
- RL Punamäki
- RR Abidin
- RV Reed
- S Qouta
- S Qouta
- S Weine
- Seyda Eruyar
- SM Weine
- TS Betancourt
- U Bronfenbrenner
- V Attanayake
- V Banyard
- V Papageorgiou
- WH Sack
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- Field of study