29 research outputs found

    Unsupervised non-parametric change point detection in quasi-periodic signals

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    We propose a new unsupervised and non-parametric method to detect change points in intricate quasi-periodic signals. The detection relies on optimal transport theory combined with topological analysis and the bootstrap procedure. The algorithm is designed to detect changes in virtually any harmonic or a partially harmonic signal and is verified on three different sources of physiological data streams. We successfully find abnormal or irregular cardiac cycles in the waveforms for the six of the most frequent types of clinical arrhythmias using a single algorithm. The validation and the efficiency of the method are shown both on synthetic and on real time series. Our unsupervised approach reaches the level of performance of the supervised state-of-the-art techniques. We provide conceptual justification for the efficiency of the method and prove the convergence of the bootstrap procedure theoretically.Comment: 8 pages, 7 figures, 1 tabl

    BRUL\`E: Barycenter-Regularized Unsupervised Landmark Extraction

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    Unsupervised retrieval of image features is vital for many computer vision tasks where the annotation is missing or scarce. In this work, we propose a new unsupervised approach to detect the landmarks in images, validating it on the popular task of human face key-points extraction. The method is based on the idea of auto-encoding the wanted landmarks in the latent space while discarding the non-essential information (and effectively preserving the interpretability). The interpretable latent space representation (the bottleneck containing nothing but the wanted key-points) is achieved by a new two-step regularization approach. The first regularization step evaluates transport distance from a given set of landmarks to some average value (the barycenter by Wasserstein distance). The second regularization step controls deviations from the barycenter by applying random geometric deformations synchronously to the initial image and to the encoded landmarks. We demonstrate the effectiveness of the approach both in unsupervised and semi-supervised training scenarios using 300-W, CelebA, and MAFL datasets. The proposed regularization paradigm is shown to prevent overfitting, and the detection quality is shown to improve beyond the state-of-the-art face models.Comment: 10 main pages with 6 figures and 1 Table, 14 pages total with 6 supplementary figures. I.B. and N.B. contributed equally. D.V.D. is corresponding autho

    Global Adaptive Filtering Layer for Computer Vision

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    We devise a universal adaptive neural layer to "learn" optimal frequency filter for each image together with the weights of the base neural network that performs some computer vision task. The proposed approach takes the source image in the spatial domain, automatically selects the best frequencies from the frequency domain, and transmits the inverse-transform image to the main neural network. Remarkably, such a simple add-on layer dramatically improves the performance of the main network regardless of its design. We observe that the light networks gain a noticeable boost in the performance metrics; whereas, the training of the heavy ones converges faster when our adaptive layer is allowed to "learn" alongside the main architecture. We validate the idea in four classical computer vision tasks: classification, segmentation, denoising, and erasing, considering popular natural and medical data benchmarks.Comment: 28 pages, 25 figures (main article and supplementary material). V.S. and I.B contributed equally, D.V.D is Corresponding autho

    Self-supervised Physics-based Denoising for Computed Tomography

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    Computed Tomography (CT) imposes risk on the patients due to its inherent X-ray radiation, stimulating the development of low-dose CT (LDCT) imaging methods. Lowering the radiation dose reduces the health risks but leads to noisier measurements, which decreases the tissue contrast and causes artifacts in CT images. Ultimately, these issues could affect the perception of medical personnel and could cause misdiagnosis. Modern deep learning noise suppression methods alleviate the challenge but require low-noise-high-noise CT image pairs for training, rarely collected in regular clinical workflows. In this work, we introduce a new self-supervised approach for CT denoising Noise2NoiseTD-ANM that can be trained without the high-dose CT projection ground truth images. Unlike previously proposed self-supervised techniques, the introduced method exploits the connections between the adjacent projections and the actual model of CT noise distribution. Such a combination allows for interpretable no-reference denoising using nothing but the original noisy LDCT projections. Our experiments with LDCT data demonstrate that the proposed method reaches the level of the fully supervised models, sometimes superseding them, easily generalizes to various noise levels, and outperforms state-of-the-art self-supervised denoising algorithms.Comment: 13 pages, 12 figures. Under revie

    Landmarks Augmentation with Manifold-Barycentric Oversampling

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    The training of Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) requires a large amount of data, stimulating the development of new augmentation methods to alleviate the challenge. Oftentimes, these methods either fail to produce enough new data or expand the dataset beyond the original manifold. In this paper, we propose a new augmentation method that guarantees to keep the new data within the original data manifold thanks to the optimal transport theory. The proposed algorithm finds cliques in the nearest-neighbors graph and, at each sampling iteration, randomly draws one clique to compute the Wasserstein barycenter with random uniform weights. These barycenters then become the new natural-looking elements that one could add to the dataset. We apply this approach to the problem of landmarks detection and augment the available annotation in both unpaired and in semi-supervised scenarios. Additionally, the idea is validated on cardiac data for the task of medical segmentation. Our approach reduces the overfitting and improves the quality metrics beyond the original data outcome and beyond the result obtained with popular modern augmentation methods.Comment: 11 pages, 4 figures, 3 tables. I.B. and N.B. contributed equally. D.V.D. is the corresponding autho

    Synthetic CT Generation from MRI Using Improved DualGAN

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    Synthetic CT image generation from MRI scan is necessary to create radiotherapy plans without the need of co-registered MRI and CT scans. The chosen baseline adversarial model with cycle consistency permits unpaired image-to-image translation. Perceptual loss function term and coordinate convolutional layer were added to improve the quality of translated images. The proposed architecture was tested on paired MRI-CT dataset, where the synthetic CTs were compared to corresponding original CT images. The MAE between the synthetic CT images and the real CT scans is 61 HU computed inside of the true CTs body shape