15 research outputs found
Measurement of the branching fraction of at KEDR
We present the study of the decay . The results
are based on of 5.2 million events collected by the KEDR detector at
VEPP-4M collider. The branching fraction is measured to be
where the first uncertainty is statistical, the second one
is systematic. This is the most precise single measurement of this quantity at
the moment
Objective: a comparative analysis of the results of the use of different surgical methods of treatment of patients with formed pancreatic cysts.Material and methods. 108 patients with formed pancreatic cysts were treated and analysis of shortand long-term results of their surgical treatment was performed. Patients were divided into three groups depending on the type of surgical intervention: I – external drainage – 44 (40.7%), II – internal drainage –33 (30.6%), III – resection operations – 31 (28.7%).Results and discussions. Marsupialization of cyst by laparotomy incision was performed in patients of I group (n = 44). 18 (40.9%) complications, 9 (20.5%) lethal cases were after operation. Anastomoses of cysts with the small intestine were mostly performed in II group (n = 33) – 21 (63.6%). 7 (21.2%) complications, 1 (3.0%) lethal case were after operation. Distal resections were performed in patients of III group (n = 31) in 16 (51.6%) cases. Duodenum-preserving resections were introduced for treatment of cyst of pancreas head – 12 (38.7%). When performing this type of operations we proposed nikelid titanium stents for the prevention of anastomosis stenosis and preoperative retrograde stenting of the common bile duct for the prevention of damage. 10 (32.3%) complications and no lethal cases were after operation. Immediate results were worse in patients of I group. 47 (43.5%) patients were analyzed in long-term period. The number of recurrences of the disease (13.3%) and long-term mortality (33.3%) prevailed in the group of patients undergoing internal drainage of cysts. Quality of life, level of mental and physical health, that was assessed using SF-36, were higher in group of patients with reactionary treatment.Conclusion. The best immediate and long-term results were noted after resection operations, that enables to recommend their as the most optimal and radical method for treatment of patients with pancreatic cysts. Introducing of duodenum-preserving resections in case of pancreas head cyst improves the quality of patients life.Материал и методы. Оперировано 108 больных со сформированными панкреатическими кистами. В зависимости от вида выполненного оперативного вмешательства пациенты были разделены на три группы: I – наружное дренирование (44 пациента (40,7%)), II – внутреннее дренирование (33 (30,6%) больных), III – резекционные операции (31 больной (28,7%)). Изучены непосредственные (послеоперационные осложнения, летальность) и отдаленные (частота рецидивов, развития сахарного диабета, панкреатической недостаточности, качество жизни, летальность в отдаленном периоде) результаты хирургического лечения. Статистическая обработка результатов проведена с использованием программы IBMSPSS 20.0.Результаты. У пациентов I группы производилась марсупиализация кисты лапаротомным доступом. После операции отмечено 18 осложнений (40,9%), 9 летальных случаев (20,5%). Во II группе преимущественно выполнялись анастомозы кист с тонким кишечником – 21 (63,6%). После операций было 7 осложнений (21,2%), 1 летальный исход (3,0%). У пациентов III группы в 16 случаях (51,6%) были выполнены дистальные резекции. Для лечения кист головки поджелудочной железы применялись дуоденумсохраняющие резекции – 12 (38,7%). При этом для профилактики стеноза анастомозов нами предложено никелидтитановое стентирование и предоперационное ретроградное стентирование общего желчного протока для предупреждения его повреждения. После операций отмечено 10 осложнений (32,3%), летальных исходов не было. Отдаленные результаты прослежены у 47 (43,5%) пациентов. Процент рецидивов заболевания и отдаленная летальность оказались выше в группе пациентов, перенесших внутреннее дренирование кист. Качество жизни, уровень психического и физического здоровья по опроснику SF-36 были лучше в группе пациентов с резекционными методами лечения.Заключение. Лучшие непосредственные и отдаленные результаты отмечены после резекционных операций, что позволяет рекомендовать их для лечения пациентов с панкреатическими кистами как наиболее оптимальный и радикальный метод. Внедрение дуоденумсохраняющих операций при локализации кист в головке поджелудочной железы способствует улучшению качества жизни пациентов
Дифференциальная ультразвуковая диагностика механических желтух при паразитарных поражениях печени
The comparative analysis of the changes of biliary system in 565 patients with alveolar Hydatid disease, hydatidosis, chronic opisthorchiasis, complicated by chronic obstructive jaundice operated in the Hepatology Center of Tomsk. Three levels of occlusion and the enlargement of the bile duct, depending on the involvement of anatomical structures of liver gall ways are Identifies. Differential-distinctive ultrasound criteria biliary hypertension with the parasitic liver problems are identified and presented, that will increase the efficiency of ultrasonic diagnosis of this pathology, choose an appropriate method of surgical correction and improve patient outcomes.Проведен сравнительный анализ изменений билиарной системы у 565 пациентов, прооперированных в гепатологическом центре г. Томска, с альвеококкозом, эхинококкозом, хроническим описторхозом, осложненными механической желтухой. Определены три уровня окклюзии и соответствующие виды расширения желчных протоков в зависимости от вовлечения в процесс анатомических структур желчевыводящей системы печени. Выявлены и представлены дифференциально-отличительные ультразвуковые критерии билиарной гипертензии при паразитарных поражениях печени, что позволит повысить эффективность ультразвуковой диагностики данной патологии, выбрать адекватный способ хирургической коррекции и улучшить результаты лечения
Light polarization modulation with ferroelectric liquid crystals
This article is devoted to the investigation of light modulating properties of ferroelectric liquid crystals (FLCs). In this work two types of FLC modulators are investigated, namely, the modulator with planar alignment of FLCs operating in high frequency V-shaped mode and the modulator based on deformed helix FLC with homeotropic alignment. It was demonstrated, for the modulator of the first type, that the inversion frequency can be as high as 1 kHz due to the optimized structures of the FLC cell. For the modulators of the second type, we theoretically showed that its performance also strongly depends on geometrical properties of the cells. Both types of modulators can find applications in many fields (e.g. telecom, polarimetry, etc.)
Differential mechanical jaundices in ultrasonic diagnosis of parasitic liver problems
The comparative analysis of the changes of biliary system in 565 patients with alveolar Hydatid disease, hydatidosis, chronic opisthorchiasis, complicated by chronic obstructive jaundice operated in the Hepatology Center of Tomsk. Three levels of occlusion and the enlargement of the bile duct, depending on the involvement of anatomical structures of liver gall ways are Identifies. Differential-distinctive ultrasound criteria biliary hypertension with the parasitic liver problems are identified and presented, that will increase the efficiency of ultrasonic diagnosis of this pathology, choose an appropriate method of surgical correction and improve patient outcomes
Polysubstituted High-Entropy [LaNd](Cr0.2Mn0.2Fe0.2Co0.2Ni0.2)O3 Perovskites: Correlation of the Electrical and Magnetic Properties
La-, Nd- and La/Nd-based polysubstituted high-entropy oxides (HEOs) were produced by solid-state reactions. Composition of the B-site was fixed for all samples (Cr0.2Mn0.2Fe0.2Co0.2Ni0.2) with varying of A-site cation (La, Nd and La0.5Nd0.5). Nominal chemical composition of the HEOs correlates well with initial calculated stoichiometry. All produced samples are single phase with perovskite-like structure. Average particle size is critically dependent on chemical composition. Minimal average particle size (~400 nm) was observed for the La-based sample and maximal average particle size (5.8 μm) was observed for the Nd-based sample. The values of the configurational entropy of mixing for each sample were calculated. Electrical properties were investigated in the wide range of temperatures (150–450 K) and frequencies (10−1–107 Hz). Results are discussed in terms of the variable range hopping and the small polaron hopping mechanisms. Magnetic properties were analyzed from the temperature and field dependences of the specific magnetization. The frustrated state of the spin subsystem was observed, and it can be a result of the increasing entropy state. From the Zero-Field-Cooling and Field-Cooling regimes (ZFC-FC) curves, we determine the <S> average and Smax maximum size of a ferromagnetic nanocluster in a paramagnetic matrix. The <S> average size of a ferromagnetic cluster is ~100 nm (La-CMFCNO) and ~60 nm (LN-CMFCNO). The Smax maximum size is ~210 nm (La-CMFCNO) and ~205 nm (LN-CMFCNO). For Nd-CMFCNO, spin glass state (ferromagnetic cluster lower than 30 nm) was observed due to f-d exchange at low temperatures