596 research outputs found

    Action Correlations in Integrable Systems

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    In many problems of quantum chaos the calculation of sums of products of periodic orbit contributions is required. A general method of computation of these sums is proposed for generic integrable models where the summation over periodic orbits is reduced to the summation over integer vectors uniquely associated with periodic orbits. It is demonstrated that in multiple sums over such integer vectors there exist hidden saddle points which permit explicit evaluation of these sums. Saddle point manifolds consist of periodic orbits vectors which are almost mutually parallel. Different problems has been treated by this saddle point method, e.g. Berry's bootstrap relations, mean values of Green function products etc. In particular, it is obtained that suitably defined 2-point correlation form-factor for periodic orbit actions in generic integrable models is proportional to quantum density of states and has peaks at quantum eigenenergies.Comment: 36 pages, no figure

    Asymptotic behaviour of multiple scattering on infinite number of parallel demi-planes

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    The exact solution for the scattering of electromagnetic waves on an infinite number of parallel demi-planes has been obtained by J.F. Carlson and A.E. Heins in 1947 using the Wiener-Hopf method. We analyze their solution in the semiclassical limit of small wavelength and find the asymptotic behaviour of the reflection and transmission coefficients. The results are compared with the ones obtained within the Kirchhoff approximation

    Strings in Yang-Mills-Higgs theory coupled to gravity

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    Non-Abelian strings for an Einstein-Yang-Mills-Higgs theory are explicitly constructed. We consider N_f Higgs fields in the fundamental representation of the U(1)xSU(N_c) gauge group in order to have a color-flavor SU(N_c) group remaining unbroken. Choosing a suitable ansatz for the metric, Bogomol'nyi-like first order equations are found and rotationally symmetric solutions are proposed. In the N_f = N_c case, solutions are local strings and are shown to be truly non-Abelian by parameterizing them in terms of orientational collective coordinates. When N_f > N_c, the solutions correspond to semilocal strings which, beside the orientational degrees of freedom, acquire additional collective coordinates parameterizing their transverse size. The low-energy effective theories for the correspondent moduli are found, showing that all zero modes are normalizable in presence of gravity, even in the semilocal case.Comment: 20 pages, no figure, modified version with new title, abstract and an additional section completing the study of effective theories. Physical Review D in pres

    Spectral density of the quantum Ising model in two fields: Gaussian and multi-Gaussian approximations

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    Spectral density of quantum Ising model in two fields for large but finite number of spins NN, is discussed in detail. When all coupling constants are of the same order, spectral densities in the bulk are well approximated by a Gaussian function which is typical behaviour for many-body models with short-range interactions. The main part of the paper is devoted to the investigation of a different characteristic case when spectral densities have peaks related with strong degeneracies of unperturbed states in certain limits of coupling constants. In the strict limit N→∞N\to\infty, peaks overlap and disappear but for values of NN accessible in numerical calculations they often strongly influence spectral densities and other quantities as well. A simple method is developed which permits to find general approximation formulae for multi-peak structure of spectral density in good agreement with numerics.Comment: 32 pages, 13 figure

    Semi-classical calculations of the two-point correlation form factor for diffractive systems

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    The computation of the two-point correlation form factor K(t) is performed for a rectangular billiard with a small size impurity inside for both periodic or Dirichlet boundary conditions. It is demonstrated that all terms of perturbation expansion of this form factor in powers of t can be computed directly by semiclassical trace formula. The main part of the calculation is the summation of non-diagonal terms in the cross product of classical orbits. When the diffraction coefficient is a constant our results coincide with expansion of exact expressions ontained by a different method.Comment: 42 pages, 10 figures, Late

    Trace formula for dielectric cavities III: TE modes

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    The construction of the semiclassical trace formula for the resonances with the transverse electric (TE) polarization for two-dimensional dielectric cavities is discussed. Special attention is given to the derivation of the two first terms of Weyl's series for the average number of such resonances. The obtained formulas agree well with numerical calculations for dielectric cavities of different shapes.Comment: 12 pages, 6 figure

    Composite non-Abelian Flux Tubes in N=2 SQCD

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    Composite non-Abelian vortices in N=2 supersymmetric U(2) SQCD are investigated. The internal moduli space of an elementary non-Abelian vortex is CP^1. In this paper we find a composite state of two coincident non-Abelian vortices explicitly solving the first order BPS equations. Topology of the internal moduli space T is determined in terms of a discrete quotient CP^2/Z_2. The spectrum of physical strings and confined monopoles is discussed. This gives indirect information about the sigma model with target space T.Comment: 37 pages, 7 figures, v3 details added, v4 erratum adde

    Axially Symmetric Solutions for SU(2) Yang-Mills Theory

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    By casting the Yang-Mills-Higgs equations of an SU(2) theory in the form of the Ernst equations of general relativity, it is shown how the known exact solutions of general relativity can be used to give similiar solutions for Yang-Mills theory. Thus all the known exact solutions of general relativity with axial symmetry (e.g. the Kerr metric, the Tomimatsu-Sato metric) have Yang-Mills equivalents. In this paper we only examine in detail the Kerr-like solution. It will be seen that this solution has surfaces where the gauge and scalar fields become infinite, which correspond to the infinite redshift surfaces of the normal Kerr solution. It is speculated that this feature may be connected with the confinement mechanism since any particle which carries an SU(2) color charge would tend to become trapped once it passes these surfaces. Unlike the Kerr solution, our solution apparently does not have any intrinsic angular momentum, but rather appears to give the non-Abelian field configuration associated with concentric shells of color charge.Comment: 15 pages LaTe
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