22 research outputs found

    Effects of pre-sowing PEG and KH2 PO4 treatments on germination emergence and yield of carrot [Ekim öncesi PEG ve KH2PO4 uygulamalarinin havuç tohumlarinin çimlenme ve çikiş orani ile verim üzerine etkileri]

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    Studies were conducted at the fileds and laboratories of Ege University, Faculty of Agriculture, Department of Horticulture during 1994-1995 to improve germination and emergence in carrot (Daucus carota L. cv. Nantes) by priming, a presowing seed treatment. Seeds were treated with PEG-6000 (273 g/l) and KH2PO4 (70 g/l) at 15°C for 10 days. Seeds were dried and taken for germination tests at the laboratory and for emergence tests in the open field. Besides germination, seedling emergence and yield were also determined in open field. According to the results the percentage of germination increased to 81% by PEG and 79% by KH2 PO4 applications where as it remaned as 75% in control. Seedling emergence rate was 59% in both treaments at twently-fifth day after sowing while it was 50% in untreated seeds. This improved seedling emergence also enhanced overall yield per unit area (22-23 kg/6 m2 in both treaments, 18 kg/6 m2 in control) and provided homogenous seedling growth

    Evaluation of Morphological and Agronomical Characterization of Turkish Pepper Accessions

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    Collection and characterization of plant genetic resources and assessment of genetic variation plays a fundamental role in plant breeding programs. Pepper is an important crop in many countries and Turkey is fourth in world pepper production. A large number of cultivars and landraces are grown in commercial production in Turkey. Morphological traits of Turkish pepper accessions were evaluated and genetic variation in the population was assessed for further breeding. Principal component (PC) analysis indicated that 75.46% of total variation was accounted for on 10 PC axes and the first three axes were used in principal coordinate analysis for qualitative traits. The clustering pattern and principal coordinates revealed no relationship between geographic origin and geographic diversity in examined populations. There was considerable morphologic variation assessed among pepper genotypes likely due to introduction of diverse pepper genetic material to Turkey and continuing local selection. The large diversity indicates that pepper germplasm is a good source for use in breeding programs to develop improved local pepper populations through breeding that are adapted to local environmental conditions. Farmers prefer to use landraces due to their agronomic traits and resistance to some stress conditions. Some genotypes exhibited variation in plant growth habit, branching habit, and agronomic properties of fruit that makes them suitable either for processing or fresh consumption.© Taylor & Francis Group, LLC.2004-ZRF-035Part of the research was the first author’s PhD thesis, which was supported by funds from Ege University Research Foundation under grant number 2004-ZRF-035. Address correspondence to Mehmet Kadri Bozokalfa at the Horticulture Department, Faculty of Agriculture, Department of Horticulture, Ege University, 35100 Bornova, İzmir, Turkey. E-mail: [email protected] -

    Ahır gübresinin farklı düzeylerinin ve farklı yetiştirme ortamlarının toprağın fiziksel özellikleri üzerine etkileri

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    Mixing organic matter into sou is a traditional method as soil conditioner. Farmyard manure is mostly used for proofreading of soil physical properties. At the recent years, different soil conditioners have also used for soil physical properties. in this research, effect of different levels of manure and growth media on the some soil physical properties were investigated. At the research, rocket was chosen as test plant. in this study three different levels of farmyard manure (4 t/da; 8 t/da; 12 t/da) were applied to experimental soil; experimental soil mixed with 20% pumice and 20% perlite. the experiment was designed according to randomized blocks with three replications. Thirteen different growth media were used. Addition of different levels of manure increased porosity, total soluble salt, organic matter, sturucture stability index and aggregation percentage. the increasing levels of manure obtained the lowest bulk densities. the lowest yields of rocket were determined from mixtures of 12 t/da manure. the increasing levels of manure decreased rocket yield.Toprağın fiziksel özelliklerini iyileştirmek için, organik maddenin toprağa verilmesi geleneksel bir yöntemdir. Bu araştırmada, farklı düzeylerdeki ahır gübresi ile farklı yetiştirme ortamlarının, toprağın fiziksel özellikleri üzerine olan etkileri otaya çıkarılmaya çalışılmıştır. Araştırmada roka test bitkisi olarak seçildi. Farklı dozlarda (4, 8 ve 12 t/da) çiftlik gübresi ile % 20 ponza ve % 20 perlit toprağa karıştırılarak 13 yetiştirme ortamı oluşturuldu. Deneme tesadüf blokları deneme desenine göre, 3 tekrarlamalı olarak kuruldu. Toprağa ilave edilen artan dozlardaki çiftlik gübresinin, toprağın porozitesi, suda çözünebilir toplam tuz, organik madde, stürüktür stabilite indeksi ve agregasyon yüzdesini artırdığı, hacim ağırlığını ise düşürdüğü saptandı. En düşük roka verimleri 12 t/da çiftlik gübresi uygulanan yetiştirme ortamlarından elde edildi. Artan dozlarda çiftlik gübresinin roka verimini düşürdüğü belirlendi

    Variability, heritability and association analysis in plant traits of Swiss chard (Beta vulgaris subsp. Cicla)

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    Plant breeders mainly interested in improvement agronomic properties of desirable trait accompanied with genetic architecture of major characters and their interrelationship. Genetic variability and character association are prime importance and provide essential contribution for successful breeding programme. In the present research genetic variability, heritability, phenotypic and genotypic correlations of several agronomic characters were studied in fifty-four swiss chard accessions and cultivars. Analysis of variance observed highly significant variations among accessions, and phenotypic coefficient of variation (PCV) was higher magnitude of genotypic coefficient of variation (GCV) for all agronomic characters. The lamina length, lamina width, petiole thickness, petiole width, lightness, chroma and leaf dry matter observed high magnitude broad sense heritable characters accompanied with high genetic advance. Genotypic correlation coefficient showed higher than phenotypic correlation coefficient which could be explained by low environmental effect on investigated agronomic traits. Positive correlation was revealed between petiole length, lamina length, lamina width, petiole thickness and petiole width which comprise total yield in swiss chard

    Bazı doğal ve yapay gübrelerin rokanın verim ve mineral madde içeriğine etkileri

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    In this research the effects of some natural and mineral fertilizers on yield and mineral matter content in rocket was investigated in two growing seasons.Applications of tomic acid combi to leaf (2703-2263 g/2m2), mineral fertilizer (4223-2440 g/2m2) and potassium humate (2576-2210 g/2m2) to soil increased the yield of rocket. Mineral fertilizer increased dry matter content in both growing seasons. N, P and K accumulation in leaves varied depending on growing season.Amounts of N and P increased by mineral fertilizer application to soil in both growing seasons. Ca, Mg and Na content in leaves increased in first growing season, while Fe, Cu, Zn and Mn increased in the second growing season.Bu çalışmada iki farklı dönemde yetiştirilen roka bitkilerine uygulanan doğaTve yapay gübrelerin rokanın verim ve mineral madde içerikleri üzerine olan etkileri incelenmiştir. Mineral gübre toprak ( 4223-2440 g/2m2), Humik asit kombi yaprak (2703-2263 g/2m2) ve Potasyum hunıat toprak (2576-2210g/2m2) uygulaması roka verimini arttırıcı yönde etki yapmıştır. Her iki ekim döneminde de mineral gübre toprak uygulamasında en yüksek % kuru madde miktan elde edilmiştir. Hasat edilen roka yapraklanndaki N, P ve K miktarları ekim dönemlerine göre değişkenlik göstermiş, N ve P miktarı her iki yetiştirme döneminde de mineral gübre toprak uygulamasında en yüksek değere ulaşmıştır. Roka yapraklanndaki Ca, Mg ve Na miktan I. ekim döneminde, Fe, Cu, Zn ve Mn miktarı ise II. ekim döneminde daha yüksek düzeylerde analiz edilmiştir

    Ecogeographical variation and new host plants of Pleurotus eryngii species complex in Turkey

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    In nature, Pleurotus eryngii species complex mushrooms are found associated with certain plant species of Compositae and Umbelliferae as facultative biotrophs. This complex species comprises var. eryngii (DC.:Fr) Quel, ferulae Lanzi, nebrodensis (Inzenga) Sacc, elaeoselini Venturella et al., tigitanus Lewinsohn et al. P. tuoliensis C.J.Mou, P. hadamardii Costantin and P. fossulatus (Cooke) Sacc. Turkish wild P. eryngii species complex were collected from different locations of Turkey in this study. Host plants association with Turkish wild P. eryngii species complex was identified. Associated host plants of Turkish P. eryngii species complex were Erynginum compastre L., Ferula communis var. communis L., Ferula orientalis L., Heracleum antasiaticum Maden, Prangos uechtritzii Boiss and Hausskn, Prangos ferulacea (L) Lindley, Ferula orientalis L., Heracleum antasiaticum Maden and Prangos uechtritzii Boiss and Hausskn were first record as a new host plants of P. eryngii species complex in the world. Three taxon belonging to P. eryngii species complex were determined. According to morphological data, these taxon were P. eryngii var. eryngii (DC.:Fr) Quel, P. eryngii ferulae Lanzi and P. nebrodensis (Inzenga) Sacc. © 2020 International Society for Horticultural Science. All rights reserved.The authors want to thank Agriculture and Forestry Ministry to support the project financially and Agriculture and forestry proficient Elfaz Ermi? and villagers to help to find materials during the field area research