41 research outputs found

    Selected aspects of low emission management in the Middle Odra Region1

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    According to the data of the European Environment Agency, due to excessive air pollution about 47 thousand people die prematurely every year in Poland. Although in recent years the level of industrial emissions in Poland has been significantly reduced, it is still a very serious problem of the so-called low emission. The aim of the paper was to determine the most important sources of low emission in the Middle Odra Region and to indicate activities that will optimally limit this problem. The article points out activities that help reduce low emission in the Middle Odra Region, where the problem is also noticeable, despite the lower population density and the lack of highly industrialized areas. Moreover, it pointed to the possible directions of low emission management, the implementation of which may contribute to a significant reduction of low emission in the Middle Odra Region

    The social aspects of low emission management in the Nowa Sól district

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    The article shows the problem of excessive low emission in the district of Nowa Sól and points to the social issues that can affect a delay in the introduction of specific environmental actions. The article also identifies the main sources that contribute to the formation of low emission in the district of Nowa Sól. Moreover, it noted the actions planned to be taken in the area of the Nowa Sól district to reduce low emission and their evaluation has been made. There has been also pointed to the direction of the management of low emission, which will have to be taken in order to significantly reduce the low emission of the analysed area and the solutions, already introduced in Poland without a public outcry, have been identified. At the end of the paper the conclusions have been presented

    Technical and economic aspects of low emission reduction in Poland

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    The paper presents the problem of excessive air pollution in Poland caused mainly by low emission. The emission arises in result of heating flats by means of old and energetically inefficient heating installations. In Poland and Bulgaria the inhaled air is of the worst quality out of all EU countries. The paper presents economic and technical problems related to low emission occurring during the combustion of solid fuels in local boiler houses. Furthermore, the most significant economic issues, connected with the reduction of low emission are discussed, as well as technological possibilities of efficient reduction of the amount of pollution in the atmosphere. Conclusions are presented at the end of the article

    Potential and Scenarios of Variants of Thermo-Modernization of Single-Family Houses: An Example of the Lubuskie Voivodeship

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    The excessive air pollution in the Lubuskie Voivodeship and throughout Poland is a very serious problem. One of the main causes of poor air quality is low emission, which arises at a short distance from the ground (up to 40 m). The real reduction of low emission requires a series of measures. The most important of them, include replacement of non-ecological boilers heating single-family buildings, improvement of thermal insulation of outer building walls, development of public transport, limiting the movement of old, non-ecological cars, conducting extensive educational activities, economic support for the poorest families in pro-ecological activities, and development of district heating in urban areas. The issue of thermal modernization is also important from the point of view of ensuring an appropriate level of energy security in the social dimension. The article presents a scenario analysis of activities aimed at reducing low emission through economic support for thermal modernization of single-family houses in the Lubuskie Voivodeship in Poland. The results of the conducted research prove that it is possible to carry out thermal modernization of over 12% of all single-family buildings in the Lubuskie voivodeship, assuming that the co-financing would amount to 60% of the costs of such an investment. The analyses carried out in the article are closely related to low carbon development, and a significant part of emission of harmful substances into the air comes from heating single-family buildings in urban and rural areas

    Environmental management with the use of LCA in the Polish energy system

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    The article presents an assessment of the Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) and pointed out its advantages in the analysis of the environmental impact of electricity generation. The article also points to the direction of development of the Polish energy sector and pointed out the need to determine the environmental risks associated with the production of electricity. The use of coal and lignite as the primary fuel causes a significant burden on the environment. An analysis by the method of LCA based on data obtained from two Polish power plants. The results were compared and identified the cause of the existing differences in the results obtained. The article sets out the actions that contributed to reduce the negative impact on the environment, taking place during the production of electricity

    Applying the life cycle assessment method to an analysis of the environmental impact of heat generation

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    The paper presents a method of Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) to determine the impact of the heat produced on the environment. In addition, the usefulness of this method to assess the energy sector has been shown

    Applying the life cycle assessment method to an analysis of the environmental impact of heat generation

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    The paper presents a method of Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) to determine the impact of the heat produced on the environment. In addition, the usefulness of this method to assess the energy sector has been shown. This paper presents the impact of heat generation on the environment in coal power plants. A detailed analysis by the method of LCA is made to compare the environmental impact of heat generation in the Legnica Power Plant and Polkowice Power Plant. It is pointed to the difference in the results obtained. Moreover, the causes of the reported environmental impacts are discussed. Measures are identified which will help to reduce in the future the impact of the electricity produced on the environment during the production of heat


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    Praca doktorska pt. „Ekonomiczne i ekologiczne aspekty bezpieczeństwa energetycznego Polski” jest próbą przedstawienia i oceny problemów energetycznych Polski, której sektor energetyczny jest w trakcje realizacji założeń mających na celu przystosować krajowe rozwiązania do strategii energetycznej Unii Europejskiej. Głównym celem dysertacji było określenie wpływu czynników ekonomicznych i ekologicznych na stan bezpieczeństwa energetycznego Polski. Potwierdzono wszystkie hipotezy postawione w pracy poprzez szczegółową analizę statystyczną uzyskanych wyników badań ankietowych oraz na podstawie danych uzyskanych z największych polskich elektrowni, które zostały poddane analizie metodą LCA.The dissertation titled “The economic and ecological aspects of Polish energy security” is an attempt to present and evaluate Polish energy problems, the energy sector of which is in the course of implementation of the targets for national solutions to adapt the European Unions energy strategy. The main objective of this dissertation was to determine the impact of economic and ecological factors on the status of Polish energy security. All the hypotheses posed in the work were confirmed through the detailed statistical analysis of survey results and on the basis of data obtained from the biggest Polish power plants that were analyzed by LCA

    The impact of electricity production in coal-fired power plants on environment

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    Jedną ze skutecznych metod, która umożliwia ocenę i porównanie wpływu na środowisko wytwarzania energii elektrycznej w różnych elektrowniach bazujących na tym samym paliwie, jest ocena cyklu życia (Life Cycle Assessment – LCA). Analizie za pomocą tej metody mogą być poddawane zarówno produkty, procesy obejmujące pełny cykl życia produktu, jak również całe gałęzie przemysłu. W publikacji zostanie przeprowadzona analiza metodą LCA, która pozwoli na ocenę i porównanie wytwarzania energii elektrycznej w dwóch elektrowniach opalanych węglem kamiennym: Elektrowni Dolna Odra oraz Elektrowni Opole.The paper presents a method of Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) to determine the impact of the electricity produced on the environment. In addition, the usefulness of this method has been proven in assessment of the energy sector. This paper presents the impact of electricity generation on the environment in coal power plants. A detailed analysis by the method of LCA to compare the environmental impact of electricity generation in the Dolna Odra power plant and the power plant Opole. The differences in results of the analysis were pointed so as the causes of occurring environmental impacts were discussed. Also the measures to help in reducing the impact of the electricity produced on the environment during the production of electricity in the future were described