668 research outputs found

    Study of impurities in spin-Peierls systems including lattice relaxation

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    The effects of magnetic and non-magnetic impurities in spin-Peierls systems are investigated allowing for lattice relaxation and quantum fluctuations. We show that, in isolated chains, strong bonds form next to impurities, leading to the appearance of magneto-elastic solitons. Generically, these solitonic excitations do not bind to impurities. However, interchain elastic coupling produces an attractive potential at the impurity site which can lead to the formation of bound states. In addition, we predict that small enough chain segments do not carry magnetic moments at the ends

    Experimental study of stratified turbulence forced with columnar dipoles

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    International audienceWe present a novel experimental setup aimed at producing a forced strongly stratified turbulent flow. The flow is forced by an arena of 12 vortex pair generators in a large tank. The continuous interactions of the randomly produced vortex pairs give rise to a statistically stationary disordered flow in contrast to previous experiments where the stratified turbulence is decaying. The buoyancy frequency N is set to its highest value N = 1.7 rad/s using salt as stratifying agent so that the horizontal Froude number F h = Ω/N is low, while the buoyancy Reynolds number R=ReFh2 , where Re = Ωa 2/ν is the classical Reynolds number, is as high as possible given the experimental constraints (Ω is the maximum angular velocity of the vortices, a their radius and ν the viscosity). PIV measurements show that the flow is not homogeneous in the horizontal plane and is organised into horizontal layers along the vertical. When R is increased, we observe a progressive evolution from the viscosity dominated regime with smooth layers to a regime with small scales superimposed on the layers and for which the vertical Froude number is of order one. The latter regime resembles the strongly stratified turbulent regime with a downscale cascade that has been predicted for large R . However, horizontal second order structure functions do not exhibit a clear inertial range for the largest R achieved R=310 . In addition, the corresponding turbulent buoyancy Reynolds number Rt=P/(νN2) based on an estimation of the injection rate of energy P is only of order unity Rt≃0.4 indicating that only the edge of the strongly stratified turbulent regime has been reached. However, these results suggest that sufficiently large turbulent buoyancy Reynolds numbers, Rt≃10 , could be achieved experimentally by scaling up five times this novel set-up

    Recovery of succinic acid in fermentation broth via reactive LL extraction: effect of chemical kinetics and solvent choice

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    In this paper, a study of kinetics effects on the reactive liquid-liquid extraction column is proposed. In a first part, design parameters of reactive liquid-liquid extraction column are derived from a method proposed by Mizzi (2016). In a second part, using a kinetic model, the performances of the column are studied with different configuration and design parameters. This study allows a comparison of the performances of the column in terms of conversion rate, recovery rate and purity. For the chosen examples, the kinetic limitation is very strong. So the unit operations of reactive liquid-liquid extraction with a high retention capacity will be privileged: a cascade of decanter mixers. In conclusion, this article shows that the choice of solvent and the parameters of the column as the solvent flowrate, the number of theoretical stage, liquid hold up or kinetics of the reaction have an important influence on the performances of the column and sometimes on the feasibility of the separation

    Thermodynamical Properties of a Spin 1/2 Heisenberg Chain Coupled to Phonons

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    We performed a finite-temperature quantum Monte Carlo simulation of the one-dimensional spin-1/2 Heisenberg model with nearest-neighbor interaction coupled to Einstein phonons. Our method allows to treat easily up to 100 phonons per site and the results presented are practically free from truncation errors. We studied in detail the magnetic susceptibility, the specific heat, the phonon occupation, the dimerization, and the spin-correlation function for various spin-phonon couplings and phonon frequencies. In particular we give evidence for the transition from a gapless to a massive phase by studying the finite-size behavior of the susceptibility. We also show that the dimerization is proportional to g2/Ωg^2/\Omega for T<2JT<2J.Comment: 10 pages, 17 Postscript Figure

    What do experimental data "say" about growth of hadronic total cross-section?

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    We reanalyse pˉp\bar p p and pppp high energy data of the elastic scattering above s=5\sqrt{s}=5 GeV on the total cross-section σtot\sigma_{tot} and on the forward ρ\rho-ratio for various models of Pomeron, utilizing two methods. The first one is based on analytic amplitudes, the other one relies on assumptions for σtot\sigma_{tot} and on dispersion relation for ρ\rho. We argue that it is not possible, from fitting only existing data for forward scattering, to select a definite asymptotic growth with the energy of σtot\sigma_{tot}. We find equivalent fits to the data together with a logarithmic Pomeron giving a behavior σtotlnγs\sigma_{tot} \propto \ln ^\gamma s, γ[0.5,2.20]\gamma\in [0.5,2.20] and with a supercritical Pomeron giving a behavior σtotsϵ\sigma_{tot} \propto s^\epsilon , ϵ[0.01,0.10]\epsilon\in [0.01,0.10].Comment: LaTeX, 18 pages, 5 eps figures included, to be published in Il Nuovo Ciment

    From spinons to magnons in explicit and spontaneously dimerized antiferromagnetic chains

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    We reconsider the excitation spectra of a dimerized and frustrated antiferromagnetic Heisenberg chain. This model is taken as the simpler example of compiting spontaneous and explicit dimerization relevant for Spin-Peierls compounds. The bosonized theory is a two frequency Sine-Gordon field theory. We analize the excitation spectrum by semiclassical methods. The elementary triplet excitation corresponds to an extended magnon whose radius diverge for vanishing dimerization. The internal oscilations of the magnon give rise to a series of excited state until another magnon is emited and a two magnon continuum is reached. We discuss, for weak dimerization, in which way the magnon forms as a result of a spinon-spinon interaction potential.Comment: 5 pages, latex, 3 figures embedded in the tex

    Antiferromagnetism in doped anisotropic two-dimensional spin-Peierls systems

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    We study the formation of antiferromagnetic correlations induced by impurity doping in anisotropic two-dimensional spin-Peierls systems. Using a mean-field approximation to deal with the inter-chain magnetic coupling, the intra-chain correlations are treated exactly by numerical techniques. The magnetic coupling between impurities is computed for both adiabatic and dynamical lattices and is shown to have an alternating sign as a function of the impurity-impurity distance, hence suppressing magnetic frustration. An effective model based on our numerical results supports the coexistence of antiferromagnetism and dimerization in this system.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures; final version to appear in Phys. Rev.