15,232 research outputs found

    A Note on Topological M5-branes and String-Fivebrane Duality

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    We derive the stability conditions for the M5-brane in topological M-theory using kappa-symmetry. The non-linearly self-dual 3-form on the world-volume is necessarily non-vanishing, as is the case also for the 2-form field strengths on coisotropic branes in topological string theory. It is demonstrated that the self-duality is consistent with the stability conditions, which are solved locally in terms of a tensor in the representation 6 of SU(3) in G_2. The double dimensional reduction of the M5-brane is the D4-brane, and its direct reduction is an NS5-brane. We show that the equation of motion for the 3-form on the NS5-brane wrapping a Calabi-Yau space is exactly the Kodaira-Spencer equation, providing support for a string-fivebrane duality in topological string theory.Comment: 11 pp, plain te

    Ground Band and a Generalized GP-equation for Spinor Bose-Einstein Condensates

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    For the spinor Bose-Einstein condensates both the total spin SS and its Z-component SZS_{Z} should be conserved. However, in existing theories, only the conservation of SzS_{z} has been taken into account. To remedy, this paper is the first attempt to take the conservation of both % S and SZS_{Z} into account. For this purpose, a total spin-state with the good quantum numbers SS and SZS_{Z} is introduced in the trial wave function, thereby a generalized Gross-Pitaevskii equation has been derived. With this new equation, the ground bands of the 23^{23}Na and % ^{87}Rb condensates have been studied, where the levels distinct in SS split. It was found that the level density is extremely dense in the bottom of the ground band of 23^{23}Na, i.e., in the vicinity of the ground state. On the contrary, for 87^{87}Rb, the levels are extremely dense in the top of the ground band,Comment: 7 page, 5 figure

    On the choice of colliding beams to study deformation effects in relativistic heavy ion collisions

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    It has been suggested that collisions between deformed shapes will lead to interesting effects on various observables such as K production and elliptic flow. Simple formulae can be written down which show how to choose the colliding beams which will maximise the effects of deformation.Comment: 2 pages, this version supersedes the previous on

    Symmetry Constraints and the Electronic Structures of a Quantum Dot with Thirteen Electrons

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    The symmetry constraints imposing on the quantum states of a dot with 13 electrons has been investigated. Based on this study, the favorable structures (FSs) of each state has been identified. Numerical calculations have been performed to inspect the role played by the FSs. It was found that, if a first-state has a remarkably competitive FS, this FS would be pursued and the state would be crystal-like and have a specific core-ring structure associated with the FS. The magic numbers are found to be closely related to the FSs.Comment: 13 pages, 5 figure

    Rigid Calabi-Yau threefolds, Picard Eisenstein series and instantons

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    Type IIA string theory compactified on a rigid Calabi-Yau threefold gives rise to a classical moduli space that carries an isometric action of U(2,1). Various quantum corrections break this continuous isometry to a discrete subgroup. Focussing on the case where the intermediate Jacobian of the Calabi-Yau admits complex multiplication by the ring of quadratic imaginary integers O_d, we argue that the remaining quantum duality group is an arithmetic Picard modular group PU(2,1;O_d). Based on this proposal we construct an Eisenstein series invariant under this duality group and study its non-Abelian Fourier expansion. This allows the prediction of non-perturbative effects, notably the contribution of D2- and NS5-brane instantons. The present work extends our previous analysis in 0909.4299 which was restricted to the special case of the Gaussian integers O_1=Z[i].Comment: 8 pages, for the proceedings of Quantum Theories and Symmetries V
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