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21 research outputs found
Electrochemical evaluations of zinc-rich epoxy primers modified with polyaniline and exfoliated polyaniline graphite nanocomposite
ASTM B117-16
E. Akbarinezhad
Publication venue
'Informa UK Limited'
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
Evaluating water transport through high solid polyurethane coating using the EIS method
A. A. Sarabi
AC Rouw
+30 more
AS Castela
C Le pen
C Perez
D Loveday
D Loveday
D Loveday
DM Brasher
E Akbarinezhad
E Akbarinezhad
E. Akbarinezhad
F Bellucci
F Deflorian
F. Rezaei
F. Sharif
H Ochs
J Mojica
J.A Dean
JT Zhang
L Philippe
M Kendig
M. Rahmanian
N Kouloumbi
OA Stafford
PC Inone
R Blahnik
S Touzain
S. M. Kasiriha
T Nguyen
TJ Chuang
VN Nguyen
Publication venue
'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
Electrical-percolation effects in epoxy resin/ion-exchange resin/polyaniline anticorrosion composite materials
A. Olad
A. Talo
+25 more
A.T.A. Jenkins
D. Agafonov
D. Scantlebury
E. Akbarinezhad
E. Akbarinezhad
G. Williams
G. Williams
I.V. Falina
J. Fang
J. Wang
J.E. Pereira da Silva
M.F. Montemor
M.S. Attia
N.N. Petrov
N.N. Petrov
N.P. Berezina
N.P. Berezina
O. Schneider
P. Costamagna
S. Bhadra
S. Kirkpatrik
S. Sathiyanarayanan
T. Blythe
V.G. Kulkarni
Y. Maocheng
Publication venue
'Pleiades Publishing Ltd'
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
Quantification of protective properties of the coating/corrosion product/steel interface by integration of transmission line model with EIS results
A Amirudin
A Conde
+37 more
B Hinderliter
C Li
C Liu
CP Kato
D Xia
E Akbarinezhad
E Akbarinezhad
F Deflorian
F Kármán
F Mansfeld
F Mansfeld
G Bierwagen
G Burstein
G Reynolds
G Walter
H. Castaneda
ID Raistrick
J Bisquert
J Park
J Xu
J. I. Barraza-Fierro
J. Niu
K Allahar
K Allahar
M Cornell
M Mouanga
M Pourbaix
O Rosas
R Armstrong
S Amand
S Cornell
S Haruyama
SR Moraes
V Baukh
Y Huang
Y Liu
ZW Wicks
Publication venue
'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
Formulation of a smart nanocomposite coating with pH-responsive loaded halloysite and investigation of its anticorrosion behaviour
A Kadhim
A Khajouei
+27 more
A R Hoseinzadeh
AR Hoseinzadeh
C Li
D Shchukin
D Snihirova
DG Shchukin
E Abdullayev
E Akbarinezhad
E Kaya
GJ Brug
GZ Xiao
KT Kim
L Jianguo
M Conradi
M Izadi
MR Bagherzadeh
N Muthukumar
RL Twite
S Javadpour
S Levis
SM Sondhi
X He
X Luo
X Shi
Y Lvov
YM Lvov
Publication venue
'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
Eco-friendly protective coatings based on poly(urethane sulfone amide) dispersions for carbon steel
A. M. Rabie
AK Nanda
+24 more
B Ramezanzadeh
B. M. Badran
C Gao
CJ Patel
DJ Hourston
DJ Mills
E Akbarinezhad
E Scrinzi
EA Papaj
F Chen
H. A. Mohamed
HA Mohamed
M Akbarian
M Desroches
M Heidarian
M Sultan
MA Mosiewicki
MF Valero
S Ataei
S Hu
S Zhang
S. M. M. Morsi
T Gurunathan
Z Ge
Publication venue
'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
Enhancing corrosion resistance of zinc-filled protective coatings using conductive polymers
A Goldschmidt
A Kalendová
+39 more
A Kalendová
A Kalendová
A Kalendová
A Kalendová
A Kalendová
A Király
Andréa Kalendová
B Somboonsub
CH Vliet
D Veselý
E Akbarinezhad
E Armelin
E Armelin
E Armelin
E Armelin
E Armelin
ET Kang
Eva Schmidová
FM AL-Oqla
GM Nascimento
J Havlík
J Stejskal
JW Schultze
K Schaefer
M Kohl
M Kohl
M Kohl
M Kohl
M Kohl
Miroslav Kohl
MR Huang
NK Guimard
NV Blinová
R Balinta
S Shreepathi
TD Nguyen
TV Vernitskaya
Y Xie
Publication venue
'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
Potential of polyaniline modified clay nanocomposite as a selective decontamination adsorbent for Pb(II) ions from contaminated waters; kinetics and thermodynamic study
A Kalendová
A Shokuhfar
+36 more
AA Baba
AA Zamani
AA Zamani
AB Lende
AE Chávez-Guajardo
B Alizadeh
BI Olu-Owolabi
D Shao
D Sydorov
D Xu
E Akbarinezhad
E Bazrafshan
E Song
EI Unuabonah
F Kord Mostafapour
H Liu
J M-q
J-J Lin
J-M Yeh
L Zhang
M Gamal Khedr
M Kohl
M Kotal
NM Ismail
P Kiliaris
R Fu
R Li
R-H Chen
S Bao
S Pavlidou
S Sinha Ray
UV Patil
Y Han
Y Xia
Z Fan
Z Zhao
Publication venue
'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
Diazonium Cation-Exchanged Clay: An Efficient, Unfrequented Route for Making Clay/Polymer Nanocomposites
Akbarinezhad E.
Altinkok C.
+31 more
Batich C. D.
Boyle W.
Brant P.
Bélanger D.
Chehimi M. M.
Conzatti L.
Delamar M.
Djouani F.
Djouani F.
Finn P.
Gam-Derouich S.
Gooding J. J.
Graf N.
Herrera N. N.
Karim Benzarti
Li Q.
Liu G.
McCreery R. L.
Mirkhalaf F.
Mohamed M. Chehimi
Mravčáková M.
Oral A.
Oral A.
Pavlacky E.
Pinson J.
Podvorica F. I.
Quinton D.
Salmi Z.
Tasdelen M. A.
Tasdelen M. A.
Zakaria Salmi
Publication venue
'American Chemical Society (ACS)'
Publication date
Field of study
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