1,722 research outputs found

    Relativistic Photon Mediated Shocks

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    A system of equations governing the structure of a steady, relativistic radiation dominated shock is derived, starting from the general form of the transfer equation obeyed by the photon distribution function. Closure is obtained by truncating the system of moment equations at some order. The anisotropy of the photon distribution function inside the shock is shown to increase with increasing shock velocity, approaching nearly perfect beaming at upstream Lorentz factors Γ−>>1\Gamma_{-}>>1. Solutions of the shock equations are presented for some range of upstream conditions. These solutions are shown to converge as the truncation order is increased.Comment: 5 pages, a shorter version will appear in PR

    The Kinematics of High Proper Motion Halo White Dwarfs

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    We analyse the kinematics of the entire spectroscopic sample of 99 recently discovered high proper-motion white dwarfs by Oppenheimer et al. using a maximum-likelihood analysis, and discuss the claim that the high-velocity white dwarfs are members of a halo population with a local density at least ten times greater than traditionally assumed. We argue that the observations, as reported, are consistent with the presence of an almost undetected thin disc plus a thick disc, with densities as conventionally assumed. In addition, there is a kinematically distinct, flattened, halo population at the more than 99% confidence level. Surprisingly, the thick disc and halo populations are indistinguishable in terms of luminosity, color and apparent age (1-10 Gyr). Adopting a bimodal, Schwarzschild model for the local velocity ellipsoid, with the ratios sigma_U:sigma_V:sigma_W=1:2/3:1/2, we infer radial velocity dispersions of sigma_U=62(+8/-10) km/s and 150(+80/-40) km/s (90% C.L.) for the local thick disc and halo populations, respectively. The thick disc result agrees with the empirical relation between asymmetric drift and radial velocity dispersion, inferred from local stellar populations. The local thick-disc plus halo density of white dwarfs is n^{td+h}=(1.9+-0.5)x10^-3 pc^-3 (90% C.L.), of which n^{h}=1.1(+2.1/-0.7)x10^-4 pc^-3 (90% C.L.) belongs to the halo, a density about five times higher than previously thought. (Abridged)Comment: 19 pages, 11 figures; submitted to MNRA

    White Dwarfs: Contributors and Tracers of the Galactic Dark-Matter Halo

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    We examine the claim by Oppenheimer et al. (2001) that the local halo density of white dwarfs is an order of magnitude higher than previously thought. As it stands, the observational data support the presence of a kinematically distinct population of halo white dwarfs at the >99% confidence level. A maximum-likelihood analysis gives a radial velocity dispersion of sigma^h_U=150(+80/-40) km/s and an asymmetric drift of v_a^h=176(+102/-80) km/s, for a Schwarzschild velocity distribution function with sigma_U:sigma_V:sigma_W=1:2/3:1/2. Halo white dwarfs have a local number density of 1.1(+2.1/-0.7)x10^-4 pc-3, which amounts to 0.8(+1.6/-0.5) per cent of the nominal local dark-matter halo density and is 5.0(+9.5/-3.2) times higher and thus only marginally in agreement with previous estimates (all errors indicate the 90% C.L.). We discuss several direct consequences of this white-dwarf population (e.g. microlensing) and postulate a potential mechanism to eject young white dwarfs from the disc to the halo, through the orbital instabilities in triple or multiple stellar systems.Comment: 5 pages, to appear in the proceedings of the Yale Cosmology Workshop "The Shapes of Galaxies and their Halos" (ed. Priya Natarajan); revised numerical results, using a corrected likelihood function (thanks to David Graff and Andy Gould); general conclusions remain simila

    Stability Properties of Strongly Magnetized Spine Sheath Relativistic Jets

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    The linearized relativistic magnetohydrodynamic (RMHD) equations describing a uniform axially magnetized cylindrical relativistic jet spine embedded in a uniform axially magnetized relativistically moving sheath are derived. The displacement current is retained in the equations so that effects associated with Alfven wave propagation near light speed can be studied. A dispersion relation for the normal modes is obtained. Analytical solutions for the normal modes in the low and high frequency limits are found and a general stability condition is determined. A trans-Alfvenic and even a super-Alfvenic relativistic jet spine can be stable to velocity shear driven Kelvin-Helmholtz modes. The resonance condition for maximum growth of the normal modes is obtained in the kinetically and magnetically dominated regimes. Numerical solution of the dispersion relation verifies the analytical solutions and is used to study the regime of high sound and Alfven speeds.Comment: 42 pages includes 7 figures, to appear in Ap

    Thermo-Rotational Instability in Plasma Disks Around Compact Objects

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    Differentially rotating plasma disks, around compact objects, that are imbedded in a ``seed'' magnetic field are shown to develop vertically localized ballooning modes that are driven by the combined radial gradient of the rotation frequency and vertical gradients of the plasma density and temperature. When the electron mean free path is shorter than the disk height and the relevant thermal conductivity can be neglected, the vertical particle flows produced by of these modes have the effect to drive the density and temperature profiles toward the ``adiabatic condition'' where ηT≡(dlnT/dz)/(dlnn/dz)=2/3\eta_{T}\equiv(dlnT/dz)/(dlnn/dz)=2/3. Here TT is the plasma temperature and nn the particle density. The faster growth rates correspond to steeper temperature profiles (ηT>2/3)(\eta_{T}>2/3) such as those produced by an internal (e.g., viscous) heating process. In the end, ballooning modes excited for various values of ηT\eta_{T} can lead to the evolution of the disk into a different current carrying configuration such as a sequence of plasma rings

    The X-ray jet in the Crab Nebula: radical implications for pulsar theory?

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    The recent Chandra image of the Crab nebula shows a striking, axisymmetric polar jet. It is shown that jets are formed in axisymmetric, magnetized pulsar winds and that the jet luminosity scales relative to the total as (\gamma_0\sigma_{eq})^{-4/3}, where \sigma_{eq} is the ratio of Poynting flux to particle kinetic energy output at the equator at the base of the flow and \gamma_0 the initial Lorentz factor of the flow. The results are applied to the image of the Crab nebula, and the limit is set for the Crab pulsar of \sigma_{eq} \leq 100. It is argued that conventional pulsar theory needs to be reexamined in light of these limits.Comment: 13 page

    Shading and Smothering of Gamma Ray Bursts

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    The gamma ray burst (GRB) 980425 is distinctive in that it seems to be associated with supernova (SN) 1998bw, has no X-ray afterglow, and has a single peak light curve and a soft spectrum. The supernova is itself unusual in that its expansion velocity exceeds c/6. We suggest that many of these features can be accounted for with the hypothesis that we observe the GRB along a penumbral line of sight that contains mainly photons that have scattered off ejected baryons. The hypothesis suggests a baryon poor jet (BPJ) existing within a baryon rich outflow. The sharp distinction can be attributed to whether or not the magnetic field lines thread an event horizon. Such a configuration suggests that there will be some non-thermal acceleration of pick-up ex-neutrons within the BPJ. This scenario might produce observable spallation products and neutrinos.Comment: 7 pages, 2 figures, submitted to ApJ

    The Prompt Gamma-Ray and Afterglow Energies of Short-Duration Gamma-Ray Bursts

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    I present an analysis of the gamma-ray and afterglow energies of the complete sample of 17 short duration GRBs with prompt X-ray follow-up. I find that 80% of the bursts exhibit a linear correlation between their gamma-ray fluence and the afterglow X-ray flux normalized to t=1 d, a proxy for the kinetic energy of the blast wave ($F_{X,1}~F_{gamma}^1.01). An even tighter correlation is evident between E_{gamma,iso} and L_{X,1} for the subset of 13 bursts with measured or constrained redshifts. The remaining 20% of the bursts have values of F_{X,1}/F_{gamma} that are suppressed by about three orders of magnitude, likely because of low circumburst densities (Nakar 2007). These results have several important implications: (i) The X-ray luminosity is generally a robust proxy for the blast wave kinetic energy, indicating nu_X>nu_c and hence a circumburst density n>0.05 cm^{-3}; (ii) most short GRBs have a narrow range of gamma-ray efficiency, with ~0.85 and a spread of 0.14 dex; and (iii) the isotropic-equivalent energies span 10^{48}-10^{52} erg. Furthermore, I find tentative evidence for jet collimation in the two bursts with the highest E_{gamma,iso}, perhaps indicative of the same inverse correlation that leads to a narrow distribution of true energies in long GRBs. I find no clear evidence for a relation between the overall energy release and host galaxy type, but a positive correlation with duration may be present, albeit with a large scatter. Finally, I note that the outlier fraction of 20% is similar to the proposed fraction of short GRBs from dynamically-formed neutron star binaries in globular clusters. This scenario may naturally explain the bimodality of the F_{X,1}/F_{gamma} distribution and the low circumburst densities without invoking speculative kick velocities of several hundred km/s.Comment: Submitted to ApJ; 9 pages, 2 figures, 1 tabl

    Nucleon-Nucleon Scattering in a Strong External Magnetic Field and the Neutrino Emissivity

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    The nucleon-nucleon scattering in a large magnetic background is considered to find its potential to change the neutrino emissivity of the neutron stars. For this purpose we consider the one-pion-exchange approximation to find the NN cross-section in a background field as large as 1015G−1018G10^{15}\texttt{G}-10^{18}\texttt{G}. We show that the NN cross-section in neutron stars with temperatures in the range 0.1-5 \texttt{MeV} can be changed up to the one order of magnitude with respect to the one in the absence of the magnetic field. In the limit of the soft neutrino emission the neutrino emissivity can be written in terms of the NN scattering amplitude therefore the large magnetic fields can dramatically change the neutrino emissivity of the neutron stars as well.Comment: 21 pages, 5 figures, to appear in PR
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