18 research outputs found

    NKG2D-Dependent Activation of Dendritic Epidermal T cells in Contact Hypersensitivity

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    The interaction between keratinocytes (KCs) and skin-resident immune cells has an important role in induction of contact hypersensitivity. A specific subset of γδ T cells termed dendritic epidermal T cells (DETCs) are located in mouse epidermis, and we have recently shown that DETCs become activated and produce IL-17 in an IL-1β-dependent manner during contact hypersensitivity. Various receptors on DETCs, including NKG2D, are involved in DETC responses against tumors and during wound healing. The ligands for NKG2D (NKG2DL) are stress-induced proteins such as mouse UL16-binding protein-like transcript 1 (Mult-1), histocompatibility 60 (H60), and retinoic acid early inducible-1 (Rae-1) in mice and major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I—chain-related A (MICA), MHC class I—chain-related B, and UL16-binding protein in humans. Here, we show that allergens upregulate expression of the NKG2DL Mult-1, H60, and Rae-1 in cultured mouse KCs and of MICA in primary human KCs. We demonstrate that Mult-1 is expressed in mouse skin exposed to allergen. Furthermore, we find that the vast majority of DETCs in murine epidermis and skin-homing cutaneous lymphocyte-associated antigen positive γδ T cells in humans express NKG2D. Finally, we demonstrate that blocking of NKG2D partially inhibits allergen-induced DETC activation. These findings demonstrate that NKG2D and NKG2DL are involved in allergen-induced activation of DETCs and indicate that the NKG2D/NKG2DL pathway might be a potential target for treatment of contact hypersensitivity

    IL-1β-Dependent Activation of Dendritic Epidermal T Cells in Contact Hypersensitivity

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    Substances that penetrate the skin surface can act as allergens and induce a T cell-mediated inflammatory skin disease called contact hypersensitivity (CHS). IL-17 is a key cytokine in CHS and was originally thought to be produced solely by CD4(+) T cells. However, it is now known that several cell types including γδ T cells can produce IL-17. Here, we determine the role of γδ T cells, especially the dendritic epidermal T cells (DETC), in CHS. By use of a well-established model for CHS where dinitroflourobenzen (DNFB) is used as allergen, we found that γδ T cells are important players in CHS. Thus, an increased number of IL-17 producing DETC appear in the skin following exposure to DNFB in WT mice, and DNFB-induced ear-swelling is reduced by approximately 50% in TCRδ(−/−) mice compared to WT mice. In accordance, DNFB-induced ear-swelling was reduced by approximately 50% in IL-17(−/−) mice. We show that DNFB triggers DETC activation and IL-1β production in the skin, and that keratinocytes produce IL-1β when stimulated with DNFB. We find that DETC activated in vitro by incubation with anti-CD3 and IL-1β produce IL-17. Importantly, we demonstrate that the IL-1 receptor antagonist anakinra significantly reduces CHS responses as measured by decreased ear-swelling, inhibition of local DETC activation and a reduction in the number of IL-17(+) γδ T cells and DETC in the draining lymph nodes. Taken together, we show that DETC become activated and produce IL-17 in an IL-1β-dependent manner during CHS suggesting a key role for DETC in CHS