9 research outputs found

    71. The results of postoperative radiotherapy in 63 patients with low-grade gliomas treated in Greatpoland Cancer Center

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    IntroductionLow-grade glicomas represents 15% of all primary brain tumors.Material and MethodBetween 1990–97 63 patient with low-grade gliomas were treated in Greatpoland Cancer Center (39 males, 24 females; age between 20–60 year). 15 patients had andegrone complete surgical excision, 48 partial or subtotal excision of tumor. The frontal lobe was affected in 33 patients, the temporal lobe in 14 patients. Patients received conventional irradiaton of 60 Gy.Results*Five patients with histologically verified pilocytic astrocytomas(I) were treated after partial excision, median of age 29.2 year median survival 58 months (27–108). Only one patient died 27 months after radiotherapy. *Thirteen patients with fibrylar astrocytomas(II)-11 post subtotal excision-median age 37.7 year median survival 32.5 months. Recurrent tumor in two patients. Five patients are alive. *Ten patients with protoplasmatic astrocytoma(II)-7 post subtotal excision median of age 43.5 year median survival 30.8 months. Four patients alive. *Seven patients with gemistocytic astrocytomas(II) (6 post subtotal excision)-median age 36 year, median survival 32 months. Only one patient alive. *Eleven patients with oligoastrocytomas(II)-11 post subtotal excision, median age 38.6 year, median survival 43.9 months. Two patients with recrrent tumor. Alive 8 patients. *Seventeen patients with oligodendrogliomas (11 post subtotal excision) median age 39 years, median survival 39 months. One patien with recrrent tumor. Alive 8 patients.Conclusions*30 patients are alive(48%); *histopathologic diagnosis pilocytic astrocytomas asociated with age 10 years younger then either low-grade gliomas and long-term survivors; *poor prognistic factor in gemistocytic astrocytomas-only one patient alive; *five patients with recurrent tumor among 17 to 49 months after radiotheraphy

    10. The comparison between the three – field and four-field techniques of planning of radiotherapy in prostate cancer

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    Purposeevaluation 3-field(3F) and 4-field(4F) planning techiniques for patients with localized prostate cancer. Materials/methods: Five patients with prostate cancer (T3N0M0) were evaluated. CT images were obtained at 5 mm increments and were transferred to CadPlan_planning_workstation. The planning target volume (PTV) was defined as prostate and seminal vesicles with 15mm margins around clinical target volume (CTV) except prostate-rectum interface where 5 mm margin was applied. CTV was defined as prostate and seminal vesicles. Following organs at risk (OAR) were outlined: rectum, bladder, right femoral head. Following 3F and 4F plans were performed: 3F with angles (0deg-120deg-240deg; 0deg-90deg-270deg) and 4F (Odeg-90deg-180deg-270deg). We also created two versions of treatment plans including of energy; 6 MV and 20 MV for Clinac2300CD. Total dose was 74 Gy. Mean total doses of thirty plans in irradiated organs at risk (rectum, bladder and righ femoral head) were compared. For PTV mean and minimum dose were criteria for comparision of treatment plans. Results: There were no significant dose differenes between evaluated plans of treatment in PTV (0.05). Because mean dose in femoral head in each treatment plan was below tolerance dose, main dose-limiting organ was rectum and bladder. Lowest mean dose 42.7 Gy in rectum was achived by application of 3F technique of 20 MV(0deg-90deg-270deg). Bladder was also spared with the same 3F technique of 20 MV, where mean dose was 45.2 Gy. Conclusions: This study showed that the, T” three-field technique (an anterior and two opposing lateral fields) provided with 20 MV is optimal and assures the lowest rectal dose

    19. Does in vivo dosimetry improve quality of radiotherapy: evaluation of 1000 patient's checks

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    Radiotherapy is a part of a complex treatment administered to patients with cancer. It uses a radiation which is generated and processed by specialized and sophisticated equipment.Since the beginning of the 20th century the main idea of radiotherapy remained unchanged. It is based on a proven interaction between radiation and human tissues resulting in their partial or total damage. Over the years more knowledge has been gained, especially on fractionation, doses and the reactions of different tissues and organs. The new sources of radiation have begun to be used, including high energy photon end electron beam accelerators. It became evident that major advance in clinical results might be achieved by limitation of the dose strictly to the target volume (tumour) and by sparing normal tissues.The issue of critical importance was the execution of the prescribed treatment. When treatment planning with the accuracy expressed in milimmitres became possible it it had to be proved that subsequent treatments would make it possible to assure such accuracy. In-vivo dosimetry was believed to be of help in increasing the accuracy in radiotherapy. Since its aim was not to modify the treatment but only to execute it according to a prescribed schedule dosimetry should bring about only benefits when implemented in the routine workHowever, being an extensive procedure, dosimetry consumed a lot of effort. In regular work, it is difficult to imagine that each beam could be measured in-vivo for each fraction. Measurements at more than one point for one beam were only considered for special and rare procedures such as mantle fields.In the practice of radiotherapy as carried out at the Greatpoland Cancer Centre routine in-vivo dosimetry was started in 1999, first applied to the patient's head and neck, and then extended to all patients. At least two measurements for each patient were made during the whole treatment. Whenever discrepancy occurred, exceeding 10% between the calculated and measured dose, the search for its cause was initiated. The very first problem involving the implementation of our method to the routine, was the number of dosimeters required. Transporting the dosimeter from one unit to another when dosimetry was requested involved a larger error due to the instability of the detecting unit. Another problem was the staff required. At first, physicists took care of dosimetry, but then technologists were trained who are now making the majority of measurements. A protocol from each measurement is included in the patient's record and is shown for approval to the physician.For the evaluation of our method a group of 1123 patients were analysed: 850 patients with head and neck cancer, 228 with breast cancer and 45 with lung cancer. The number of measurements was at least twice as large because each patient was irradiated from more than one beam.The mean percent differences between the calculated doses and those measured in-vivo were −1.5% (Standard Deviation, SD of 7.8) for the head and neck, +3.4% (SD=4.9) for breast, and −2.4% (4.3) for the lungs.The estimation of the error usinf a total differential method for a single measurement gives the value of more than 10% (upper limit of error). However, the statistical analysis of the measurements on the whole group with nearly a normal distribution provided a more realistic error of about 6%.ConclusionsIn-vivo dosimetry is a standard procedure in conformal radiotherapy. It does not help to avoid casual and even large errors since it is not done for all beams every time. It makes it possible to reduce the mean error in whole group of patients, which in effect should lead to more effective radiotherapy

    Effect of addition of wheat DDGS, as employed in rate for cows during the first stage of lactation on milk yield and composition, chosen technological parameters and biochemical blood indicators

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    Celem badań było stwierdzenie czy zastąpienie DDGS (dried distillers grain with solubles) z pszenicy 10% suchej masy dawki podstawowej pasz objętościowych wpłynie korzystnie na wydajność i skład chemiczny mleka krów w 1. fazie laktacji. Doświadczenie przeprowadzono na 50 krowach rasy polskiej holsztyńsko-fryzyjskiej o średniej wydajności w laktacji poprzedzającej doświadczenie 8200 kg mleka. Krowy podzielono na dwie grupy po 25 sztuk w grupie. Obie grupy krów żywiono taką samą dawką podstawową pasz objętościowych, która składała się z kiszonki z kukurydzy, kiszonki z traw, kiszonki z wysłodków buraczanych, kiszonego ziarna kukurydzy i pszenicy oraz dodatku słomy. W grupie doświadczalnej 10% suchej masy dawki podstawowej zastąpiono taką samą ilością DDGS z pszenicy. W obu grupach stosowano również taką samą mieszankę treściwą, złożoną ze śruty pszennej, śruty poekstrakcyjnej sojowej, makuchu lnianego i koncentratu białkowego, która stanowiła 50% s.m. dawki pokarmowej. Przed rozpoczęciem doświadczenia, a następnie po 30 i 90 dniach jego trwania badano wydajność krów, pobierano próbki mleka i oznaczano jego skład, a także frakcje kazeiny, LKS, liczbę bakterii oraz wybrane parametry fizykochemiczne i technologiczne mleka. Po 30 i 90 dniach prowadzenia doświadczania od badanych krów pobrano krew i oznaczono w niej wybrane wskaźniki biochemiczne – glukozę, białko całkowite, albuminy i mocznik. W żadnym z badanych parametrów nie stwierdzono różnic istotnych statystycznie zarówno po miesiącu trwania doświadczenia, jak i po trzech miesiącach badań.The aim of the studies was to state whether the replacement of 10% DM of basic rate of roughages by wheat DDGS affected favourably the yield and chemical composition of milk from cows in the first stage of lactation. The experiment was carried out on 50 cows of Polish HF breed, with the average milk production in herd during lactation preceeding the experiment on the level of 8200 kg. The cows were classified in two groups, 25 animals in each group. Both groups of cows were fed the same basic rate of roughages which consisted of maize silage, grass silage, silage produced from sugar beet pulp, ensiled grain of maize and wheat and straw additive. In the experimental group, 10% of DM of basic rate was replaced by the same quantity of wheat DDGS. In the both groups the same concentrate, consisting of wheat meal, soy meal, linen cake and protein concentrate, was also employed. In the both groups, concentrate constituted 50% of DM of the rate. Before commencement of the experiment, after 30 and then, after 90 days, the yield of the cows was examined, milk samples were collected and milk composition, casein fractions, SCC, total bacterial count and the selected physiochemical and technological parameters of milk were determined. After 30 and 90 days of the experiment, blood samples were collected from the examined cows and the selected biochemical parameters: glucose, total protein, albumins and urea were determined. Any statistically significant differences in any of the examined parameters were not found after one month of the experiment as well as after 3 months of the study

    Wpływ mleka krów otrzymujących ekstrakty z ziół na homeostazę zwierząt laboratoryjnych modelowych dla człowieka

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    The aim of the study was to examine whether extracts from herbal preparation Herbatan and of Echinacea purpurea, being employed as feed additives for dairy cows, and being added directly to milk, affected its functional value. The studies were conducted on Wistar rats, at random classified in 6 groups, 10 animals in each group. The rats from group 1 received milk from the cows which received addition of 150 ml of Herbatan in their diet. The milk for the rats from group 2 derived from the cows fed the diet with the addition of Echinacea purpurea extract (8.6 mg/kg of body weight). In group 3, the animals received 400 μl of Herbatan in their daily ration of milk; in group 4, the rats received the addition of 1.13 ml of Echinacea purpurea extract. The rats in all group received 55 ml of milk per head, in average. The animals of group 5 received milk without herbal extracts and those ones from group 6 were fed the synthetic diet. The following determinations were carried out: body weight, relative body weight of the rats, the selected biochemical parameters in blood serum: TP, ALB, BUN, GLU, TRI, CHOL, HDL, LDL, VLDL, AST and ALT, morphological parameters of red and white cell system, the level of the selected immunological indicators: immunoglobulins IgG, IgE, IgM, Il-2 and Il-4 in blood serum of the rats, phagocytic activity of monocytes and neutrophils of peripheral blood. Histological measurements of intestinal villi were carried out. The effect of herbal extracts on functional value of milk was reflected in: lower content of cholesterol and LDL in the rats fed the milk diet with the direct addition of Herbatan and Echinacea purpurea to the milk as compared to the rats from the remaining groups, in the highest level of erythrocytes and hemoglobin in the rats receiving the milk from the cows fed with the addition of Herbatan, in the intensive fluorescent effect of phagocytic neutrophils in the group of the rats receiving the milk from the cows fed the diet with Herbatan addition and in the group of the rats which received the addition of Echinacea purpurea directly to milk.Celem pracy było zbadanie czy ekstrakty z preparatu ziołowego Herbatan i Echinacea purpurea, stosowane jako dodatki paszowe dla krów mlecznych oraz dodawane bezpośrednio do mleka, wpływają na jego wartość funkcjonalną. Badania przeprowadzono na szczurach rasy Wistar, podzielonych losowo na 6 grup po 10 sztuk. Szczury grupy 1. dostawały mleko od krów otrzymujących w dawce pokarmowej dodatek 150 ml Herbatanu. Mleko dla szczurów z grupy 2. pochodziło od krów żywionych z dodatkiem ekstraktu Echinacea purpurea (8,6 mg/kg masy ciała). Do codziennej porcji mleka dla każdego szczura w grupie 3. dodawano 400 ml Herbatanu, a w grupie 4. – 1,13 ml ekstraktu Echinacea purpurea. Szczury we wszystkich grupach pobierały średnio 55 ml mleka na sztukę dziennie. Szczury grupy 5. otrzymywały mleko bez ekstraktów ziołowych, a grupy 6. – dietę syntetyczną. Określano: masę ciała i relatywną masę ciała szczurów, wybrane wskaźniki biochemiczne w surowicy krwi (TP, ALB, BUN, GLU, TRI, CHOL, HDL, LDL, VLDL, AST, ALT), parametry morfologiczne układu czerwono- i białokrwinkowego, poziom wybranych wskaźników odpornościowych: immunoglobulin IgG, IgE, IgM, Il-2 oraz Il-4 w surowicy krwi szczurów, aktywność fagocytarną monocytów i neutrofili krwi obwodowej. Wykonywano pomiary histologiczne kosmków jelitowych. Oddziaływanie ekstraktów ziołowych na wartość funkcjonalną mleka przejawiało się w niższej zawartości cholesterolu i LDL u szczurów w grupach na diecie mlecznej z bezpośrednim dodatkiem do mleka Herbatanu i Echinacea purpurea, natomiast w odniesieniu do szczurów z pozostałych grup – w najwyższej zawartości erytrocytów i hemoglobiny u szczurów otrzymujących mleko od krów żywionych z dodatkiem Herbatanu, w intensywnym oddziaływaniu fluorescencyjnym neutrofili fagocytujących w grupie szczurów otrzymującej mleko od krów z udziałem w dawce Herbatanu oraz w grupie szczurów otrzymującej dodatek Echinacea purpurea bezpośrednio do mleka

    Wpływ zakiszania dyni olbrzymiej z dodatkiem lub bez dodatku inokulanta na skład chemiczny i jakość kiszonek

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    Effect of ensiling pumpkin Cucurbita maxima with the addition of inoculant or without it on chemical composition and quality of silages. The aim of the studies was to determine the effect of ensiling the pumpkin on chemical composition and quality of silages. The silages were produced from pumpkin of Justynka variety. Before ensiling, the disintegrated pumpkin fruits were mixed with the dried beet pulp in ratio equals 80 : 20. Two variants of silages were prepared: with the inoculant and without it. In the silages, the following basic chemical composition was determined: the content of dry matter, crude ash, crude protein, crude fat, crude fibre, NDF, ADF and ADL. The indicators, being an evidence of the run of ensiling process and the quality of the obtained silages, were also determined, i.e. pH, lactic, acetic and butyric acids, ammonia nitrogen, ethanol and aerobic stability. In the obtained silages, as compared to the material before ensiling, the lower content of crude fibre and ADF was found whereas in the silage with inoculant, NDF level was also lowered. The silages with the inoculant were characterized by higher content of lactic and acetic acids and lower level of nitrogen, ammonia and ethanol. The silages with the inoculant had also higher aerobic stability. The conducted studies indicate that the application of inoculant has affected the improvement of the quality of the obtained silages.Wpływ zakiszania dyni olbrzymiej z dodatkiem lub bez dodatku inokulanta na skład chemiczny i jakość kiszonek. Celem badań było określenie wpływu zakiszania dyni na skład chemiczny i jakość kiszonek. Kiszonki przygotowano z dyni odmiany Justynka. Przed zakiszeniem rozdrobnione owoce dyni wymieszano z suszonymi wysłodkami w proporcji wynoszącej 80 : 20. Przygotowano dwa warianty kiszonek z preparatem bakteryjno-enzymatycznym i bez preparatu. W kiszonkach oznaczono podstawowy skład chemiczny: zawartości suchej masy, popiołu surowego, białka ogólnego, tłuszczu surowego, włókna surowego, NDF, ADF, ADL. Oznaczono również wskaźniki świadczące o przebiegu procesu zakiszania i jakości uzyskanych kiszonek: pH, zawartość kwasów mlekowego, octowego i masłowego, azotu amonowego, etanolu oraz stabilność tlenową. W uzyskanych kiszonkach w porównaniu do materiału przed zakiszaniem stwierdzono mniejszą zawartość włókna surowego, ADF, a w kiszonce z inokulantem również NDF. Podstawowy skład chemiczny oraz pH w obu wariantach zakiszania były podobne. Kiszonki z inokulantem charakteryzowały się większą zawartością kwasów mlekowego oraz octowego, natomiast mniejszą azotu amoniaku i etanolu. Kiszonka z inokulantem miała również wyższą stabilność tlenową. Badania wskazują, że zastosowanie inokulanta wpłynęło na poprawę jakości uzyskanych kiszonek

    Wpływ dawki pokarmowej wzbogaconej w syntetyczny lub naturalny beta-karoten na wybrane wskaźniki stanu zdrowia krów oraz parametry rozrodu

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    The effect of feeding ration, enriched in synthetic and natural ß-carotene on the selectedindicators of health condition of the cows and on reproduction parameters. The studies were conducted on 40 Simmental cows, classified into 4 groups, 10 animals in each group. The experiment was performed since the 4th week before calving until 12 week of lactation. In group I (control), standard nutrition, based on grass silage and maize silage was employed. In group II 400 mg of synthetic ß-carotene/cow/day to the ration was introduced. In group III, a part of maize silage was replaced by pumpkin silage in such ratio as to receive by 400 mg higher intake of natural ß-carotene/cow/day as compared to group I. The rations in group IV were not balanced in respect of the content of ß-carotene; there was only the replacement of 60% DM of maize silage by the pumpkin silage in this group. During the studies, blood samples were collected: to 5 hours after calving and on 4 and 12 week of lactation. Milk samples were collected on 4, 8 and 12 week of lactation and on 23 day after the first insemination. Morphological parameters of blood and concentration of ß-hydroxy-butyric acid in blood serum were analysed. In milk, somatic cell count and the level of progesterone on 23 day after insemination were determined. In group I during the following measurements were found the lowest levels of part of the morphological parameters of blood: after calving the lowest level of RBC (significant difference compared to group II), at 4th week of lactation the lowest level of HCT, and at 12 week of lactation RBC and HCT. The significant differences in somatic cell count in the milk, were recorded in the 8th week of lactation –significantly higher in group I as compared to group III. The significant differences between the groups in respect of BHM acid concentration was found only after calving. The highest BHM level occurred in the cows from group I and it was significantly higher in relation to group II and IV. In the cows from groups II, III and IV, the first heat occurred earlier; these animals had also shorter inter-gestation period. Also, the progesterone level, as determined on 23 day after insemination, was higher in the milk of cows from groups II, III and IV as compared to the animals from group I.Wpływ dawki pokarmowej wzbogaconej w syntetyczny lub naturalny β-karoten na wybrane wskaźniki stanu zdrowia krów oraz parametry rozrodu.Badania przeprowadzono na 40 krowach rasy simentale, podzielonych na 4 grupy po 10 osobników. Doświadczenie prowadzono od 4 tygodnia przed planowanym wycieleniem do 12 tygodnia laktacji. W grupie I (kontrolnej) stosowano standardowe żywienie oparte na kiszonce z traw i kiszonce z kukurydzy. W grupie II wprowadzono dodatek do dawki 400 mg syntetycznego ß-karotenu/krowę/dzień. W grupie III zastępowano część kiszonki z kukurydzy kiszonką z dyni, tak aby uzyskać w porównaniu do grupy I wyższe o 400 mg pobranie naturalnego ß-karotenu/krowę/dzień. Dawki w grupie IV nie bilansowano pod kątem zawartości β-karotenu, a przyjęto w niej zastąpienie 60% s.m. kiszonki z kukurydzy kiszonką z dyni. W trakcie badań od krów pobierano krew: do 5 godzin po wycieleniu w 4, 12 tygodniu laktacji. Próbki mleka pobierano w 4, 8 i 12 tygodniu laktacji oraz w 23 dniu po pierwszej inseminacji. Analizowano parametry morfologiczne krwi oraz w surowicy stężenie kwasu β-hydroksymasłowego. W mleku oznaczono liczbę komórek somatycznych oraz poziom progesteronu w 23 dniu po inseminacji. W grupie I podczas kolejnych pomiarów stwierdzono najniższe poziomy części parametrów morfologicznych krwi. Po wycieleniu najniższy poziom RBC (istotna różnica w stosunku do grupy II), w 4 tygodniu laktacji najniższy poziom HCT, a w 12 tygodniu laktacji RBC i HCT. Różnice między grupami w zawartości komórek somatycznych w mleku stwierdzono w 8 tygodniu laktacji - istotnie więcej w grupie I w porównaniu do III. Istotne różnice między grupami w stężeniu kwasu BHM w surowicy stwierdzono tylko po wycieleniu. Najwyższy poziom BHM występował u krów z grupy I i był istotnie wyższy w stosunku do grupy II i IV. U krów z grup II, III i IV w porównaniu do I wcześniej wystąpiła I ruja, a także miały one krótszy okres międzyciążowy. Również oznaczony w 23 dniu po inseminacji poziom progesteronu wyższy był w mleku krów z grup II, III i IV w porównaniu do krów z grupy I

    The content of the selected mineral components in the liver of the European bisons at different age

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    Materiał badawczy stanowiły próbki wątroby pobrane od 25 żubrów, wyeliminowanych w ramach corocznych odstrzałów selekcyjno-redukcyjnych przeprowadzonych w Puszczy Białowieskiej w latach 2005-2007. Oznaczono zawartość makroelementów i wybranych mikroelementów w wątrobach żubrów w różnym wieku, które porównano z wartościami referencyjnymi dla bydła oraz z wynikami wcześniejszych badań prowadzonych w Puszczy Białowieskiej. Zawartość analizowanych makro- i mikroelementów w wątrobie, we wszystkich grupach wiekowych żubrów, mieściła się w granicach wartości przyjmowanych za fizjologiczne dla bydła, z wyjątkiem Cu. Nie stwierdzono potwierdzonych statystycznie różnic dotyczących wpływu wieku na zawartość makro- i mikroelementów w wątrobach żubrów. W latach 2005-2007 zawartość Ca, P, Na, Mg, Mn i Zn w wątrobach żubrów była wyższa, zawartość K zbliżona, natomiast Cu i Co niższa w porównaniu do wyników badań z lat 1998- -2003. Wykazana w badaniach własnych zawartość Cu w wątrobach żubrów ze wszystkich grup wiekowych wskazuje na niedobór kliniczny tego pierwiastka, co stwierdzono również badaniach w latach 1998-2003.The research material included liver samples, collected from 25 European bisons eliminated during the annual selection – reduction shooting, conducted in the Białowieża Forest in the years 2005-2007. The aim of the work was to analyze the content of macroelements and the selected microelements in the liver of the European bison, depending on age, as compared to the reference values for cattle and the results of earlier studies, conducted in the Białowieża Forest. The content of the analyzed macro- and microelements in the liver in all age groups of the bisons was found within the limits of values, adopted as physiological ones for cattle, except for Cu. Any statistically confirmed differences concerning the effect of the age on the contents of micro- and macroelements in the liver of the European bison were not recorded. The levels of Ca, P, Na, Mg, Mn and Zn in the livers of the bisons, as studied in the years 2005-2007 were higher, K similar, Cu and Co were lower as compared to the results of the studies, conducted in the years 1998-2003. The contents of Cu, as determined in the livers of all age groups of the bison in own studies indicate clinical deficiency of the discussed element, which occurred also in the years 1998-2003