1 research outputs found

    Estimating and Forecasting the Resource-Ecological Security in the Context of Ensuring the Economic Security of Region

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    The article proposes methodical bases for forecasting of resource-ecological security in the context of development of ecological component of national economy. In particular, they include an adaptive model of estimating and forecasting the status of the resource-ecological security by means of the taxonomic analysis and the main components methods, indicative management, determination of factor loadings which impact security the most. The article also propose the system of supporting the decision-making for implementation of optimal management, realization of which allows to identify peculiarities and tendencies of development of the given sphere and to adjust financial flows, directed to financing of the nature-protective and resource efficient measures. The inverse relationship between the growth of economic security and the decline of resource-ecological security is determined, which indicates the raw-material orientation of the Ukrainian economy, gaining profit from the seizure of natural resources and deterioration of the quality of natural environment. Practical application of the developed approach is possible within the program-target method of management at development and realization of the State programs directed towards increase of stability both the resource-ecological security and the economic security of the State against the internal and external risks and threats