22 research outputs found

    Stability of malacocoenoses in an ash-elm forest based on two-year observations

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    The paper presents results of two-year (2003–2005) monthly studies on terrestrial malacocoenoses in an ash-elm forest (Fraxino-Ulmetum) near Duszniki in western Wielkopolska (W. Poland). Species composition, dominance structure and abundance of malacocoenoses of selected plots were analysed. Twenty species of ten families were recorded, represented by 7,619 specimens. The main components of the malacocoenoses were Nesovitrea hammonis (Ström), Columella edentula (Drap.), Vallonia costata (O. F. Müll.), Punctum pygmaeum (Drap.), Cochlicopa lubricella (Porro) and Vertigo pusilla O. F. Müll. The species composition was stable but the abundance varied considerably

    Ruthenica filograna (Rossmassler, 1836) (Gastropoda: pulmonata: Clausiliidae) in malacocoenoses of deciduous forests in various regions of Poland

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    Malacocoenoses containing Ruthenica filograna (Rossm.), a forest-dwelling clausiliid, were studied in two localities in Poland: the nature reserve Dębno nad Wartą (Wielkopolska region) and the Valley of Pieninski Potok (Pieniny Mts). The malacocoenoses were composed of 20 and 42 species, respectively. In Debno nad Wartą R. filograna was the most frequent and abundant species; in the Valley of Pieniński Potok the most frequent and abundant species was Vitrea diaphana. The structure of the two communities differed also in other respects. The gastropod density in the two localities was similar (168 and 185 individuals · m–2, respectively), but their species composition was not, with only six species in common (Nei index 0.22)

    Malacocoenoses of fragmented forests of Wielkopolska

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    Terrestrial malacocoenoses of two neighboring forest complexes in W. Wielkopolska were sampled in 2003–2004; their structure and abundance were analysed in selected plots of oak-hornbeam forest of different protection status and degree of anthropogenic transformations. Twenty species (10 families) represented by 1,588 specimens were collected. The main components of the malacocoenoses were: Nesovitrea hammonis, Aegopinella nitidula, Ae. pura, Punctum pygmaeum, Cochlicopa lubricella, Perforatella incarnata and Carychium minimum. Both species composition and abundance varied greatly between the plots. The gastropods showed no preference for old oak-hornbeam stands or plots located in nature reserves. This may suggest that even under strong anthropopressure and in much transformed environments the snails are capable of maintaining a high diversity

    Biodiversity of terrestrial malacocoenoses as a criterion in assessment of conservation status - the Cybina Valley, a proposed Natura 2000 area

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    We present the results of a terrestrial mollusc inventory in the Cybina River Valley (W.Poland). The species richness in 39 sites served as a biodiversity criterion for the whole area. The total number of 3,193 specimens collected represented 51 species (22 families), i.e. about 60% of terrestrial snail species of the whole Wielkopolska region. Species regarded as rare in the region and in the whole country constituted 22% of the whole material. Two of them are especially noteworthy: Vertigo angustior Jeffreys (Annex II, EU Habitats Directive), and Ruthenica filograna (Rossmässler) which is very rare in the region

    Spatial distribution and structure of populations of Helix pomatia L. in Kujawsko-Pomorskie voivodship

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    Materials to the knowledge of molluscs of Wielkopolska. II. Checklist

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    We present the list of molluscs recorded from Wielkopolska (W. Poland) during the last fifty years. It includes the 167 species (47 freshwater snails, 92 terrestrial gastropods, 28 bivalves) recorded from the region between July 1st 1958 and July 1st 2008. The number of localities recorded during the last 50 years is given for each species. The list is based on data from 4,155 localities described in 89 publications and 73 unpublished papers. Most of the information was published in Polish or not published at all, and thus inaccessible to a wider malacological audience

    Assessment of abundance and distribution of the Roman snail (Helix pomatia L.) in Poland. II. Podlaskie voivodeship

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    The results of research on abundance, distribution and structure of the Roman snail (Helix pomatia L.) populations, conducted in 2011 in Podlaskie voivodeship, are presented. All the communes were thoroughly checked in the spring and summer. In 374 sample sites 4,109 individuals of H. pomatia were recorded. The average density for the voivodeship was approximately 0.6 individual per 1 are (= 6 thousand individuals/1 km2). The biomass of adult individuals was estimated at 900 tons. Most of the surveyed local populations were stable or dynamic, characterised by a high proportion of juveniles

    An attempt at assessment of abundance of Helix pomatia L. in the field

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    Metapopulation studies on Helix pomatia L. in the environs of the Morasko campus, Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan

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