4,266 research outputs found

    Macroscopic limits of individual-based models for motile cell populations with volume exclusion

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    Partial differential equation models are ubiquitous in studies of motile cell populations, giving a phenomenological description of events which can be analyzed and simulated using a wide range of existing tools. However, these models are seldom derived from individual cell behaviors and so it is difficult to accurately include biological hypotheses on this spatial scale. Moreover, studies which do attempt to link individual- and population-level behavior generally employ lattice-based frameworks in which the artifacts of lattice choice at the population level are unclear. In this work we derive limiting population-level descriptions of a motile cell population from an off-lattice, individual-based model (IBM) and investigate the effects of volume exclusion on the population-level dynamics. While motility with excluded volume in on-lattice IBMs can be accurately described by Fickian diffusion, we demonstrate that this is not the case off lattice. We show that the balance between two key parameters in the IBM (the distance moved in one step and the radius of an individual) determines whether volume exclusion results in enhanced or slowed diffusion. The magnitude of this effect is shown to increase with the number of cells and the rate of their movement. The method we describe is extendable to higher-dimensional and more complex systems and thereby provides a framework for deriving biologically realistic, continuum descriptions of motile populations

    Poincare Recurrences and Topological Diversity

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    Finite entropy thermal systems undergo Poincare recurrences. In the context of field theory, this implies that at finite temperature, timelike two-point functions will be quasi-periodic. In this note we attempt to reproduce this behavior using the AdS/CFT correspondence by studying the correlator of a massive scalar field in the bulk. We evaluate the correlator by summing over all the SL(2,Z) images of the BTZ spacetime. We show that all the terms in this sum receive large corrections after at certain critical time, and that the result, even if convergent, is not quasi-periodic. We present several arguments indicating that the periodicity will be very difficult to recover without an exact re-summation, and discuss several toy models which illustrate this. Finally, we consider the consequences for the information paradox.Comment: 18 + 8 pages, 5 figures. v2: reference adde

    Asymptotic Level Spacing of the Laguerre Ensemble: A Coulomb Fluid Approach

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    We determine the asymptotic level spacing distribution for the Laguerre Ensemble in a single scaled interval, (0,s)(0,s), containing no levels, E_{\bt}(0,s), via Dyson's Coulomb Fluid approach. For the α=0\alpha=0 Unitary-Laguerre Ensemble, we recover the exact spacing distribution found by both Edelman and Forrester, while for α≠0\alpha\neq 0, the leading terms of E2(0,s)E_{2}(0,s), found by Tracy and Widom, are reproduced without the use of the Bessel kernel and the associated Painlev\'e transcendent. In the same approximation, the next leading term, due to a ``finite temperature'' perturbation (\bt\neq 2), is found.Comment: 10pp, LaTe

    The Probability of an Eigenvalue Number Fluctuation in an Interval of a Random Matrix Spectrum

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    We calculate the probability to find exactly nn eigenvalues in a spectral interval of a large random N×NN \times N matrix when this interval contains s≪Ns \ll N eigenvalues on average. The calculations exploit an analogy to the problem of finding a two-dimensional charge distribution on the interface of a semiconductor heterostructure under the influence of a split gate.Comment: 4 pages, postscrip

    Eigenvalue correlations on Hyperelliptic Riemann surfaces

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    In this note we compute the functional derivative of the induced charge density, on a thin conductor, consisting of the union of g+1 disjoint intervals, J:=∪j=1g+1(aj,bj),J:=\cup_{j=1}^{g+1}(a_j,b_j), with respect to an external potential. In the context of random matrix theory this object gives the eigenvalue fluctuations of Hermitian random matrix ensembles where the eigenvalue density is supported on J.Comment: latex 2e, seven pages, one figure. To appear in Journal of Physics

    The Cosmological Constant From The Viewpoint Of String Theory

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    The mystery of the cosmological constant is probably the most pressing obstacle to significantly improving the models of elementary particle physics derived from string theory. The problem arises because in the standard framework of low energy physics, there appears to be no natural explanation for vanishing or extreme smallness of the vacuum energy, while on the other hand it is very difficult to modify this framework in a sensible way. In seeking to resolve this problem, one naturally wonders if the real world can somehow be interpreted in terms of a vacuum state with unbroken supersymmetry.Comment: 12 pp., Lecture at DM2000, new reference and more conservative scenario adde

    Distribution of the Riemann zeros represented by the Fermi gas

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    The multiparticle density matrices for degenerate, ideal Fermi gas system in any dimension are calculated. The results are expressed as a determinant form, in which a correlation kernel plays a vital role. Interestingly, the correlation structure of one-dimensional Fermi gas system is essentially equivalent to that observed for the eigenvalue distribution of random unitary matrices, and thus to that conjectured for the distribution of the non-trivial zeros of the Riemann zeta function. Implications of the present findings are discussed briefly.Comment: 7 page

    Instabilities in complex mixtures with a large number of components

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    Inside living cells are complex mixtures of thousands of components. It is hopeless to try to characterise all the individual interactions in these mixtures. Thus, we develop a statistical approach to approximating them, and examine the conditions under which the mixtures phase separate. The approach approximates the matrix of second virial coefficients of the mixture by a random matrix, and determines the stability of the mixture from the spectrum of such random matrices.Comment: 4 pages, uses RevTeX 4.

    Impact of localization on Dyson's circular ensemble

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    A wide variety of complex physical systems described by unitary matrices have been shown numerically to satisfy level statistics predicted by Dyson's circular ensemble. We argue that the impact of localization in such systems is to provide certain restrictions on the eigenvalues. We consider a solvable model which takes into account such restrictions qualitatively and find that within the model a gap is created in the spectrum, and there is a transition from the universal Wigner distribution towards a Poisson distribution with increasing localization.Comment: To be published in J. Phys.
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